Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:23 pm

At dinner out so I can do the grocery shopping on the way home.

Just got an email from dd. I was cc'd on it. It is arranging a big new year's eve at my place or hers. We leave for the trip at 5 the next morning so it will be hers if it is at all! She is inviting her out of town God family to join us.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:24 pm

Helia, I hope your shoulder recovers completely. Take care of those shoulders. They are important. DH ignored his problems and kept working, over and over and now after 2 rotator operations that failed, he can't lift his arms properly, really much at all and it's been life changing for him and me. I think Dee would agree with me.

I'm calling today a semi-success. I have a turkey in the refrigerator and a counter full of food for Sunday.

And we got that water pump installed, and all the nuts and bolts went back in with none left over; we only had to go back to auto supply once, and we didn't have to buy any other tools. It only took 5 hours.

So, we're eating dinner now and I've got to get something done around here now that the day is over.

LadyM, I wish I could eat at your house. We are trying hard to stay away from anything bacon.

I am doing better, and desperately trying not to derail everything through the holidays. I had a set-point-high-weight that I never got beyond and last summer I fell off the planet and went way over that for the first time in my life. I've managed to get all that off and I'd like to keep the trend going if I can. I know the feeling of looking in the mirror with despair and I don't like it.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:42 pm

I had to come back to check my list from this morning and see where I am.

Errands = all done with the exception of buying minutes for my phone. That deadline isn't for over a week and, if necessary, I could do it online if for some reason I can't get to the only local store that stocks the refill cards.

Chores = :| inch by inch. :P

Just had a long conversation with the sewing group's new Treasurer. She was apologizing over and over that she hasn't contacted me yet about training and turning over the duties and files to her. She told me of having one family crisis after another since she agreed to serve as Treasurer next year, and I was starting to worry that she was calling to back out of the job and tell us to find someone else. It was such a relief when she said she definitely still wants to serve on the board, she just needs to delay until at least mid-January because she's leaving tomorrow for Idaho and won't be back for a couple weeks. I told her that I truly thought that I was responsible for doing the December and year-end reports anyway, so I wasn't expecting her to take the files until sometime in January. It would be different if she had already been on the board moving over from another committee. As it is, she will be brand new to the administrative branch of the group so, as much as I want to be done with that volunteer work, my conscience will not let me dump and run.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:56 pm

Well... I got home just in time to get supper cooking so that it would be done by the time dh walked through the door. The cottage roll was tiny, so cooking it at a full boil for just over 1 hour and 20 minutes was good enough. The I started the cabbage and then I started the boiled potatoes without peeling them.


my shopping is done!! Dh will be getting a pair of dark blue crocs, partly so that he loves blue and partly so he will take his instead of mine as his are 1 size larger. Because they were having a 60% off the second pair, I bought myself a pair of "slippers" in that they are lined with something pretending to be fur that matches my housecoat. I think it's supposed to be leopard. (Brown with black splotches.)

Stocking with have a 6 pack of toothbrushes and a 6 pack of lighters, there will also be 6 carpenter pencils and 6 tape measures. Dh always complains about not having enough tape measures or pencils. The cashier at Walmart looked at me and said he had to ask if I was over 18 because I bought lighters. I told him to look at my hair colour. I am letting the bright white come in naturally, so I guess I looked older than 18 because he let me buy the lighters. LOL!!
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:07 pm

Just dawned on me this computer hasn't even been on today. Different for me!

Went to see dsisil this morning. From there I went to the grocery store to pick up their specials before the next round begins (tomorrow). Then I went to one of our church members. She had made some angels (which are just stunning) for dsonil's dsis little tree in her hospital room. I've got two on our tree here and they are so pretty. Realized when I got to dsisil's my knee seemed to be worse today. Getting groceries finished it off I'm afraid. Was going to go do more shopping but came home after picking up the angels. I've sat with heat on it most of the afternoon/evening. Did make my lunch (late) and supper. Then I managed to do up the few dishes. That's it -that's all I've accomplished today. So hoping this knee is better by tomorrow. Have a lot to do yet this week. If I were up home I'd be making an appointment with our orthopedist. If it continues, I'll have to do that when I get home (hoping I can make it that long.)

