Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:31 pm

hi d harmony I am the same way;I don't like gore and creepy scary either! ur block is gentle halloween with scare crows (cute) and pumpkins;nothing bad at all. tv - I am definitely a Charlie brown halloween, Winnie the pooh, the disney version of Ichabod Crane cartoon and/or mickey/donald duck Halloween. Nothing else!

Definitely d Kathryn!!!

d Nancy - I wish I would have followed your lead on the metal pan

hi d harriet
If worst comes to worst, I have children's toothbrushes unopened! Will that just assure us of a trick?

hi d elizabeth yay on getting to dance class on time!
lol re: older cat - sounded like my old one -

d twins I will be praying for your d brothers best friend.

hello everyone.

home from lunch out with dd
the brat in me is getting tired. I want to take a nap - fight through it - fight through it -fight th zzzzzz - jk

the last of the dishes are done!!! now to wash the counters (again!)
going to ask dh to take out the garbage. He just finished the recycling.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:15 pm

what needs to be done still...

-finish washing the counters and stove again
-sweep up the floor
-vacuum the kitchen floor
-swiffer rinse and then wash by had with water and a touch of bleach - my wood floors need to be done again eventually. -
-wipe fronts of cabinets by sink (where I defrosted the now defunct turkey) -

the kitchen still has that smell of yucky turkey (thinking it is the floor)

Leave at 2:50 pm for dd's appointment
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:43 pm

After dbro called I went down the rabbit hole researching, then took a nap in the unmade bed. Just now walked the ddog.

I think I forgot to take my meds this a.m. - probably one reason I was sleepy. I also didn't have a.m. meds over the weekend because dh left my backpack here. "Didn't see it" when he loaded the car.

I am going to start at the BOTH and work 30 and play 30. I need to run to the drugstore also, will do that as part of a work period probably.

I need to do my feedback this week for the Pro Gen group. They split us into two groups so I only have three people this time to do feedback. The gal I mentioned, who turned in such a confusing incomplete assignment last time was late turning her work in this time, and still hasn't uploaded the original document that she transcribed and abstracted.

I worked myself into a snit over the temple secretary again - she's posting Facebook events with errors. Said "Send us ur RSVP"
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:38 pm

I am sure that your body needed the sleep d twins!
sorry she is misunderstanding what to do

off to dental surgeon for dd younger
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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:33 pm

I'm not crazy about Halloween, either. I never liked wearing costumes as a child, and I don't dress up as an adult. I was always the fuddy duddy on faculty dress up days when I was teaching. Halloween was also the peak roll-the-yard night, which (as a teacher) was annoying beyond belief. I hate scary movies, too. And I sorta dread the chaos of the carnival at our church -- which ddil and I are taking the dgrands to a little later tonight. (DS is out of town.)
I DO enjoy seeing others costumes, however, especially the cute kids.
And of course, I love eating the candy. ;)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:48 pm

My tacky tourist costume just got 2nd place at payroll. I get a $20 Amazon gift card! Coworkers are bringing their kids around to trick or treat at our offices. Really must get back to work.

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:44 pm

I'm home from errands.

Mailed the tax forms, which I'd actually filled out last April. There was something I had wanted to verify before having DH sign them, but then life interfered and I forgot to copy and mail them because in my head I knew I had done them. Luckily the deadline threw up a flag in my memory last night so I could have DH sign this morning before he left for work. The state's automatic Oct. 31 deadline extension is both a good and bad thing. Good because it is automatic so there's no penalty. Bad because it makes it too easy to procrastinate. If I had to make any effort to request the extension, I'd push to finish and mail the state tax forms when I do the federal in April.

Haircut is acceptable.

Remembered to stop for gas.

The Aldi closest to me is back open. :D They've been closed several weeks for remodeling. I've really missed that place. I didn't even know they had reopened until I drove past -- just looking for a sign with a projected date -- and saw lots of cars and customers going in and out of the new entrance. Hooray! They don't have all of the shelves fully stocked yet but I found everything I urgently needed.

Tonight there is a free sewing webinar to watch at 8:00. I have a little hand sewing to do at the same time.

We never get trick-or-treaters. When we first moved here I would buy several bags of candy to give out and at most we would have half a dozen kids. Now we leave our porch light off.

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:19 pm

Elizabeth, congratulations! Be sure to get a good photo, especially if you can hold up a ribbon or the prize itself. You'll enjoy having that photo someday.

It's not so much that we got 6 (wow) trick-or-treaters, it's that everyone brought both parents (so 6 of them, too), one set of grandparents came, and one great-grandmother! (only little ones came inside, but we chatted with all) that's 15 people. Ds was thrilled with the whole thing - he was the "inviter". He was telling each child what treats to get and laughing with everyone that we had HIS favorites (true).

HRH had earlier donned his Gandalf costume (and he really does look so Gandalf-like and has gotten so much out of that gift! I'm so glad I did that for him.) and visited his dcousin who has cancer and duncle who is also unwell (same household). He hurriedly tugged the costume back on again just before time to open the door for our first trick-or-treaters, so that was fun. His dgirlcousin got a photo of him with his uncle, too, and it is a keeper - I've sent it to our 4 kids already.

He also came home with a snack size bag of Re eses Cups, and I guess I'm glad he filled out our basket, although of course I've already had one! He is my "there might not be enough" worrier and this time he was right

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:07 pm

Knittomg group was great 2 of us of 4 there were in costumes mine was orange long sl. Thermal shirt w black tee over it woth fringe cut on the bottom grest and warm. The other gsl had a cape.

Walked ddog. Painted some rocks. I am with U gals on the not liking the evil scary stuff.

I brought the squash & pumpkins in it frosted here last night and one year lids smashed them I did not like doling out candy and then having to clean that up the next day. It was years ago only happened that one time.

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:10 pm

Okay, I may be crazy, but... ...

Let's be honest. There's a good chance I'm crazy. Nevertheless... ...

I posted a pick-your-own health challenge in our November Health and Fitness thread! GASP! Have you got a habit you'd like to keep up for the 30 days of November? Jump in! After all, what group do you know whom you'd rather tell what habit would be most helpful for you? What group do you know whom you'd rather cheer on for THEIR habits? See, it could work!

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