Final Wednesday of the year

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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:22 pm

Where do you do all that cooking, LadyM? You've probably told us before.

DD/Dsonil just left for the Orlando hockey game. Dh was supposed to go but he's too sick to go. Feeling a little better tonight but he wouldn't if he went for all those hours and he also doesn't want to spread it.

Dh and I went this morning to have our nails cut. Painful for me, but it's done for another 6 weeks. I just can't do it myself any more and my toe nails are so curved it's a bit hard for her. Think next time I'm going to soak mine for about a 1/2 hour before we go.

DS-A (and many, many others) had quite a night up home. Next town had a huge house fire and all the companies in surrounding towns were called in. Think they had 7 companies. Then about 4:30/5 this morning an apartment complex just down the road (probably a mile or so) burned. Again all these companies plus some from Rochester were called. Temp was about 5 and wind chill anywhere from 10-15 below. Those guys all have to be exhausted. Everyone escaped from both structures. Understand there were 4 apartments destroyed and damage to others. Know our department had a work detail going on this afternoon to get all the equipment stocked and reorganized and cleaned.

DD and dsonil dragged 2 mattresses out by the trash can a while ago. When they pick up the trash tomorrow the crew will notify the county that there's mattresses to be picked up. Hopefully that won't be too long. (At least that's the way it's supposed to work). Now they're out of the garage and maybe we can start doing some organizing out there. We gave them the assembly to turn their porch light into a motion light. That way dsonil won't have to remember to turn the porch light on for her and it'll also be a safety device if anyone walks up on the porch. Plus if the light is on for any length of time the mosquitoes find that area big time. A sheriff stopped here a few weeks ago to ask where some people might live. Poor girl was batting at those pesky mosquitoes like mad. Certain times they're really bad.
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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:46 pm

I mixed up oat meal pb ch chip cookie dough baking cookies, now house smells really yummy!

It is snowing out again here now.

H started the cars this afternoon.
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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:14 pm

now back to 3 degrees - dh started the cars just in case :D

your cookies smell wonderful over here as well d nancy! great job getting christmas cards for next year.

hi d dee I hope he feels better d dee. sorry the nails were painful - have you used a nail salon instead of the doctor. my d mom now goes to get her nails done at a salon and it doesn't hurt anymore. praying for the family of the house and all the fire fighters. So happy that everyone is safe.

hi d lady I am glad your day has processed smoothly. enjoy your church dinner.

dining room put away done, vacuum, and swiffer rinse done :D
Now for family room - worst job wasn't done today - I guess I could do one bathroom such as the powder room. Kitchen needs doing but I know if I don't do the family room then I will feel discombobulated.
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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:22 pm

I’m back from w world. Everything is put away. Taco soup is made and in the crock pot. Kitchen is clean
and sink is empty. Wine is in the fridge chilling and I am on my couch, feet up and getting ready to read some.

Life is grand at the moment :D
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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 9:22 pm

look at you d rose! Well done!

I wish I could say the same. dishes are washing in the dw and I did some more things in the family room.
dd older sent a nice pic of dd younger nice and warm in florida.
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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:15 pm

It is fairly cold here. It never got above 0 F today. It was -4 F with a wind chill of -31F when dh and I walked to the store. The way there wasn't bad but the walk back was into the wind and I got an ice cream headache since my sinuses got cold even though I was breathing through my Buff (a tubular knit wonder device for any sort of weather.)

Christmas is all packed up and away except the linens, which are now washed, have to go downstairs. And we bought Christmas cards while at the store so we have to take those down too.

The living and dining rooms are vacuumed. The kitchen still needs sweeping and mopping and the kitchen definitely needs cleaning although the counters are almost clear.

Dh and I are working our way through the leftovers. I had a turkey stir fry tonight, he had hot turkey sandwiches. Tomorrow is leftover meatloaf. Then turkey soup with grilled cheese on Friday night.

I now have to turn my focus to packing and paperwork. We have a party tomorrow afternoon as well. Plus I have to get flank steak to bbq for Dec. 30 at dd's.

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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby Harmony » Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:27 pm

We both got a lot done today.

But DH is so frustrated. They appear to have lost all his bookmarks. He had a lot of them, technical information, where to find parts for engines, stuff that will take a year to recreate even if he can. I wish he would just let it go and deal with it as best he can. I'm tired of hearing about it all. I did work all evening on the problem and got nowhere.

I lost all of mine too, but one by one I am getting things back. I'm thinking it wasn't fair that FF updated everything to a whole new system that we had to learn on top of this complicated computer. Maybe FF didn't update it all just now, and we were using the only thing they could give us to work with our old system... just seems like it all hit us at once.

I did manage to change a word doc to a pdf and email it off. So I am learning this stuff. But it sure has added a lot of stress and a lot of time when I need to get things done. :(

Nothing done in the house except picked up the kitchen, made beds. I guess I'll just start in again tomorrow and hope things are better.