Dh is at the Orlando hockey game with dd. Expect they'll be heading home about now. Team was losing and I expect it hasn't changed. They've done well against this team in their away games.

Heading to bed and hoping to get here tomorrow. So nice to see Helia!
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:04 am

Wow at all the cooked bacon & flavoured vegetables.
That's a big chemical load. Sulphates nitrates salicylates amines at least.
That would truly do my head in, to say nothing of the gut revolt.
Cooking brownings = Amines = instant headache, for me. That was a surprise when I picked at something yummy from the bottom of a pan. Just call me queen of bland.
Whatever suits each person, I guess.

Just looked at train times for tomorrow. I have something to aim at. I just need everything to fit when I pack small suitcase, shopping trolley, maybe a back pack. Will I be able to move with that?

Washing is mostly in and away.
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:13 am

Home from eating with church family and worship service.

Tonight's meal prep was super easy. We ordered fried chicken and potato wedges so all we had to do is drive the 24 miles to pick it up then drive 22 miles in a different direction to church. We arrive at church 45 minutes before serving the meal which allowed us enough time to set up the drinks, condiments, etc. DS9 has taken over the task of setting up the plates, napkins, and silverware for everyone. It seems each week DS9 takes it upon himself to do a little more without being asked.

How did you end up with 7 lbs. of bacon in your house?

I'm a weird shopper. I buy and cook in bulk. When we ran low on bacon I restocked. We like Wright brand of bacon so I bought a 4 lb pack at Sam's. But Sam's was having a sale on their brand of bacon (Member Mark) so I want to try it too. It comes packaged in 3 each 1 lb packs.

We have some sort of breakfast meat each morning rotating between 5 different kinds of meat. I precook all of it and package it into meal size portions. That means I can just pull a ziplock bag of breakfast meat out of the freezer when I start preparing our breakfast and it will be defrosted/cooked by the time I finish preparing the other parts of the meal.
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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:28 am

I wish I was smarter and wise.

Bacon is bad for you?

I'm sure the experts are right and I don't doubt the chemicals are horribly bad for us.

However, I come from a family that has eaten bacon all our lives. Grandpa died at 96 years old eating bacon almost every day.

I struggle to balance and match scientific proof against real life. If Grandpa hadn't eaten bacon would he have lived longer than 96 years old?

Will feeding bacon to loved ones decrease their life?

I am 100% sure I would have a revolt in my home if I eliminated breakfast meats. That's the only thing I am sure of.

I repeat.....I wish I was smarter and wise.
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Anti-Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Dec 21, 2017 3:13 am

LM - I'm sure many people are ok with bacon. It depends on one's tolerance.
There are people who make more 'natural' bacon too.
Salted and smoked? I'm not sure how it was done in the olden days.

Personally, I've felt quite sick from maybe 3 crispy bacon rashers with my egg, and whatever else I ate that day. Which isn't to say I never have any bit of added bacon.
Maybe it was the bread that also had cow's milk solids in it, when I couldn't buy the loaf I would normally buy.
But then, I'm the person for whom 2 strawberries is 1 too many.
And Panadol with sulphite preservatives has my guts bleeding.
Or needing to avoid the room with the new pine furniture for 6 weeks because it gave me a headache.
I know everyone's body/digestive system isn't like mine, damaged possibly by genetics and my personal medical history.

If you want to try less chemicals for a DS9 trial, I wouldn't be including bacon or processed foods until you had done an exclusion period preferably with a supervising dietitian familiar with this method, then started to try reintroducing food one at a time, with wait periods between.
Just taking out 'dyes' but including everything else won't be a fair test, even if you were rigidly sugar free.
The US FB failsafe or Feingold group's will be helpful for contacts.There used be a host of yahoo Feingold groups.
Either of the 2 web links would probably be able to steer you in the right direction to get help in USA from contacts they have there.
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