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Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:53 pm
by blessedw2
oh my gosh - :shock: :shock: :shock: my grocery bill because I bought scallops, good olive oil and balsamic on a not thinking trip - scallops were planned - never go grocery shopping when I have a back ground headache bc inner dreamer and I want it inner naughty child talk me into things that fill my dreamers heart. My inner child didn't scream at me bc having a headache says "okay take it". I paid and left the store and was so mad at myself for doing it. They won't take it back. :roll:

groceries bought and put away - now for tar jet and l l beano

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:36 pm
by Nancy
Got bed made before noon.
Swish and swipe done on both bathrooms, cleaned and decluttered under main bathroom sink. Lunch is over. I cooked eggs for chicken salad.

Hens are on free range time. Got the trash dumped. Started a list for store run.

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:09 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
At gate for morning flight. All's good now that we are here. We are having too many 'adventures' these days. Phone didn't charge last night so am shutting down to save power.

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:17 pm
by Twins' Mom
Back from vet trip with Muffin and all is well with her. Needs to lose about 8 more lbs, but has lost 16 since June. She currently weighs 78 lbs.

Dd is heading this way so we can go to antique shops. I'm not sure what she's looking for or why she wants me to go, but I'll go. Dh suggested we eat out tonight. I won't have to hurry home to cook at least.

Dmom was well.

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:24 pm
by Ramblinrose
I saw a segment on a show the other day that says people who eat their last meal earlier in the day loose weight easier... hummm till I showed up Sweetie always ate his last meal by four and he is as thin as a rail. We normally eat around five. But eating early also helps with acid reflux which I don’t experience but something must be up since I have developed a hiatal hernia so...

Dinner will be served at 4:00, no reservations are required

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 6:00 pm
by Harmony
This has been a good day so far. Cold, but good. Dr. apt. went well, news about the test he had was not horrible and DH does not have to go back to her unless he has further problems. She recommends eye dr. (which I doubt he'll do) and general dr. to keep track of the med. he's on.

DH was happy I brought that heavy sweatshirt along. He said he needed help getting the sweater back on but I showed him what I brought and he put it on and was happy happy. I stopped at 2 stores and looked at men's jackets and at Tar get I found a heavy weight sweatshirt with 2 pockets and snaps all the way up the front. He'll be able to get that on easier, and if he wants something heavier he already has a heavy vest for underneath. Layers are good, sometimes it's really cold in the morning but goes up to 60's in the afternoon.

I also found clothespins at Tar get. Doll ar stores are all around here, a couple different ones, but they're not in shopping centers I'm in for other stuff. I had intended to try there if I couldn't find then anywhere else. They were $1.79 for 50. No laundry markers yet; I guess I will have to check D S.

I love all my soft sweaters and DH loves his flannel shirts!

RRose, is there a way to heal a hiatal hernia? I always wondered if I had one, I have so much acid reflux all the time.

blessed, enjoy that food. Sometimes we just need to treat ourselves!

Time to put my feet up. Foot is a bit sore. These shoes are pretty new but broken in, but I think they're hitting my arch in an odd way.

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 6:59 pm
by Nancy
It is raining out again here now. I used the umbrelly this time. Fed hens and put them back in. I have a new layer it is like a banty egg one sm hen a yr old is laying now an olive speckled brownish green egg. Got 3 eggs today. :mrgreen:

Watching Morocco love in times of war on net flicks 1st eposoide.
The boys will be here in a bit.
I painted up a batch of rocks they are drying now
Did my exercise bike time today.

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 7:07 pm
by blessedw2
your sweet d harmony - I just know it was because I had a bit of head pressure and headache ;)

Got a rug for the front door as dh wanted.
went to target another bundle but necessary cleaning/washing stuff fill up
Went to get the hooks for my cooking shelving but they didn't have it but did find 2 on sale ornaments for christmas - now to put away.
had a yogurt
I have to make dinner - just a Greek salad.

I missed one errand - just remembered.

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 7:07 pm
by Ramblinrose
Nope Harmony.... if it gets bad they can do surgery but it tends to be ineffective and and usually doesn’t work, so I am eating really bland stuff. Also recommended is to eat small amounts of food and eat early.

I never have suffered from heart burn or acid reflex but don’t want to repeat going back to ER.

So far I’ve been able to drink my morning coffee. But sodas or carbonation at this point is out of the question. Right now rice and potatoes are my friend and I haven’t tried any other veggies. It to tell the truth I don’t have much taste for anything including cookies and ice cream. Sugar can be a problem to, however I am now using 1/2 and 1/2 real sugar and artificial stuff. That seems to be working but that’s only because I use a total of 2 spoonfuls in my coffee and real cream plus no coffee after 8.30 in the morning.

Re: Thankful Thursday

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 7:15 pm
by blessedw2
hi d rose ((()))
I saw that too. But the one I watched said 2 pm - I don't think I could do that.

hi d Nancy - yay on those eggs! and on your work!

hi d harmony - good for you on have a good day.
wonderful that you found the clothespins
hope your foot feels better

hi d twins glad all is well with d muffin - what type of dog is she again? enjoy your evening out with your dd!

safe travels d kathryn!

going back to my ***l**st

Next: make dinner (change shirt first and tie up hair)