Friday firsts

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby CathyS » Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:46 pm

Last pump out was "allegedly" (I think I spelled that wrong) 2015. The house was built in 1952 with the addition in 1956 BUT the house was stripped to the studs and new wiring and plumbing installed in "2013" AKA "a couple of years ago" from what previous homeowner has told us. Neighbours also say that a "couple" of years before we moved in, that there were major renovations, including wiring and plumbing, from what they can recall. Septic is right beside the house and lower than the cement slab that the house was built on. There are 2 trees near it. A massive pine tree to the east and a maple to the west of it. There is a sump pump about 3 feet below ground much further west than that which is constantly going when there is a lot of rain/snow. Dh checks it all the time and at last check the area around the pump was completely dry.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:11 pm

I went out with dh for lunch - dd younger is being pulled off her meds and she said it is making her feel a bit shaky so we did not go out.

I met a remarkable inspiring woman today - she went on a cruise near houston but before she did this, herself and her family, she went to someones home (set up by a church) and worked at the home - Each week a family volunteers helping hurricane Harvey victims. the story touched her heart so much (what these people have gone through), she started to tear up. If someone hadn't asked her she wouldn't have shared it but because of the devastation there she suggested anyone that can should help. They were so touched by the neighbours trying to help each other. She also told of her parents and how they always have been there to help others; I can see where she came from - must be good people.

It actually made me feel bad that I hadn't done more but am trying to be kind to myself that I have done for others but not outside of my family - grandparents, uncle, children so I have to be okay with that but I applaud all those who put that good in the world.

Since I am not going to be going out today. I will do a house blessing first even if I don't want to as I will be out of the house a lot tomorrow.

I haven't read how everyone is yet but I wish you the best day or night ever!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:12 pm

hi everyone... hi dear donna! Glad you are here with us!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:15 pm

I already know what we are having for dinner. I ate sloppy joes for lunch (sometimes I need beef but might buy a iron pills if I feel like this again) I always feel bloated after eating beef or pork. I ate chicken yesterday and I thin with cutting a lot of meat products out of my diet has made me feel physically uncomfortable. I don't feel like that when I eat beans etc. I wonder if it may be easier to digest to have legumes etc. than meat products???? I don't know.

pull my house blessing cards - get changed into clothing I don't mind getting dirty.
put my timer on the kitchen table where my cards are - give myself 15 minutes of pure computer time and then change laundry
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:31 pm

Second load of laundry hung up, third in the washer. I'll stop there because of no more space to hang things.

My suitcase is emptied and put away. Dh's is too but needs to be sent for service. There's a lifetime warranty and the zipper is detaching from the suitcase at the corners. I'll have to look into how to get warranty service.

The bedroom is still a mess, as is the spare bedroom but I'm stopping for a nap now since I find myself spinning my wheels.

I've also sent out two of the travelogues. One more needs finishing and photos added and the final one needs to be completely written. I haven't yet backed up, let alone gone over the photos but it will be a shorter travelog since we didn't do much in Sydney.

Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Friday firsts

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:38 pm

Getting ready to leave, we pick up Dgrk4 at preschool on M-W-F at 3, head to her house where we get Dgrk 2 and 3 off the bus at 4:15 then wait for a parent toget home around 5.
Finished all my basic cleaning list, and made Lasagna which will need to be put in oven once we are home, will have to clean up the prep mess also.
It has been a pretty good day, Please don't be to impressed, that is how my housekeeping is one good day followed by 2 bad :lol:
Hope to be back later.
Kathryn I am in the Central Time Zone.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:51 pm

played with the dogs
my timer went off - so now to do my morning dailies even though it is 2:50 pm ;)
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:56 pm

DL (Donna Lifestle) I remember I would do my art dates before or after picking up dropping gkids off for preschool those were fun times.

Cathy neighbors had trees causing probs with roots roto-rooter guy came and rooted theirs.

I have swept the bathrooms and shaken out the last rug. I have hens out for free range ti e I did daily coop clean out. Back from a 30 min brisk walk with the dog. She is tired & napping now.

House is just barely above tolerable but bc I have been fighting off a cold it is good enough, I have been plugging away slowly today on weekly home bleassing. Sipping coffee.
Swish n swipe bathrooms done, yea me.
Door knobs x.
I vacuumed the other day.
Brush hair x
lipstick is on.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Harmony » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:06 pm

Cathy, DH says they went from cast iron drain pipes around 1965-1970 to pvc pipes which last longer. Clay pipes were older than that. Unfortunately, we have seen people fix plumbing inside the house but not dig up the floor and replace the old drain pipes if everything is working at the time. People put brand new flooring, wood, tile over a floor which has those gnarly pipes underneath.

I have a real problem with "flipped" houses, because people tend to do just the cosmetic things one can see and not fix the underneath stuff. I hope that did not happen with your house. We did that recently with a house where the woman would not listen to reason. She had weak plumbing in the walls, the plumber says the copper tubing is thin and she needed a whole house repipe. She did not want to put the $ in it. But she did all the cosmetic things, new sink, fixtures, etc.

But your system is gravity fed if it is lower than your slab. Where is your sump pump located? They are usually used in houses with basements. Our pump is different kind, we pump our waste up to the tank because it is higher than the house. I suspect your trees and pipes. But it's hard to tell unless you do a lot of investigating to actually see. Your system is pretty old if its still the original one.

I finished the filing work. I will have one more stack when I get our tax stuff back. I need another bin in the garage, I've overfilled the last one out there and can't get the lid on. Ak! Running out of space around here.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:52 pm

it took a bit less than hour in the kitchen - I didn't think i had enough dishes for the dw but with the dog dishes etc there was enough to turn on. I actually was shocked that it took so long. I didn't even vacuum the kitchen floor yet.

another load of laundry done

Next surface round robin - we are having a simple dinner as I had planned on being out during the day so today is a an easy day.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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