Snowy or sunny Sat.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:07 pm

Sermon is done. But not printed since our printer has been getting sicker and sicker. I'm downloading the user manual now to see if I can troubleshoot the problem.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Lilac » Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:11 pm

Dgs11's 5th and 6th grade basketball team "The Fluffy Bunnies" won the championship game. It was against the only team who beat them this year. Xsil is the coach. The team they beat is from a tiny town just west of us. Let me tell you this town takes their sports seriously clear down to the kindergarten level. Their fans are the most obnoxious bunch of people. They hoot and holler if they are winning and if they are losing then the other team is cheating, etc. We were sitting at the top of the bleachers. Across the aisle was a bunch of their fans. One lady yelled out instructions to the players the entire game. If she is such an expert, then maybe she should be the coach. Talk about an intense game, especially the last 6 minutes. Glad to be home.

I have my Christmas cards in the mail as of this morning. Yeah! It's hard to believe Christmas Eve is next Sunday. This is our year to have our celebration on Christmas Eve. Dd2 will have the boys on Christmas morning and then they will go to their dads at 2 and then spend the night before coming back on the 26th.

Getting hungry, better do something about that...............

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Harriet » Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:35 pm

That was a good win, Lilac. Yay, Fluffie Bunnies

I'm up from my nap that I just HAD to have (well, it had me) after we got back from Angel Tree delivery day.

Fruit bags for each child were there for us to take, too - a very nice touch by a lady from our study.

Things seemed to be going well until... ... we had finished our breakfast in the fellowship hall and started bringing gifts over to tables for each of the "routes" I had made up - anywhere from one to three households in a general area. We got to the end of the presents and still had 2 children left over! :shock: I found my records and just had to tell all helpers (in an "all hands on deck" voice) that married couple R and R had not brought their gifts. At first we couldn't reach them, but one helper had an additional phone number for them. Relief was short-lived. Because of illness, they had completely forgotten and neglected even buying, and thought they still had more time.

So, we had to have two of our teams go by stores on their travel-way to buy gifts, bags and tissue, and I made up new "angel" tags for them to use. Thank goodness I keep all the paperwork in one 3-ring binder. Dd was assigned to buy for a young teen who wears a "junior" size and she did well with wise purchases.

Dd and I went in the church van with 3 others. We had the most houses/children. We had good experiences everywhere, with a lot of appreciation. But when we got back to the churchyard (and we should have taken the longest) one team still wasn't back. Everyone said, "M is with them (our bass singer) so they'll be fine" and insisted that we all go home.

But I couldn't stand it. I called another lady on that team from my house, and learned that although they were fine, they felt they just had to go out for more things to help a truly destitute family. In a situation with only one bed - a single - for the family, always a minimum of one adult was sleeping on the floor, sometimes two, or one and a child. The team went out and bought them an air mattress and pump, so that it can be inflated at night in the small house but deflated when they need the space.

So all went well. It was a good day, but really took all day long. Dd says since we know our tenor and bass are both going to be there tomorrow, maybe she will lead singing with them, in which case they wouldn't need me until church time. Don't know.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:42 pm

Oh, Harriet, that is so wonderful that y’all were able to do so much for those who have so little.
There is so much that so many of us take for granted. Here I sit, worrying that my dryer is going to be the next appliance to die, and I imagine you saw people who don’t even have a washer and dryer.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:40 pm

I'm pleased with my progress today. House is decorated. 90% of the gifts are wrapped. I'm still waiting to receive some of the gifts and I need to buy some other gifts. But the big majority of it is done.

I have had the house all to myself for over 5 hours today. RARE. I have kept it totally silence. No TV. No radio. No music. It has been a productive day with being able to keep my thoughts on what I am doing.

I have organized all the gift wrapping supplies. Instead of 3 different plastic tubs of gift wrapping paper, sacks, ribbon, etc now I have it all in one long large plastic tub.