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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby lucylee » Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:44 pm

Still kinda in holiday mode here... I just can't bring myself to get "started" until we return from Atlanta after the game Monday.
Tuesday will be the first day of my new year, and I have high hopes... but until then, I'm just sorta in a survival-holding pattern, LOL.
I would love to have Christmas all put away before we go, and start fresh next week... but OTOH, I don't really feel like rushing it and Friday is really my only opportunity. I'll probably leave it up until the 8th, and take it down while watching the national championship game w/dh. I think that's when they play. That will only be two days past Epiphany... and dh will have me out of town at a basketball game THAT day, too. :P

Today was good though:
-- dropped off pants at the alterations lady and can y'all believe, she called before 4:00 pm and already had them ready to pick up! :shock:
-- bank
-- post office
-- other bank, where savings had come due
-- car dealer, ordered SUV -- looks like price will be within dh's self-imposed limit!
-- stopped by dmom's and got my cookie container & some left over cookies that are kinda getting dry & crumbly -- I don't think anyone sealed up the Tupperware since Monday ... wish my cookies were fresh like Nancy's...
-- cleaners
-- allergy shots -- working towards getting back to a Sunday schedule with this, after they had me off the shots so long. Also working back up to regular dose.
-- doing laundry -- dryer is STILL screeching in a completely horrible way -- maybe dh will consider calling the man now, rather than waiting till the thing burns itself up or something... * sheesh *
-- supper, s/s kitchen
-- and worked in a long nap, too (Fitbit says I only slept 5 hrs and 35 min last night). Ha! Just checked -- Fitbit did give me credit for my nap, which was almost 2 hours long. Guess I needed it!)

Last night, I got my calendars all filled in for the new year, and my cards set up for January.

Dee -- my dmom started getting pedicures every month or so. Her nails are TERRIBLE. She loves getting the pedicure and apparently there is no pain. I think they soak her feet, maybe use paraffin wax treatment? She loves it.
So sorry about the fires and all involved -- victims and firefighters.
Hope Mr. Dee feels better soon! Lots of flu seems to be going around here. I certainly hope dmom's shot protects her. (Of course I don't want it either, but as long as I don't have to run back and forth taking care of her, I can manage whatever dh & I have to deal with.)

Florida sounds wonderful, blessed! I asked dbro, who was still walking around in short sleeves today (30s here) if he had forgotten that he didn't live there anymore. He said he LOVED it now that he was in Atlanta, that the heat was just too much in Florida.
THREE degrees??? Oh my goodness... BRRRRR...
Kathryn -- -31 and y'all were WALKING??? Oh my goodness, you Northerners are a hardy bunch... ;) Just checking -- it's a "feels like" -1 for ds & family tonight at ddil's parents' home. Here, we're enjoying a toasty 26 (feels like 17, so they say on the weather app.) :lol:

Taco soup sounds so good, Rose! I am so glad you are finally getting a break from the school-day routine!

Mmmmm.... and that lasagna sounds delicious, too, LadyM!

We had ham and cheese sandwiches for supper. And will probably have them tomorrow, as well. And possibly Friday. :roll: :roll: :roll:
DH is determined to eat all the ham possible before we leave, so as not to waste it. He said the stuff in the freezer would stay frozen "forever," but this baked ham wouldn't be good by the time we return from our weekend trip, so we need to use it up. :roll: :roll: :roll: Maybe I should go buy salads or something for some variety with it tomorrow.

My head hurts from all the thinking.
But DH is so frustrated. They appear to have lost all his bookmarks. He had a lot of them, technical information, where to find parts for engines, stuff that will take a year to recreate even if he can. I wish he would just let it go and deal with it as best he can. I'm tired of hearing about it all. I did work all evening on the problem and got nowhere.
(((More Hugs))) I have BTDT. The only thing worse than being frustrated with a computer is trying to help a dh who is frustrated with a computer. ((((BIG HUGS)))

Did I tell y'all about dmom "losing" a large picture of herself? Probably 16x20, picture of herself at approx 7 years old. Last she remembers, it was hanging on the wall in her "little" bedroom. (Used to be dbro's bedroom.) Now it's gone, nail is still there, and she cannot find it ANYWHERE. She has even checked at her other house/dgm's house and except for two closets which are painted shut, she hasn't found it there. Hard to imagine she would have carried it out there even before the painting started, anyway. Hard to believe she carried it out there at all. She thinks she must be losing her mind, LOL. It is kinda concerning... no one can imagine where on earth it could be.

She seems to have managed Christmas fairly well... but her teeth are still driving her nuts... and she went without them most of the night last night and did not have them in today when I stopped out there. THAT drives ME nuts. I know that is superficial and kinda mean of me, but I am NOT ready for my mother to take on this toothless-street person look. I told her today, if they cannot offer her any better solutions, she should just go ahead and do implants for the front top/bottom. She agrees -- she managed to eat quite well while waiting to have the top teeth pulled -- now she eats better without them than she does with them -- but it not exactly her preference. Good gracious...
Oh well... things could be worse. Things could be sooo sooo much worse.

Gotta go take care of last load of laundry -- in preparation for IRONING tomorrow. I plan to snuggle in with a book tonight, and tomorrow, y'all will see me when I reach the top of Mt. Ironmore! Hope you all have a great night!

PS -- waving to ALL whom I missed -- just replying through topic review window and I'm sure I've missed cuop with a lot of happenings today. I'll read more after I take care of the laundry!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:56 pm

Walked the dog to the corner she was so happy is loving this snow! We have 5" on the ground & it is still snowing. It is supposed to warm up the next couple of days then get cold again.

I am waiting for rocks to dry to finish painting them and then I can seal em.

Did the dishes after dinner.

My tablet says it is 31* here now.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Final Wednesday of the year

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:04 pm

Where do you do all that cooking, LadyM?

We do most of the cooking in the church kitchen. It has 3 ovens and a warming drawer so we have room to cook everything at the same time. I made the salad (4 kinds of greens) at home before we to church.

A water line is busted at church so there was no water when we arrived. They just found the leak when doing chores this afternoon so just turned the water off until it can get repaired. When we arrived to start cooking they came and turned the water on and just let the water line leak & bubble outside. The water was turned back off after church service.

While DH & I was getting everything cooking, DS9 & DGD6 were running/playing in the indoor arena. DGD6 took her new coat off and was twirling it in the air. She let it fly and it landed on a propane grill that was filled with oil. **sigh** what a mess that was to clean up.
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