Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 25, 2017 11:23 pm

Merry Christmas to all the village! I haven't posted today or yesterday but I've tried to keep up somewhat. Thank you so much for Birthday greetings. Sixty two isn't so bad so far.

Today I drove a lot - picked up dbro to have Christmas lunch with dmom - excellent lunch with turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and a choice of desserts. I'm glad he got a nutritious lunch and I know dmom enjoyed too.

DMuffin and I stopped in for a visit at dfriend M's this evening. Her dson is here with gf, and her sister and niece and nephew and we visited a bit. Dkids ordered Chinese this evening and we all watched White Christmas, enjoying all the period details.

Back to normalcy, whatever it will be, tomorrow.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Harmony » Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:02 am

LadyM, I'll be interested to see how you do with 6 hours of socializing each week. I do 4 hours several times a year and a few minutes before and after church. I know, that sounds sad. I'm a hermit, and a very busy one too.

Kathryn, isn't Christmas with a little one special! Did DSiL ever get his license?

We had some excitement here. We lost power about 6:15. Electric company said over 30,000 customers were out and 20 minutes later it was back on. By then I had a lot of candles lit everywhere. We'd just taken a couple and went out to sit on the front porch when it came back on. Our neighbors who have their family from Missouri was busy cooking their Christmas dinner when it happened!

I napped a lot today. I hope I can sleep tonight.

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:23 am

Merry Christmas to everyone!
So busy here I didn't even take pictures today. :roll: :cry: (I did get pictures of the grands and ds/ddil and dbil & dniece/nephew last night.)
We've just had a great couple of days, and will end our celebration at supper tomorrow.

I haven't even cuop yet, but wanted to check in before the day ended and let you all know I'm thinking of you and wishing you all many Christmas blessings, not just today, but in the days ahead. May 2017 end on a peaceful, happy note, and the new year begin with much joy!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Harriet » Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:37 am

Oh well! HRH's family came here anyway! :) He lived. A good visit. He and his sister told each other they loved each other and the rest of us managed not to say "Awwwwww", but acted like it was no big deal, with our mouths shut. :shock:

Nevertheless, 6 visitors, social social, and completely by surprise. So, both stress and postponement of various needs continues for me, with houseguests arriving tomorrow, and some added people for Wednesday we think, so instead of 15 for the meal, looks like at least 17 right now.

My jaw is acting up again, though that had started before they came (yet after extra guests on Wed announced). Dd19 asked me if it could possibly be a stress thing. It's been under control for 7 weeks this time with no problems. Right now an Exedrin seems to be helping.

This evening I got the church deposit ready. No idea I'll have time to get that in before guests tomorrow, but maybe I can make it part of errands at some point while they are here.

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:54 am

LadyM, your family gathering sounds just like ours -- approx 30 people, scattered about in 3 connecting rooms, lots of different conversations going on at the same time, kids running and screaming all over. I wouldn't take anything for it.
We had a few who stayed home b/c they were sick (or their baby was sick) and a couple who were working. And one who was with his girlfriend's family.
Dmom's back was just KILLING her, and she awoke with stomach distress. Asked me to bring her some Zofran. But she did eat some, and as I've always said, daunt made sure everything looked just fine before she left. Of course, dbro & his gf are there to take care of other misc details -- they wrapped all her gifts for her and they'll help w/the meal tomorrow night.

Happy moments... this morning, when we went to pick up ds/family, ddil told us to come in and see what Santa had brought. As she said, the living room looked "like Santa threw up in here," LOL -- wrapping paper and toys and candy boxes and wrappers EVERYWHERE. Everywhere. I picked up dgd and said, "What all did Santa bring?" and dgd just waved her little arm, gesturing all around the room, like "ALL THIS!!!" LOL.
The engraved cutting boards for dniece, dnephew, and ds/ddil (with dmil's handwritten sugar cookie recipe) was a HUGE hit. I think it really meant a lot to each of them.
The book I had gotten dh, which I debated over, but at approx 75% off, it was too good a deal to pass up -- it was a HUGE hit.
The F itbit dh gave me is working perfectly... Ha... I've almost 50% met my (very low) goal of 6000 steps, LOL.
-- I KNOW the GOAL is supposed to be 10,000 steps a day. YES... I KNOW that. But I figured, since I rarely hit 4000 steps, I would make my goal a little more reasonable -- 6000. When I can do that, then I will raise the goal.

I am also thinking about the new year... things I'd like to make habits...
-- exercise, walking
-- reading (real books, not Facebook)
-- more consistency w/Bible study
-- scrapbooking and keeping photo albums up to date
-- daily, weekly, and zone tasks
There is so MUCH I want to do BETTER. I know Flylady says you can't change it ALL overnight, so I am thinking about concentrating on One Habit Per Month, as she advises. As much as I want to do it ALL... I guess I should really focus on the exercise to begin with, to make the Fitbit worth wearing.

