A clear mind Monday

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:33 pm

Peeking in from Tuesday morning.

I'm trying to simplify the day. I've requested no housekeeping service and am hiding in the room although the staff have encouraged me to go out and do things.

The issue is I've been doing things, all day, every day, since last Thursday with such crazy hours that I have no concept of date and time.

I stood staring into space this morning, trying to remember when I last washed my hair. I remembered dh having to cool down my flat iron before packing it. That was yesterday morning. Therefore I either washed my hair yesterday or the night before. Ahh, it was a 5 a.m. start yesterday so that means the night before. Which would be...think hard... Sunday. Today is...Tuesday. Therefore I don't have to wash my hair until tonight or tomorrow morning.

That's too much work to figure out whether to wash one's hair!

There was a scramble this morning. Dh had set an 8 a.m. meet up with someone and then they are going into the city (we are at Coogee which is a beach area on the outskirts of Sydney) for meetings all day. This is what he wants to do on his holiday. Fine. I just want to do nothing.

Anyway, Mr. 8 a.m. showed up at 7:30. So we were scrambling (having woken up at 7.) That's why the hair washing question was so important. If I could just sponge bath, then I'd be able to come out to the garden to meet him. Otherwise, no. Dh was really, really, unhappy with the rush. I chose not to go to breakfast with them because I really wanted to have a quiet start to the day, tea and chocolate and linger over reading the paper and then something to eat.

So that's what I did.

There's a lovely common area (big table in the breakfast are where everyone eating inside sits) and a huge table in the garden for people who want to eat outside. Many rooms have balconies so they offer trays and you can take your breakfast back and eat on your balcony overlooking the beach. I opted for a cheap room.

This is quirky, boutique hotel. Two dogs roaming around and staff who know all the guests. The beach is out the front door, down some steps and across the street. Through the garden, out the back, takes you to an alley and then side street that takes you to the shopping street. Lots of restaurants and shops, plus a number of grocery stores. Dh was shocked at how low the prices are compared to Wellington and Ayer's Rock. Of course, I was also buying sale items but blueberries were $4.99 for a cup at Ayer's Rock and were $2.50 last night.

I have some snacks in the room and will head out for lunch around the corner to get a breakfast type lunch, I think.

In the meantime, I'm catching up on email. My computer has not been connected to the internet since Friday, I think. I had booted it up each day to backup the photos from the cameras, but that's it.

Dd has booked me to babysit on Monday so I'm also trying to set that up (dh has a dr. appointment too so there will be juggling.)

My new refugee family wrote to say they are arriving on March 25. So that's settled as well. And I have landlord-tenant hearing on March 22.

It is time for me to update my bullet journal, preparing the pages for next week and next month.

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:08 pm

Every one needs a day off even on vacation, K not in C.
I did vacuume 2 rooms just traffic areas.
H. Is home.
Dinner is ready to eat.

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:23 pm

The good news is that dsonil received a fairly new computer with Windows 10 from his Mom. The bad news? DD started it up tonight -her MIL has it password protected. Who knows if she'll ever remember what that password is. So until they can figure out how to get into it, it's worthless.

Here we are at bedtime and I'm once again feeling yuk. Don't know what happens and then around 2am I have to get up and take t ylenol again. Be so glad to be over all this. But I'm thankful at the same time that it's not worse.

Dh was going to go to willing workers at church tomorrow -I had decided not to tax myself. But the chairperson called this evening to say not to bother coming as she really doesn't have much 'work' at all. We usually rip and roll sheets for bandages for the Congo.

Wednesday we have the annual meeting here for our church and Sunday is the meeting for up north. The one here is much simpler.

Off I go -bed time.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:28 pm

Well, I am glad to see that so many of you have had nice productive days. :D
I have had a NICE day... but productive??? Not in any remote way could my day be described as productive.
I'm not even going to tell y'all what time I finally rolled out of bed. * whew * As dh says, FitBit may send me a prize, I'm sleeping so well. :roll:
But when I DID get up, I felt great.

However... immediately after I s2s, Life got in the way...
-- phone calls & texts...
* dbil, wanting to know if we cared to sell some land that we own 1/3 with (he & xdsisil own the rest)...
* friend from church who works for hearing aid doctor, wanting me to schedule a free hearing test... I agreed (b/c she has to fill a certain quota each month)
* called dmom to tell her hearing test day is yet another I Can't Help day in re: to her dental work
* called ds to discuss land sale dbil had been talking about, talked to dgs who wanted to come to our house on the way home from school...
-- went to drug store w/dgs
-- cooked supper
-- s/s kitchen
-- took dgs home

Laundry was totally untouched... likewise bathrooms...

Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, right? Yep... says it right there on my signature line... :roll:

Dee -- how frustrating! Can the Geek Squad or someone like that do a complete re-format of a computer and erase old passwords in a case like that? I don't know -- I've never heard of it being done, actually, but seems like there would be some way around it.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:54 pm

dishes washing themselves - hoping dd younger will be able to land at the airport as we are having rough weather.

hi d kathryn happy tuesday to you! I am glad you chose to start your day quietly - good for you!

great on vacuuming and getting dinner together d nancy.

hi d dee i hope his d mom remembers the password. I do hope you feel better - you have had this for bit.

hi d lucy I am glad you had a nice day!

Good night all. I am driving out at 9:30 in hope that dd will be able to land in our area.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:12 pm

It is a lovely, cloudy, day here in the mid 70's so I can work in the garden without having to deal with the sunny glare.

I am updating my bujo but ran into an issue. I only had my phone with me at first and Google Calendar has helpfully moved all my entries to the time they will happen if I am here. For instance: I'm preaching at 3 a.m. on Monday instead of 2 p.m. on Sunday!

I don't change my computer's time when I travel, so I'm now using it to update my bullet journal. I'm finding lots of problems with my entries. For instance, I thought I had a cardiologist appointment in February but my journal says March. So I'm making a list of things to clear up when I get home!

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:55 pm

Dishes are washing themselves. I swept and mopped the main bathroom. In between chores did paint rocks they are drying now.
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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:26 am

I see Kathryn in the garden, not really having a day off but catching up on things as much as she can.
Rehydrate and slow body down.
Mistifying the way google works to be helpful.
or not.

2 loads of washing on the line.
went to an online mtg. Just 2 of us, so we had a go at something anyway. It was a different way at looking at goals, and whatnot. The Whatnot being what gets in the way.

35C95F here today, so cooler if hotter is 40+.
i need to go shopping, but hesitate to be walking the streets just now. Shops open til 9 so might chose then.
Green bin is wanting contributions too. bin night tonight.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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