I also organized all the cake decorating supplies. I haven't decided if I will devote a cabinet in the kitchen to this purpose or keep all the supplies in a plastic tub. For the moment I went with a large plastic tub. I need to let some time pass and see how much I actually use these supplies. Will I decorate weekly or monthly? Will this be a lifelong activity or just a passing fancy? Once I know the answer to those questions then I can decide a permanent home for these unique items.

I have done some research on the weighted blankets. They are expensive (IMHO) for something that I am not sure will be useful. To purchase a weighted blanket for DS9 would be around $250. I am hesitant about having anything filled with plastic beads. As I read the reviews I see many comments about the plastic bead spilling out of the blankets while asleep. Keeping the blankets clean seems to be a monumental task. I am intrigued by an article showing they made weighted blankets using rolled up sheets for the weighted filling. I KNOW I can keep sheets clean and they won't spill out and make a mess. Hum....
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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:44 pm

My dryer really is making the most awful sound you have ever heard! It is kind of a scraping-metal sound... kind of a screeching sound. I can just imagine what dh is going to say when it quits. I tumbled some clothes in that last load about 5 minutes and I shut it off! Better for it to do this when he is here to hear it himself, than for me to have to break the news to him when he comes home. I am pretty ignorant of all things mechanical, but I'd guess it needs a new belt? That's probably not all THAT expensive, but -- as dh said about the access door underneath the floor -- are they giving them away free??? * sheesh *
Thank goodness the laundry is all caught up except for sheets. That is supposed to be Monday's task anyway. ;) See my earlier post re: how THAT'S working out for me, LOL...

WTG to the Fluffy Bunnies!

I know the kind of town you are speaking of, Lilac... I may live in one of those towns... :oops:
I'm really kinda glad dgs isn't playing anything yet. He will be old enough for t-ball next year. DS says even though he may be old enough for basketball, ds doesn't really care if he plays or not, until he gets a little bigger. Right now, it is really tough for him to shoot the ball anywhere near a full-size goal. But I imagine if he really acts like he WANTS to play, they will let him. At this point, I don't know if he will show any interest anyway.

(((HUGS))) for your sick printer, Kathryn.

EVERYTHING is wrapped.
EVERYTHING that goes in stockings is in zip-lock bag for that person (except Goo Goo Cluster candies, which we'll get next week in Nashville. We could probably get them right here at Wmart, but it's kind of a traditional candy for us at the Grand Ole Opry.)
ALL cards are in the mail.
:?: What else do I need to do? Probably should offer to help dmom some next week... and I have to bake cookies. Have to take dgs to his class party Tuesday.
Otherwise -- I THINK I can sit back and enjoy.

Oh -- I never did play the piano earlier today.

Got a picture from ds -- looks like dgs is having a good time.

WTG, LordM, buying your mom new tires!

LadyM, ddil made dgs one of those weighted blankets (with the beads). I think it was an EXTREMELY time-consuming undertaking. But I think he loves the blanket. He has brought it over here before, but only once. Since then, he's happy with just a thick comforter. You have an excellent point re: keeping it clean, and the chance of those beads spilling out everywhere. The rolled up sheets seem like a MUCH wiser choice for stuffing, and I can see how they would add a lot of weight.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:00 pm

LadyM: a duvet cover over the blanket will solve most cleaning issues. That plus a sheet will be between the child and the blanket. I don't know how many nighttime 'accidents' you are having, still.

Here's a way of testing the concept with him with no sewing and reduced cost.

Home from dinner. Sang while we walked to keep our pace up because it is really cold out there.

Printer needs a new drum. That comes with the cartridge in the original replacements from Samsung but with refilled cartridges, the drum won't be new. I have 45% of the ink left in this cartridge. Same is true for our backup one (and same problem with the drum.)

A new cartridge is $130 and is shipped from the US so I'll have to wait until we get back from our trip. A refill one will be $63 but the drum may not be as robust. It will be here by Thursday since it ships from Montreal.

