Wednesday Wellness

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:30 pm

I'm slowing down. I'm also physically cold. There is a relationship between these two statements.

I'll go get my lunch now so I have some internal fuel to heat me up. And I'll flip laundry while that is cooking so the movement will help as well.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:40 pm

Have done the a m routine stuff. I need a long sleeved shirt on next getting that. Had bfast glad I made deviled eggs yesterday, glad to say yesterday had done several rounds on the entrances & yard will do a quick spiff on the outside kitchne steps yea for a plan! Two old mops are going in the trash as well. I need to refill 2 fizz bottles from soda stream machine. I did some on a kitchen counter spiff. I did a bit of knitting time to move again.
Did kit steps oytside & waljed ddog to corner brr 35*, yea rah rah rah! Coffee is on now!
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby CathyS » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:50 pm

Forgot to mention that I did something kind of out of the "blue" this morning... From the time I got out of the car at the doctor's office, I tried to not touch anything with my bare hands. I also came straight home and washed my hands as well as I could with the water not being hot. I have heard that doctor's offices are very germy at this time of year.

In regards to blue moons. Any time that there is a second full moon in a calendar month, they are called blue moons. Considering the lunar cycle is 28 days, there are 13 full moons per year. I have actually had 2 B12 shots this month because I get one every 28 days.

TMI coming up re: septic repair this morning.

The guy with the Bobcat came and excavated our septic area at 9:15 this morning. Then a pumper truck came and pumped the system a while ago. There was a slight blockage of frozen T.P. The guy said he didn't see any hair. LOL!! The excavator guy used to work on septic systems, but he is now a landscaper, but he is also a customer of Wayne's. Wayne came home for a bit and he was telling Wayne that the system didn't need to be pumped, but we figured it was open so we may as well get it done instead of cancelling the pumper. So we had it pumped and the excavator put an accessible cap on so we should never have to dig again. He also repaired the vent. He told us that all the baffles were fine, etc. Total cost "should" be under $2,000. (1200. for exc., and 260 for the pumper.) But... the exc. is a customer of dh's, so I think there might be a deal of sorts in our future. Dh kept apologizing to me about me having to be home to deal with all of this.

I think I'm going to have a very long, hot shower.
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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:13 pm

I'm hot for awhile and cold for awhile. Took the ddog for her walk.

Cathy, I'd have a hot shower after thinking about the septic system! Ours got blocked once at our old house and the field lines had to be dug up. What a mess! I never appreciated our plumber as much as I did then.
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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:24 pm

Heads up cnn.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:10 pm

Cathy - I am sooooo happy for your good results on septic system status. Did they give any suggestion to keep it from happening again?

DS9 and I are on lunch break. DH is shopping for food to prepare tonight at church meal. I will be helping him prepare the food at church, but I won't be eating any of it. Frito Pies, Hot Dogs, and Potluck. I have already prepared my food for tonight and have it ready to take with me. (chicken salad, green salad, 5 kinds of vegetables and brown rice).

A VDFriend is teaching a painting class in a couple weeks. DGS21 has agreed to attend it with me. It will require a 2-hour drive (one hour each way) at night time on cr*ppy country roads, but I really want to attend.
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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Sunny » Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:23 pm

Hello! No clouds in the sky today, but temp is only 60*f right now. We slept with two blankets last night.

Lilac, Happy Anniversary to you and dh!

I feel sorry for those here who are feeling ill from flu/bad colds, etc.; also extended family and dfriends who are struggling to feel better. I can't even imagine how devastating it must be to lose someone dear to this infection. Dh and I are finally over the worst, just an occasional sneeze or cough. Sending out get well wishes. I have been following the tips for disinfecting areas around the house and we wash our hands as soon as we return from an outdoor shopping trip. We used more paper plates than usual and I also changed our pillow cases every other day. I have to believe that helped some.

Beautiful pictures of the moon, Kathryn. I didn't wake up in time to see the eclipse, but I did get a picture of the moon last night at 7 pm when I dragged the trash barrel out to the curb. It was so large and silvery bright. Reminded me of years ago telling dgd21-H when she was a little girl that whenever she was lonely and missing GrandmaJ and Papa to look up at the moon and know that I was looking up at the same moon and thinking of her.

Last evening Windows did a huge update. It took over two and a half hours. This was on my newer laptop, the little net book with Win10. Haven't turned on the older laptop with Win 7 yet to see if that will be the same.

Yesterday dh had his final visit from the PT nurse. He is now dismissed from both her and the INR nurse. She said he has met all his goals and for him to keep up with the exercises and walking. Last Thurs. I had ordered his RX refills online from the VA; I will check today to see if the tracking link has any information yet.

Cathy, hope this fixes the septic problem!

My lunch hour is over; time to see if the laundry is ready for the dryer. See you soon...
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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:55 pm

I just got a call from the public school. They are closing the school tomorrow because of the flu. Hopefully, this 4 day weekend of keeping the kids apart will work to stop passing it around. This flu bug is extremely contagious!

It is a beautiful day here. Sunshine and 70+ degrees F.
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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby CathyS » Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:57 pm

First of all in regards to our septic system... dh was told that it hadn't been cleaned in quite some time, so previous owner telling us that he had just had it pumped in 2015 may have been stretching it by quite a few years.

I have washed dishes. I had a shower and washed my hair. I did more dishes. Having the water on long enough for it to get hot was so nice.

Pork roast went in to the oven and dh walked in the door! He is most likely going to have a nap. We talked about how nice it was to have our septic system back working. He said he's very relieved and we could have had a problem that could have been a whole heck of a lot worse.
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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:26 pm

Cathy: we had ours pumped when we first moved in to the house because we heard that was the best thing to do, so you know for sure the state of it and when it was pumped. Because we were city folk, the guy stressed single ply toilet paper only, and nothing else 'flushable.' It is hard to get non-scratchy single ply in Canada but a border run to WM will solve your problem. Moving to the city I was excited I could get softer 2-ply but dh still has us doing border runs for his bathrooms because he prefers the other kind. Because it is for him, we don't go through it as fast as we do for my toilet paper so border runs are acceptable even though we live a lot farther from the border now.

I've frittered away the afternoon. Even with tea, I'm not productive.

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