Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:31 pm

We have filtered sunshine today, enough I had to wear my sunglasses and was glad for my brimmed hat while walking dgs.

Dd's appointment ran late. She also has a killer headache, second day in a row, suspects the injections she's on. So we didn't lolly-gag, it was right to buy slippers for her (and I picked up a pair as well) and then to her place.

Dgs was still awake (20 minutes after he should have started his nap) and so I had them get him ready for nap time and then put him in the stroller. I walked him for 90 minutes this time (it was a bit warmer plus I'm a bit stronger) and then I left him outside and was on my way. They are having friends for dinner tonight, so she managed to get the vacuuming done while dsil was doing other prep (he had used his time with dgs this morning to walk over to the grocery store to buy what they needed for dinner, so it wasn't like he was doing nothing while dd was out.)

The car seat was put in my car for her early appointment on Monday but while I was walking him, that got changed to tomorrow at 8:30. So I have to drive her there (there are no buses that go there on early Sunday mornings.) So I'll be out of here at 7:30 to get her at 8, drop her at 8:25 and then head out to the village for church at 9:30. I'll be early but the extra time isn't enough to do anything productive. Maybe a walk around the village.

I took myself out to Subway for lunch and am now home. I think I will have a quiet afternoon. I feel much better than this morning and remembered to take the B booster and some Vitamin C as well. I'll make sure I have healthy snacks all afternoon too to help fight this off. I've really only had junk since breakfast. Semi-healthy junk but junk none-the-less.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:27 pm

I do not inderstand curling, are the wands magnetic. Is the white part ice?

I have sewn up one bag. Another will neec different lining cut out. We had ch. Pies for lunch. Did 2 loads if laundry.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:05 pm

Nancy: the brooms are brooms, the white is ice, there's no magic, just skill at getting the rock to curl in the direction they want. The brooms polish the ice to help make it easier for the rock to move where the team wants it to go.

Finally I've finished the reconciliation of the tricky month of the credit card. Now to get the bank accounts reconciled as well. Apparently I did one up until the week before Christmas but the other one hasn't been done for much longer than that and that is where the discrepancy lies.

But first: dinner!

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:03 pm

DS9 begged to come home this afternoon. He promised to be quiet so DH could sleep. He has given it a good effort.

This afternoon I did some more set=up on DS9 new-to-him phone. For some reason, it was having problems syncing with DS9 Fitbit. Once I got it going I realized what a GOLD MINE of information that is. I got DS9 a Fitbit because it was on sale, for a valentine gift, to be his PE class in homeschool and to encourage DS9 and DGS21 bonding by challenging each other's steps. What I didn't even think about was the ability to see when DS9 is awake during the night. This is important information to know about a sleepwalker! I am looking forward to watching his sleep pattern and hopefully gleaming some information that can help establish some better sleep routines for him.

I have meals planned & prep'd through Monday dinner. As I am doing this prep I find myself wondering "who is this organized person and where did wait-until-the-last-minute LM go?" :oops: :roll:

This afternoon DH asked if we had any boxed mac & cheese. We didn't but I had the ingredients on hand to make it from scratch. I also made him some mashed potatoes. Both of those foods are soft, easy to eat and not spicy. DH is starting to space the pain meds further apart. I'm thankful he is having a smooth recovery.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:19 pm

So happy to hear a good report from LadyM's household.

Posted in MO the photo from ABC tonight of ds' and neighboring Chief's joint display they managed, honoring the processional. There is another photo I want to get for ds if I can, but I only saw it shown on the live coverage a few minutes after they passed. It had been taken by a family member and sent from the car. It is framed by the car windshield shape, the way the family saw it, and the reporter said it was the first clue anyone had of how much the family was appreciating all the displays and crowds waving along the way.

We had a shock of finding we had a leak behind the tub spigot in the master bathroom. Dstepson fixed the leak and we are good to go. Could have been much worse. While he had the spigot cover off so it was convenient to work with, I polished and it looks great. So lots of time well spent. Unfortunately, it does not move us forward, only corrects a problem. Sigh. Feeling behind.

Robin the hen and I weeded in the garden bed this evening. She is good company. Ophelia is afraid to cross the walkway - she thinks it is no-chicken's-land and won't let her little tootsies touch it.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:33 pm

Hello dear ladies!

just came home. We had a lovely time at the art institute and dinner out with family. dh came with and it was really fun to see him enjoying himself. In the old days he would not have been able to stand or walk long (as well as being in a crowd).

I will read on how your day went. I hope it was a great one.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:03 pm

Used our Applebees gift card for dinner after geting the taxes done glad they are filed. Went to staples but they were out if what I wanted. H explaned sone of curling to me as well. Got a book I wanted ordered.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Saturday

Postby lucylee » Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:47 am

Hello, hello to everyone!

I cleaned out the car today — somewhat. Vacuumed and used Lysol wipes to try to improve smudges, but it still looks like every mile of its 275000 have been rough on it. Sigh. Carpet desperately needs professional cleaning but dh says for $3500, the new owner can do that himself. He agreed to that price sight-unseen, so surely he’s not expecting much.

Also walked outdoors today.
Talked to dbro and dmom today.

Dgs here now, spending the night.
Tomorrow is another day.

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