Dh and I just realized we have a movie tomorrow morning at 10 so it will be a scramble tomorrow. Sigh.. we both forgot.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby BookSaver » Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:17 pm

I did not turn on the computer all day until now. I might be having Internet Withdrawal Stress. ;)

I stayed up way too late last night cutting out and sewing coworker H's gift (described in AC&N thread). H only works Saturdays and the library will be closed the next 2 Saturdays, so I won't see her until sometime in January. I could have waited on her gift and called it a New Year's present, but I was afraid that would look like I'd forgotten her.

I did enjoy the sewing last night. I was watching White Christmas with Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Ellen. Actually, I watched all the Special Features on the DVD first, the making-of behind-the-scenes interviews. That meant only seeing the first half of the movie before I finished sewing the gift, so I'll watch the end of the story when I start sewing again. Of course, I've already seen that movie several times.

First thing this morning I wrapped H's gift and cooked a good breakfast before work.

We had steady business at the library, maybe a little slower than usual but I had plenty to do. I didn't have time for a break, so by the time I got home I was more than ready to relax. DH and I went to a local diner for late lunch. We got home shortly before 5 and I immediately went upstairs for a nap. I slept for an hour and a half and I feel much refreshed.

I don't think I should sew tonight, but I'll try to get a few projects cut out. I have to sew tomorrow. Deadline for the other 4 coworker gifts is Tuesday morning to have time to wrap them before staff meeting that afternoon. I should be able to sew them all tomorrow -- but we all know that sometimes life interferes with our plans!

Oh, and I still haven't found my good rotary cutter. Last night I used a mini cutter and it was a tedious process. I'm mad at myself for not following my normal habit of putting my sewing tools where they belong immediately. Obviously last time I used the cutter I set it down somewhere "just for now" and didn't get back to it. :(

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Harmony » Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:36 pm

Lucylee, I cannot schedule my life tightly. I can't say Tuesday I clean bathrooms, wed I do floors, etc. I get interrupted too much. I can usually keep in my mind what needs most attention that day. Are the laundry hampers full? Do beds need changed? Are floors needing mopped? What works for me is to just keep busy at working around doing stuff. That helps the most.

Dailies need done every day for sure. Bills to pay? (I have more than most people). Dishes to do. Cook food. Pick up messes everywhere. Run my little sweeper (or dust mop or swiffer or broom) on most of the floors every day.

I have weekly and daily and monthly schedules printed out on sheet in my HH notebook. I keep to those on a very loose schedule. It sounds to me like you do pretty well but don't give yourself enough credit for all that you do. Babysitting little ones takes a lot of time! When we have family here I don't try to do anything but what's necessary to take care of the company.

Today I didn't do a lot. Was supposed to bake cookies but never did that either. I did cook a nice dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. Maybe I'll feel more energetic tomorrow.

Guess I just needed a rest after a busy couple weeks here. Slept really hard for a while.

Kathryn, Do any of the stores near you sell copier parts? I got my new drum at Off ice De pot. I wasn't cheap but it came with another cartridge of toner. I've only had to change it once in about 10 years.

Two blankets feel heavier than 1. And some blankets at the stores are heavier than others to begin with. I bought a quilt one year that was very very heavy, so much that I just took it back. I'm thinking the heavy blanket is the same idea as thunder shirts for dogs?!

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:13 pm

Harmony: our printer is 14 years old which is why getting parts for it is hard. I thought it was 20 years old but obviously we had another laser printer before this one. This one has a duty cycle of 100,000 pages per month and is a real workhorse. We've only done 24,000 pages since we got it. We are on at least our 5th cartridge since getting it but they are rated for only 2 years according to something I read so that isn't too bad. The only problem we have with it is the drums go regularly but they are replaced with the cartridge so that isn't too bad. The other issue was with connecting it to our network but it isn't a network enabled printer so that isn't the fault of the printer.

I watched the end of the NHL Classic game (played outside.) This one was being played in Ottawa and at the end there was fireworks so I rushed to the window to see them 'live' instead of watching them on the TV!

The recycle is out and dh found a folding table for a balcony in the recycle room so that's now tucked in a corner of the dining room. We can use it for one of the refugee families.

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