A little anxious about tomorrow. I know dh is going to be sooo sooo incredibly relieved -- dmom has promised a substantial monetary gift for dbro & me this year -- mandatory withdrawal from 401? (Something?) She said there was no need for us to wait till she died when she knew we needed it now, and dbro has already requested some help paying for his HAIR IMPLANTS. So she decided that from now on, anything he gets, I get.
I KNOW I would feel resentful if she did otherwise, but I still hate feeling "obligated" when I receive an unusual gift. It's like I think I need to "earn" it and I'm not deserving of it, or that it obligates me in some way and I won't be able to meet expectations.
OTOH -- as dh has always pointed out when we've had this discussion before -- how could I be more "obligated"? I'm going to jump up and run anytime she calls, anyway, and I will do anything I possibly can for her, so why should I feel "unworthy"?

ANYWAY -- that's tomorrow night -- and my anxiety is tempered by the relief I know dh is going to feel re: ordering a new vehicle on Wednesday.

Tomorrow I will have to take a pair of his jeans to be hemmed, and then we'll keep the grands for awhile, while ds gives lessons and ddil works at the hospital. Then -- back to dmom's for traditional Southern breakfast and exchanging gifts.
Wednesday -- bank -- car dealership --
Thursday -- IRON -- pack for weekend trip. Hoping snow possibility in our area doesn't materialize and cause us problems with another sports weekend!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Blessed gifts Christmas PWYC

Postby Lilac » Tue Dec 26, 2017 2:43 am

As I start this it is 11:55 CST. We had a great family celebration on Christmas Eve. This morning I woke up at 6:20 with incredibly low bs. I kept bumping the wall as I was trying to get to the kitchen. I had the presence of mind to fix a cup of cappuccino before I took my bs. After I drank it, I went back to bed knowing that would raise my bs. I didn't wake up again until dd2 called at 10 am and was as shocked as I was, that I was still asleep at that time of day.

When dd2 brought the boys to town this afternoon to go to their dads, she stopped by to pick up some dessert and eat some too. She called dd1 and she came over with dgs23, for dessert and then take some home. After dd2 headed home, dd1, dgs23 and I played 2 games of Farkel.

About 6:30, dd2 called and said that dgd21, baby K's mom was at her dad's for Christmas and she had started vomiting and having severe back pain, out of the clear blue. She wanted her mom to come to town and watch babyK, so she could go to the ER, because her fiance had woke up with a stomach bug yesterday and was worse today. I told dd2 to bring the girls here because her dh was checking on cattle due to extreme cold. Xsil ended up driving dgd21 in her car with the baby to the hospital. He just dropped her off at the ER door and told her he was taking the car and baby to her house. His wife was picking him up. Dgd21's fiance then went to pick up his dm, so she could watch the baby. She doesn't have a car, but doesn't live too far away. Dd2 said the ER was a madhouse. A man had beat his son and there were multiple police officers there. Also, they had a bunch of pysch cases they were trying to deal with, plus others with various issues. Turns out dgd21 has kidney stone. They did a CAT scan and decided it was small enough, that she might pass it on her own. So she was able to go home after dd2 and her picked up numerous drinks for her at the only open convenience store in town. Her fiances dm was spending the night to take care of dgd21, baby K and her son. I felt sorry for him, he wasn't able to attend any Christmas function, so dgd21 brought the baby over here Christmas Eve and then today, she went to her fiances dad's house and then her own dad's house.

I had told dd2 to call me so we could talk on her way home. Just as she left town, she said it started snowing and snowed all the way home. We were irritated at her ex for just dropping dgd at the ER but we both knew it was his wife's orders. He called her while we talking, so she told me she would call me back. We were right, he was not allowed to go to the hospital until he had their 4 year old down for the night and the boys settled. He was at the hospital looking for them. This was at 11 pm. So he said he would run by dgd's house real quick, since he knew she wouldn't be in bed yet.

Dgd was so relieved that she could go home to be with the baby.

The 2 little girls were so worried about their dsis. Every time the phone rang or a text came in, they wanted an update. They hadn't eaten yet, so I asked them what they wanted. They wanted leftovers from last night. They said my cheesy potatoes are even better than what they eat at school. Their daddy came and picked them up at 10. He said his water was froze at the hydrant, so he was having to haul 5 gallon buckets of water to the cows. The low is suppose to be 6 with a high of 20. Brrrrr.

Those little girls were so good the whole 3 hours they were here. I enjoyed the bonus time with them but hated the reason why they were here.

My dh received 4 new games plus headphones with a microphone for Christmas. He is having a ball playing games.

Called dh's dsis tonight. Her platelets are really low and she won't be going home tomorrow for sure. They were asking her about her cancer dr. She had just seen him Dec. 7 and everything was fine then. She sounded worse tonight that yesterday. Dd1 is wondering if when she is eating and then gets choked, if she is aspirating, which in turn causes the pneumonia. She had recently been told to stick to a soft diet. I don't know if she has or not. Sure is a worry. How many times can you get pneumonia????

Well I have babbled long enough. Enjoyed hearing about everyone's celebration. Was good to see Dove here.

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