Super Saturday?

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby Nancy » Sat Dec 02, 2017 7:22 pm

I got the top of the china hutch decorated for the holidays, now I need to box up the stuff I took off the hutch. Got a spot for the tree figured out.

Unloaded the dish washer. Laundry is current. I took some stuff out of the fridge for the hens, walked the dog to the corner.

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby Harmony » Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:40 pm

Been busy around here. I folded up 2 loads of laundry and got DH's work clothes washed and hung up.

I brought ladder in and got all the inside decorations down off the top shelf. I was going to start in on that but I was sleepy so didn't start yet. Took a small nap. Cooked a nice dinner and have leftovers for tomorrow and 2 days' worth in the freezer. Tiny bit of beef in a whole lot of brown rice. With a tomato sauce, baked in green pepper. It wasn't bad, considering what little bit of beef I put in, and of course I left off the cheese I usually melt on top. We were tired of turkey.

Drove up to jobsite to pick up DH who called for a ride home. He just took his dump to get a load of dirt for guy who needed it along his seawall. We still have to tackle all that paperwork.....

I have been going to bed earlier and getting up earlier (to see how DH is doing). That's a good habit to keep.

Hmmm, my computer says 4:39PM and it's really after 7:30. I wonder how I change that?

Have a nice evening!

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby Lynlee » Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:39 pm

Harmony - In Settings - there is a heading
Time and Language
speech, region, date

You can choose a more apt time zone there. Hopefully one that is actually your own.
(I once chose a place in Russia with my time zone when the rest of our east coast went to DST.)
I hope the new work zone works better for you and DH.
You both should be getting extra points for effort under difficult circumstances.

Washed sheets yesterday. In draped on couches, ready to fold and PA.
Odd showers continue unexpectedly.

Church this morning
Spoke to someone re outing tomorrow. Hoping for ok weather.
People from a group 40 yrs ago. I think I only know 1 person and her husband. Not a special friend of old.
I was ambivalent towards going, but somehow said yes when asked again this morning. Honestly, its nice to be asked. My social set has totally diminished. It will be an early start for me.
A bbq up the river?. I might pack some bread that suits me in case of hamburgers. And a nut bar in my handbag, of course, in case its all a bother. Unless the salad is all pasta, potato or coleslaw I should be ok.
Msg to me. Get up early and eat a hearty bfst. Its outside my comfort zone.
I'll need to do better re bed time tonight.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:57 pm

* sigh *
So... it didn't turn out to be a very "super" day for our team today. It was more of a terrible, horrible, very bad day. I'll have a tired unhappy man back home in a couple hours, I guess. I hope he made it to his seat okay. He was very pleased to get aisle seats... BUT... he had to climb 25 steps to get to them.
Maybe it will cheer him up to see our Christmas candles in the windows and the decorations out all over the house now.

It was not a very super day for me, either. I had a MILLION things that I needed to do and I didn't do one single thing during the ballgame. Not because I was so engrossed in it -- by the second quarter, it was getting kinda depressing and I had eaten too much, so I just lay down and dozed through most of the rest of it. I watched enough to see that we looked pitiful, though.

* I did get the decorations put out though, except for a few more ornaments I found * Lilac -- it always happens, doesn't it? * and I just spilled the plastic Nativity scene out on the hearth so dgs can put it up like he wants to tomorrow night. Also saving the tabletop train set for him to help with.
* I washed the sheets and they are ready to go back on the bed.
* I went to the post office, bank, and CVS drug store.
* Spent a long time in bank parking lot talking to dfriend -- the one whose dh disappeared a few weeks ago. He is in hospital rehab now.
* Picked up a pizza -- see above -- ate too much.
* Transferred pictures from the phone to the computer (still need to edit them)
I'm going to give myself ta-das also for ;)
* washed hair
* shaved legs
* used facial masque
* did Bible reading
Also have talked to ddil a couple of times today. Her parents went home this afternoon. They all went to church Breakfast w/Santa this morning. She asked me if I was going, but I declined. I preferred to sleep late, and I wanted her to get to do that with her parents without me hanging around. DGD was terrified of Santa, and the only way they could get a picture was for ddil to be in it too, LOL.

Before dh gets home, I would LOVE to have the
[x] sheets on the bed
[x] boxes put away and
[x] dishes washed (a bunch of stuff left over from last night)

Lynlee -- amen to what you said for Harmony --
You both should be getting extra points for effort under difficult circumstances.

My Sunday are filling up fast too... I would sorta like to take my dmom to the tour of homes in nearby town -- where my uncle and aunt live, and where my paternal grandparents lived till their deaths. That is next Sunday. I haven't mentioned it to her, b/c y'all know how I am about PLANNING things and making COMMITMENTS. It wouldn't matter anyway, b/c she can't plan or commit to anything, either. Last night, she said she would bring macaroni & cheese, fried okra, fruit salad, and a orange-nut cake to dgd's birthday dinner. Ha. The best laid plans, right? She had a low blood sugar attack and in her words, "was not fit for anything" from then on. At least she showed up. * sigh *
Anyway, that is next Sunday, and the following Sunday is -- just found out tonight -- a wedding shower for dcousin who just got engaged.
DDIL called to say, do we HAVE to go to this & get gifts for this, b/c they aren't getting married till next summer, right? So there's no telling how many parties we'll be invited to before then! I told her she was probably right, and if she didn't go to the party, just forget about sending a gift. ;)

I have been going to bed earlier and getting up earlier (to see how DH is doing). That's a good habit to keep.

