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Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:45 pm
by lucylee
Sooo excited for dsil and DD, Dee!!!

And sooo happy to hear such great news for ds9, LadyM!!!

Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:47 pm
by Twins' Mom
I really have gotten a lot done this afternoon, but I'm winding down. Several things that I didn't get to, hopefully will try again tomorrow. I do need to go ahead and water my plants, tho.

Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:51 pm
by Elizabeth
Hi everyone! I missed my morning check in because I wanted to CUOP first. Already today, I have finished a new report, taken care of two DPCs, and made a new list for home stuff. My main WTF for the holiday weekend is almost done: the unicorn is finished and the koala needs only ear anchoring and tucking in some ends. During carpool this morning I started on some new ugly to add to my Christmas sweater: reindeer pockets! I had to find some paperwork this weekend so I ended up doing mass quantities of filing Sunday. That is why I did not finish the koala. My goal is to start the Hermione crochet on or before Dec 1. Unfortunately, the first day of the billing cycle, DD15 and I used 25% of my monthly data allowance. She tried to use my phone to stream music too. That was vetoed in a big way!

Now I need to post the new report and notify the appropriate people. Monday is usually errand day and today is no exception: office supply place, pet food store, and grocery store. I would like to spend 15 minutes each in the MBR and sewing room. I would also like to finish that koala tonight.

I am so happy for DeeClutter's DSIL and LadyMaverick's DS9. And for his highness and Miss Markle too.

Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 8:57 pm
by blessedw2
so happy dearest dee - praying for his future and may this new job be exactly what he wants and needs!

hi d elizabeth!

hi d twins wonderful on you getting so much done!

hi d lynn... happy tuesday to you! I am keeping my fingers crossed as well that your car will be very happy and cooperative

hi d dee well done on your work as well!

hi d lady!!!! so happy!!!! I am so glad he is in a low phase - awesome awesome awesome~!!!!

d harriet - hello

d lucy - howdy

d harmony and all hello hello

Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 9:07 pm
by blessedw2
errands - holiday shopping took much longer than I thought. ;) I did get an idea from d nephew and I have an idea from d niece.
d brother will find a present for his d wife from my mom. d mom gets very flustered regarding xmas for d brother and his wife as they are the ones that go to her house for Christmas. I also found an idea or two for my name pick.

turkey broth is made and will be used tomorrow
came home to the pots and dishes from dinner - they are now in dw - stock pot is now soaking, dh took the garbage out (left over veg/bones etc. from broth we made).

I am going to try to do some of the work in the

So far I have not done my following chores:

laundry room chores
rest of dailies (I was embarrassed when the service man came - even though I had vacuumed and swiffer rinsed the first floor on Thursday morning the floor looked horrible because of dog hair :shock: I also had laundry to go up the stairs in 2 baskets and dh had emptied the back of my car on Thursday and I haven't had a chance to put away the coats and the towels. I had washed the kitchen floor yesterday and today there is shepherd hair on the way down to the stairs ;)

tomorrow I have to do a bit of shopping - menards - Christmas present, stop by local shop, get glasses, order dd younger s contacts, pick up christmas stocking,

Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 9:58 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
It's lovely to be away all day and come back to the village and see such good news!

I never got to the data entry. I was just getting ready for a walk in the sunshine when I got a call. That took 90 minutes to sort out.

Dh and I then went for our walk. I had taken my inhaler before the phone call and really noticed the jitters and feeling like my heart was beating fast but I didn't get the tight chest on the uphill while walking and we were going fairly fast. I was out of breath for talking, still, though.

We got home and decided to have dinner right away. While making up batter for onion rings, dh discovered we had 14 eggs that expired on the weekend. I had meant to bake while they were away but had never got around to it.

So now we have 2 eggs for my breakfast tomorrow and the rest are used up, 8 for lemon squares and 4 for an impossible ham pie. Dd called while the pie was in the oven to ask about sharing baking this season so the extra lemon squares (I made two batches) are now spoken for. I need about 2/3 of a batch for next Sunday night.

I'm exhausted now but everything is cleaned up except the baking dishes. The dishwasher is running.

Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:00 pm
by Lilac
So wonderful to hear good news for Dee's dsil.

LadyM, I am so excited about your DS9's vast reduction in tics.

Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:16 pm
by Nancy
I have done the after dinner routine. Dishwasher is going now. I worked in hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon on clearing leaves from the front yard. Got that done yea! Planned leftovers roast and veg for dinner was yummy.

Re: prince harry got engage Monday

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:55 pm
by Harriet
Gee, I was happy enough for Dee and family just to hear that dsonil's attitude was so positive. Now to hear such remarkable news ... ... whoa! I am supposing that if this is 30 days, dd will hold down the fort and wait, but if it went further would she quit work to journey away with him consistently, Dee? I was thinking, you could hear about "having to travel" to a lot of places, but "having to travel" to the Bahamas sounds pretty good. He must feel very appreciated today.

LadyM, I was quite happy enough, then, and had to take a deep breath upon hearing your even more remarkable news but thank you So Much for keeping us in the loop on ds' benefits. Although chiropractic adjustment could possibly do great things, i would assume it would take time and be progressive. So I tend to agree with Lynlee about the avoidance of dyes having more "staggering" :) possibilities, since this sounds like a systemic improvement coming from within. As you have worked with ds to eliminate dyes, I'd guess that other additives are reduced, too, like artificial sweeteners, maybe... ..? Who knows. And she asked him to add veggies, which would also sway the percentages more to simplicity. Anyway, it's just wonderful to hear. Even if your family does deal with some back and forth, this is a joyful trend.

Lynlee, best mechanical wishes for the car.

Harmony, best wishes for the computer.

Even after a night's sleep, I still had to nap today, and feel like hitting the hay now. Dd is creating a whale in the dining room. She will bake it in the morning. (clay over tinfoil) She will paint and then "install" (since it is "Installation Art") at the local fish store. This has to do with environmental statement - the whale will change over time and eventually be "caught" in a net, and trash/pollution will spill from its open mouth. I am amazed, frankly, that the fish store is allowing this, even though they know her from adoptive situations. There's nothing that will actually hurt their building, but they are really going out of their way to allow some random college art project on their premises.