Sunday Sun and Snow

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Re: Sunday Sun and Snow

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:31 pm

There was a fresh made salad from a bistro type place so I had vegetables and protein. Woot!

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Re: Sunday Sun and Snow

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:52 pm

I haven't heard about payroll was supposed to be at 5 after the game but it was later. I think I have it off. I had a great day. I will be so glad when the season is over. we had soup for dinner.
H. Has agreed to start getting flu shot this fall.
I am watching Victoria reruns again.
K not in C yea for desired food!
I have done my Monday planning.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sunday Sun and Snow

Postby lucylee » Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:45 pm

I’m a late arrival to the village, as usual, but the weather here is soooo nice!!! 60 degrees here at 9:00 pm, low of 53 expected. It’s going to be in the 50s-60s all week, looks like, but will be below freezing again at night Tuesday & Wednesday nights, maybe Thursday. Also, 90% chance of rain tomorrow – but I don’t really mind rain unless I have to do a lot of running around in it, and/or if I have to haul dgrands around in it! That should not be the case tomorrow, although we may be babysitting some.
Anyway – after super-cold weather last week, this is a welcome relief!
There was still ice in the parking lot at College Town this weekend when we arrived, but it melted off by the time we went out on Saturday, and the weather has been really wonderful ever since.

Hope you have a great time, Twins, and that the snow doesn’t cause any problems for your trip. I bet it will be beautiful out there. I have never seen that part of the country. My parents went to Jackson Hole, WY, once -- but it was in the summer.

I must say, I cannot be envious of anyone on a bus for 12.5 hours. (((Kathryn))) Good that Ken enjoyed his hike, although I can’t imagine hiking in those temps!

Lynlee, I admire you with the yoga class! I’ve considered getting a dvd to do a beginner class in yoga. I would take the bus in your case too – if the choice was bus or walk. 40 minutes on a bus might be relaxing. 12.5 hours… not so much…

But – speaking of exercise – I must say hooray for me – :D I have managed to keep up my walk away the pounds for 7 days straight! I did it Friday night at the condo, and again last night when we got home. This is unusual, b/c usually I just veg out while we are out of town, and usually, I would have said I was too tired after coming home at 11:00 pm – so I am quite proud of myself, and will strive to keep up the consistency!

Rose, thanks for the movie review. We want to see that too.

(((Blessed))) I’m so sorry you had a migraine and had to miss the opera. Hope you’re feeling better by the time you read this.

Glad your ddog is feeling better, Nancy! I read about your troubles last night. (((HUGS)))
I LOVE Victoria! I had forgotten it’s on tonight, isn’t it? I have the dvr set for the second season. I can walk away the pounds when I start watching it.

I also want to watch The Crown, but I have to “borrow” ddil’s Netflix to do that, so I haven’t started it yet – although she is happy to give me her password/whatever – it was her idea to set it up for me on our tv.

I’m also looking forward to The Alienist tomorrow night.

Sounds like I’m watching a lot of tv, but as long as I can make myself exercise before watching, I feel like I am earning it.

Yep, Lilac, we’ve all BTDT… at least now your mystery is solved.

Dee, I’m impressed with your dsil’s attentiveness to his dmom. I guess he feels he really has no other options at this point, but still – it’s something when a son can take on the caregiver role so well for a mother. I know my dmom has no faith at all in my dbro’s help – but honestly, he’d be just as likely to be mentally prepared for that as I would be. It’s good for our family that * SOMEDAY MAYBE * we will have dbro’s gfriend AND ddil to be the resident nurses in our family. If dmom can only stay healthy till ddil graduates and/or dbro retires!

LadyM – (((BIG HUGS))) for dgd, and prayers that no one else gets it! Y’all have quite enough on your plates without fighting the flu.
What you said:
I keep DGD6 (for free) about 80% of the time she is awake. I am feeling guilt-free telling DD no.

Yes. I am trying so hard to keep that in mind. Although we do NOT keep the dgrands nearly that much – but once when I began to feel guilty for reserving my weekends for us, I finally realized, yes, it is true – our parents were apparently happy babysitters whenever we needed them on weekends. OTOH, our parents almost NEVER saw ds during the week (unless they stopped by our house to visit.) We paid for childcare 40 hrs a week, so we didn’t feel we were taking advantage of the grandparents. Now, the only way ddil can possibly work and go to school is for dh and me to be the childcare when ds isn’t home… so I think it is fine for us to say we just can’t do Sunday afternoons or ballgame weekends.
Of course, I told dh this weekend, once dgd is potty-trained and a little better about sleeping away from home, we’ll just pack them both up and take them with us. If game tickets are a problem, she and I can stay at the condo. By the time ddil gets through nursing school, both kids should be a little more manageable.

BookSaver… hope you don’t have to deal with ice in the coming days!

So – I’ve written a book (here) again… :oops:
Today was just a normal Sunday – church, then I went to a funeral visitation. It was not a really close friend/relative; dh was surprised I felt I should go – sometimes he compares me to his two uncles whom he said attended “every funeral in the county whether they knew the person or not.” This was the father of a friend who was once married to one of my cousins (Ddad’s first cousin, actually) and the cousin was killed tragically. I want his widow to always feel that she is part of our family, so I wanted to go for her sake. I also worked with her mother for many years, and went to school with her sister, grew up in church with her father’s family… so – lots of connections, although none by blood or close ties. Dmom did not go with me but my daunt and uncle were there also. * Dmom DID go to her church this morning, so that was positive news from her! No word re: all the appts appts appts that she has planned. I didn't even ask!

Afterwards… nap… newspapers… Walmart… supper… y’all probably know my Sunday routine as well as I do, LOL!

Harriet suggested the other day that I put my holiday card progress in the other thread, so I will try to do that, just for interest sake, although the verdict is still out as to how well this will work.

Hope you all have a great night and a great week ahead!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday Sun and Snow

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:45 am

So sorry, ((LadyM's little granddaughter)).

No pork allowed at ddad's kennel, I remember.

Weather - school will finally reopen tomorrow. Even the third day, friday a.m., no bus should have traveled several of the roads around here, dangerous, dangerous. Black ice. Dd19 did have classes Fri afternoon.

Washer and dryer - yes, we forget what a help - can give us accomplishment, an automatic plan when yawning in a.m.

I'm just trying to catch up on posts. Way behind. Way overwhelmed on various stuff.

No announcement at church today re: meeting either. As I understand it, a meeting of the leadership was cancelled Wed night because of the weather, so everything's a week further behind.

It was a much better Sun than I have been having recently. I have composed posts after both of two previous Sun mornings and then decided not to post such downers.

Paper airplane races here all afternoon with our green-eyed boy. HRH is pretty good at making them and gets points from me for patience.

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Re: Sunday Sun and Snow

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:12 am

Safe in Sydney. Now to negotiate dinner after picking up our cases.


7 p.m. Monday and finally at a gourmet burger place after checking into the hotel. There was no place to eat outside security at the airport so we ended up in rush hour traffic after all.

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Re: Sunday Sun and Snow

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:52 am

yay you are safely home
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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