WTG, Harmony! I wish we could do a little more of that around here. I thought I would get up early today... but noooo...

Nancy -- you're doing great. As others have said, don't push yourself and just do whatever you feel like this Christmas. You don't have to apologize for anything you DON'T feel like doing.
One of our best friends told me, after my ddad's death, that something HE told her after her mom died had stayed with her, and it was so true. She said ddad said "The first year IS the hardest. The first year after my mother died, I thought I couldn't stand it. It was just so hard to go to their house and her not be there. But the next year was a little better. And each year, it got a little easier." That doesn't mean he ever forgot her, of course, and I know it was hard again, in a different way, when my dstepgm entered the family. The memories are ALWAYS there. But the memories do get a little less painful as time goes on. I was so glad when the first year passed and I thought, we've gotten past all these milestones.
Just hang in there and be kind to yourself.

Kathryn, ddil wanted me to come tonight to get a gift that she is supposed to take to church tomorrow -- she said she and ds had already decided not to go. He had to get up and leave the house by 6:00 a.m this morning, and they have another early appt 2 hours away Monday, and they are worn out after the last few days. I told her I didn't want to get out again tonight, that I would come in the morning and she could leave it in her car. I can only imagine how cold it is where you are!
It is really not so cold here -- I wore short sleeves on my errands today -- and it is in the 40s now. My excuse was that I am driving dh's truck, the interior light doesn't work, and it's just not my favorite thing to drive -- especially at night.

OH DRAT. :oops: I just clicked on that update thing on the phone. I had NOT been planning to do that. Sheesh. I hope it doesn't spin me into a new learning curve like Harmony is having with her computer! I've been telling it to "remind me later" forever. DS says he always installs the updates when they recommend them, though. Maybe it will be fine.

I also need to remember ornaments for the dgrands when I am shopping Tuesday. Maybe your dd didn't throw away her ornaments, Lilac. She is probably like me and has a bunch of cheap, half-broken ones that she DID need to throw out. At least with dh away, I did not put out every tacky ornament/tabletop item we own. I hope he doesn't notice, LOL.

Twins, somehow I missed it when your ds & dd finally decided to go ahead and get an apartment together! I know there must be a lot of excitement -- and probably some bittersweet emotions and anxiety -- going on at your house right now! I hope everything goes well for both of them. AND for you and dh. And I can sympathize with the "dismantling" of your dmom's house, b/c of our experience w/dinlaws. Of course, I know it will be harder still when it is my dmom's house we have to deal with.

Thinking a lot about estate stuff, with Nancy's posts, and now this from you, Twins. The other night, dh was complaining about the cost of a new SUV and bemoaning our financial state again and I got mad all over again at dbil for doing just as my ddad said he would and (IMHO) taking advantage of us in the settlement of our stuff.
DH said he did NOT take advantage of us, that dh could have taken more of the rental property in town to even things out, but dh just didn't want to bother with it. The taxes, the headaches of repairs, the down times in between renters... dh just had no desire whatsoever to be involved in that. DH said if I was mad at anyone, I should be mad at him, but he was fine with the settlement of the estate, he got exactly everything he wanted in it, and the change in his relationship with his dbro was worth more than ANY amount of money. He said, "Do you think I would have been able to go to this ballgame with him a couple of years ago???" That is so true. Dbil is a changed man, and if it took dh giving more financially, so be it. As dh said, "That money and property wasn't mine anyway; I didn't work for it. Anything I got was just a gift."
Then I got up and did my Bible reading and the devotion was about forgiveness... so I felt really selfish about having hard feelings. :oops:

Well -- that is as far as I can see in Topic Review -- and I am promising myself 30 min. breaks between remaining tasks...
And since the phone started that stupid update, the timer isn't working so I'm overtime now. :roll:
BBL, I hope!
Last edited by lucylee on Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby Harriet » Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:34 am

Hi, everyone.

Sitting here with a wet head for a bit. S2S in prep for morning. I need to leave the house rather early.

I took care of toddlerC for an hour and a half while ds and our green-eyed boy had some Daddy time. HRH made her homemade banana ice cream and she was delighted - willingly sat in the high chair for that, lol. Her big brother was unhappy at time to leave, and I agreed with him. We pouted together because he hadn't had enough time here. :)

For supper, I just cut up a bunch of veggies for 2 different ideas. HRH made an oriental soup of his favorites until he almost didn't have space in his bowl for his bean sprouts over the top. I made a stir-fry for me with all those plus everything else that made sense at all - mushrooms, greens. If I buy it, I surely want to put it in something, lol, and a stir-fry rounds up all the likely suspects.

I also got out ahead on our household Desk Day. Received a shipping cost reimbursement on the package we were to receive Mon. The one we were to receive Tues was supposedly "on the truck for delivery" today again, but again a no-show. I count on nothing any more.

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Re: Super Saturday?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Dec 03, 2017 1:15 am

After midnight here. I was working on refugee finance stuff. Finally got all the expenses (I hope) from the other team and it is worse than I thought. It was only a few hundred here or there but that adds up. There is still $1000 left in the start-up fund but that's less than the $2000 I hoped for. Transportation was done wrong so may cost them an extra $100. The rest of just things costing more, the unexpected half month's rent and the some things are prepaid (like some food, phone and internet.)

I still feel sick when I look at the numbers. Hopefully it will encourage W to get a job soon.

Heading off to bed now.

Harmony: thanks for mentioning laundry earlier. I had forgotten to start mine.

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