Sunday Sharing

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Re: Sunday Sharing

Postby Elizabeth » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:11 pm

Hi everyone. I am sharing sadness with DD15 right now. Tiki Marvelous (aka Geezer Kitty) is no more. Friday evening, she was walking unsteadily and weakly, so I called DD to say goodbye. I had made an appointment for her Saturday at 1130. As we petted her, I realized her body was already cooling down, even though she was still conscious. She could not find a comfortable way to lay down. I took her to the animal ER and had it done there instead of waiting. When they put the first medicine in the catheter, she dozed off. I realized that was the first time in a few weeks she really looked relaxed. Clearly the right thing to do. The next medicine stopped her heart. I was hoping she would last until DD's finals were over. She had the first set Friday and the next is tomorrow. It couldn't wait and DD recognized that. She did not go for the procedure.

One good thing about this weekend is I have not had time to mope about it. Saturday was cat clinic, followed by a visitor for Vina. She is going to adopt Vina, who will be MUCH happier as an only cat in a retired lady's house. Sunday, I missed church to pick up and deliver a formerly stray kitten for neutering, then dropped Briggs off in his new foster-to-adopt situation. If all goes well, I will have only two cats in my house, something that has not happened in two decades. However, we are already planning the next arrival(s). Saturday was the first time in 25 years there was not a single living soul in my house. Obviously, DD has been studying all day.

I have handled LOLs and bills and budget. The latter leaves me broke, but ALL bills are paid until next pay cycle. After I return DD to the x's house, I have to return two library books to Home City library, two others to Nearby Metro Area library, get gasoline, and cat food. And guess what? I am getting regular NON PRESCRIPTION cat food!!! Then I will do all the usual daily stuff, minus the cat meds, which no longer applies.

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Re: Sunday Sharing

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:24 pm

I am so sorry to her about you loss of sweet geezer kitty (((for you and your dear daughter)))
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Sharing

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:49 pm

I am feeling extremely blessed. So much to be thankful for.

Church this morning went smoothly with a couple extras
** I had forgotten to announce what the menu will be (Fried Chicken/potatoes) for Wednesday night so I quickly made that sign as soon as I arrived at the church and posted it.
** I also quickly made 2 sign up sheets for volunteers to cook 10 turkeys and 10 hams. I didn't have time to tell the person who normally does the announcements so had no option other than going on stage and do it myself. ARGh. For the FIRST TIME, I held the microphone on stage in front of the 300'ish people and talked. I was fearless....although now I do wonder if I sounded like a moron? Oh well......if I did, I did.
** I gathered all the food donations brought to be sent to Kuwait and took pictures of the items. I sent the picture of items to a lady who has experience mailing food items overseas. She gave me some pointers and suggestions. Bottom line is.... It is very expensive to mail food items overseas. According to her mailing cost 4x the amount of the food cost.

Lunch experiment turned out just like I had hoped. The hot food was ready to eat when we arrived home. It took less than 10 minutes to set everything out and start filling plates. Because the food prep was done yesterday the clean up was a total breeze.

After church today they were holding a barrel racing to raise money Special Olympics. Part of this fundraising event included serving lunch. I didn't get this on my calendar or I wouldn't have cooked today and would have eaten there to support them. I went to the 2 coaches and told them we already had lunch plans but I wanted to let them know how much I admire them for doing such a worthy project. They started telling me all the events they do for Special Olympics. As they were talking it suddenly dawned on me that DS9 might qualify. I asked and they immediately confirm that he did. They were very encouraging and shared the next event he can participate in (January). I am unsure whether DS9 will do it, but I want to go watch the next event and see if he is willing to try.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Sunday Sharing

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:54 pm

I'm exhausted too, Harriet.

In my nightgown and robe. Just having some decaf tea to settle my mind after another successful but active day.

We shared worship with our church family, leading the music.

We shared time with a church family with their 3rd baby and picked up the night tables they are sharing with W and R.

I enjoyed a planning time while dh wrote a work presentation during our lunch between the church services. I was able to settle upon dates for the plays we'll go to. There is no way we can get to the pantomime that CM is doing. It is over an hour away and we don't want to drive back late at night on that road in December, so that leaves only one show we might get to. To add 2+ hours of unnecessary driving to the month of December is too much. We have 5.5 hours of driving to get to our 5 carol events in the month. All but one of those is daytime driving though so manageable.

Giving up that play doesn't mean we won't have entertainment that month, just not that one play. There will be another play. We have 6 singing events so far, if you don't count the singing on the radio. Dh is hell-bent that we'll do it so that will take up a morning on one of the Saturdays in December.

This coming week we have 2 concerts to attend. One orchestral, the other folk music.

So we're on the go, even without all the things I might be doing with W & R. Oh, and dh has invited them to church with us on the 26th. They want to hear me preach but will come to the morning services and then my afternoon service. I think it is too much so hopefully W will say no. On the other hand, my seniors at the retirement home are excited to meet them! (I asked if they minded having Muslims sit in at their service - I have a Catholic who thanks me for letting her come each week even though she's Catholic so I wondered if adding Muslims might be too much. But they were fine with it!)

After a nice long lunch break we shared our worship skills at the retirement home.

Then we shared a huge birthday party honouring our senior friend.

Then we shared a lovely dinner with dgs and his family.

Now, after all that, I'm savouring the quiet of the apartment, with just the sound of the computer keys clattering, the ticking of the clock and the hum of the traffic in the background. My mind and body are still vibrating from all that has happened this weekend.

My tea is almost done. I'll wash up the dishes (yesterday's and today's breakfast dishes only, we've eaten the rest of the meals out) and then put away the laundry which I managed to get done today and climb into bed.

Tomorrow is another day. See you then!

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Re: Sunday Sharing

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:53 pm

The other team went into the apartment, moved the furniture, left tons (their word) of kitchen stuff, which they left out on the counter in a pile. And moved in more furniture. So much for me being able to take the microwave cart donated today which we are picking up tomorrow morning. But did they bring any items I asked for? No. They did replace a donated garbage can, part of the bathroom accessories set.

I was just off to bed when I got the email as I put my phone on the charger. I had to restart my computer and take an hour to reply. I have threatened to withdraw the church help for setting up the next household, instead leaving the donations on the front porch for her to take care of.

Physically tired but too upset to rest now.

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Re: Sunday Sharing

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:43 am

If I bought chicken tonight at Wmart -- NOV 12 -- and then got home and see that it says SELL BY NOV 10... I should take that back, shouldn't I?
I put it in the freezer, but the more I think about it, the more aggravated I am. $5.46
I'm irritated enough that they did not have the Angus burgers we usually eat, and dh said go ahead and get the cheaper ground beef, and it was dated today.
I think I'll be going back to Wmart tomorrow...
Tomorrow is another day.

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