In Motion Monday

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Oct 02, 2017 1:53 pm

Yup you’re right Dee, migraine brain fa*ts
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:01 pm

Happy Birthday Sunny and CathyS! Hope for many more healthy and happy years!

I've been taking Monday off, and beyond doing a few things I think I'm going to continue the trend. Busy weekend here, and I took a nap already. I need some down time. I really should see my mother today but I know I can get there tomorrow.

At four p.m. today I have the online discussion group.

-empty dishwasher
-clean up kitchen
-clear/wipe breakfast bar
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 02, 2017 3:02 pm

Happy Birthday CathyS & Sunny!!

We are home from our short trip. It was the perfect length of travel & time away for me. The underground home we stayed in last night was a success. DS9 investigated all parts of it including walking all over the roof and inspecting the walls. We went to Museum of Osteology and it was about 1000000% more interesting than I expected. We are taking the next hour "off" then will return to our normal routine by picking up DGD6 from school.
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:02 pm

Oh happy birthday sunny and cathy!!!!

d mom worked on making a pattern for my chairs and couch all am and pm because they need to be covered

she went home and she looks exhausted. (the cats didn't dare go in the room when she was there lol)

the dogs stayed with me.

floors washed with a bit of bleach, cabinet fronts cleaned, most of the fridge washed, some more laundry done. every thing looks surface messy where mom left the cleaning supplies. She threw the dogs blankets into the dining room so I need to wash them. I still need to do a put away.

Laundry room looks lovely, d mom swept the front room floor. boy that little french women is spry and in better shape than I am.
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:07 pm

feel better d rose
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:07 pm

Thank you all for the birthday wishes!! Does Sunny's real name start with a J? Someone who is a SHE who is on my friend's list on FB has a birthday today and her initials are JP.

Got up early and there was absolutely nothing to do other than make the bed, and I decided to NOT do it. I figured I might want to get back into it before 10 p.m.

I paid off my smaller credit card today.

I also went and shopped and got myself some bath stuff.

I had a 60 minute phone call with MIL. We talked a lot about birthday gifts and Christmas gifts.
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:20 pm

Good afternoon everyone. I guess I will be in motion today, it's errand time.
Harriet wrote:what happened to that future in which we weren't going to have so many errands
I never heard of this. This weekend on the house and yard work front was an unparalleled success. I even got a start on my Halloween costume shirt. I got everything on my Friday list, except that I could not do any swamp cooler work. My instructions are on the computer that is in the shop. I have arranged an echocardiogram for Briggs, whose life expectancy is not all that great. This will tell us how bad and what comfort measures will be most useful. I got DD15 to guitar lessons, practice for youth led service, and to BOTH services on Sunday. Wasn't too thrilled about having to get up early, but did it.

And then Sunday afternoon it all went to Hades. DD had homework that required internet and could not get it to work. I was in the bathroom at the time and by the time I got out, she was hitting things, shouting, and coming close to breaking her computer and possibly my phone. I wasn't in there very long! My first attempt at fixing didn't work and she was so horrible, I ended up slapping her. That always results in threats to call police. I figured out what was wrong, there were two spelling mistakes rather than one when she typed in her email. I left her to work outside, but just got madder and madder. When I came in I apologized for slapping her, but told her the reason she did not live with me is because of behavior like this. It's actually true, but she didn't need to hear that. In fact, it used to be worse. Before the divorce she would punch me, and the x would do nothing because the counselor had told him we needed to fight our own battles. What she learned was "it doesn't matter what I do to mom unless it gets so bad she screams for dad to help". DD said the reason we don't get along is "we are too much alike", a line she is parroting from her father. A line he uses only when she does something terrible, because he never believed there were any problems with her, only me. He blames me for absolutely hating motherhood. And why should I like it? All it did was make me into a target, attacked from two directions. The counselor also thought that the solution to all our problems was very simple. DD would magically get better if we just had another child. Even the x saw through that nonsense. He never saw another counselor, because obviously they didn't work and he didn't have any problems. Of course not, he WAS the problem! They say time heals all wounds, but it is a lie. With time, I have realized just how awful things were with him. I am not closer to forgiveness, I am closer to hatred. So, I am stuck dealing with the only two things I have not seen covered in the Bible. It makes no mention of people who regret having children and does not say when/if euthanizing animals is acceptable.

A recurring phrase in the mystery novel I read at lunch is "try not to be morose". I am not succeeding very well. I guess I can only handle a max of 24 hours with DD. It's a good thing I fought like heck to have split Saturday/Sunday rather than alternating weekends.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:54 pm

NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! DD15 and I went to the last concert with K and P, who are married, and their friend R. K just RSVPed for Halloween party for the three of them, and his mother who is also in town. Excellent. Until his last paragraph, that is. K wanted to give me a heads up because people are getting "weirded out" by him and R and wondering what his wife thinks. He just wanted to confirm that R is his girlfriend and P "sorta knows". I told him that the more the better is the norm for Halloween, but that they are playing with nuclear weaponry. He put that in an emal! What's to stop me from posting it to Facebook? I could forward it straight to P if I had her address. I told him I was not going to inform DD15 of this. I advised him to just let people get weirded out. Most won't believe what they are seeing and will castigate themselves for thinking the worst.

What the blazes am I supposed to do now? Can't they just behave for a few hours? Autism does make DD less likely to notice odd behavior. However, it also makes her more likely to assume odd behavior is normal! She repeats things people say, using their exact tones and inflections. She models her actions on those she perceives as normal and acceptable so she can fit in. She also has great difficulty with "gray areas", although this situation is not at all gray.

I have taken a migraine pill and am almost recovered. I have made a financial appointment for my holiday next week and for my car's recall. There is another financial call I should make. I've been working on the bane report, no surprise there. And I totally forgot to wish Sunny and CathyS happy birthdays. I don't want to live a soap opera, give me back my sitcom!

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 02, 2017 5:41 pm

You know, with such a small group it always amazes me that we have any birthday twins, let alone triplets!

Dd called and chatted for a while.

I've wasted most of the day but have received confirmation from 2 so am just waiting to hear from the last family of 4. Then I can work on meal planning. I have to do this by FB messenger.

One of my goals for the day is to do 5 chores off my SHE list on Google calendar. I'm up to 4 so I just need to push ahead. Laundry is running now but I think refilling the vitamins might be the 5th. Dinner is started. Dishes from the rest of the day and meal prep are washed up.

I waved to the guys on the stage as they traveled past my window (there's a work stage set up and it is motorized so I see them coming and going.) They are friendly. Which is good, we'll be seeing a lot of each other. Thankfully since the bedroom as blinds, they won't see too much of me!!!!

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:08 pm

I started reading a "real" book today. I like making notes while reading a book and haven't become proficient doing it while reading digitally. Besides, I'm too sidetracked to read digitally because I will be distracted by other things. When I'm only holding a pen and book in my hand, the chances of being distracted are greatly reduced.

As part of homeschooling, DS9 and I read a book together. One reads and the other draws what is being read. At the beginning of each chapter, we start with a fresh piece of paper. We usually switch back and forth every couple of pages ....reading & drawing. DS9 likes to read so is eager to get the book back into his hands. But he gets tired of reading out loud so doing some drawing while I read a page or two gives him a break. We just started the Hardy Boy book series but I think after this book we won't do any more of the series for awhile. Although the books are rated for 4-5 grade reading level, the Hardy boys are older teenagers and are not the best examples of things to strive for. I'm going back to my original reading plan and will start the Swiss Family Robinson book next.

Putting books aside and returning to real life......It's Monday so that means it's time to clean the bedrooms. *POOF*
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