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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:22 pm
by Harriet
When I hope for an odd toy or game I go to ebay. This has worked for me since way back when I asked on our boards about the little McD's toys that had cycled out of circulation there, but were plentiful on ebay.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:50 pm
by Elizabeth
Have done a meeting at payroll. It was quite educational and not a minute of wasted time. I am working inventory problems again. Wish I could blame someone else for all the bugs, but sometimes they are mine.

I am still working on the so bad it's humorous lunchtime reading material. Our heroine had one phone interaction about a lost library card with T, who is the unmarried baby mama of a drug dealer's children and lives out of state. T shows up on her doorstep with the two kids and she lets them stay, after answering the door without looking. When our heroine gets back from visiting a friend in the hospital, T says, "Where have you been? I need to leave the house!" and disappears for the night, leaving the two kids with her. IRL this would be to score her next hit. Our heroine still has not turned over evidence to the police, even though the chief is out of the hospital and there are at least two other cops. She is now planning to break into a museum to find more evidence. I need to remember this author to avoid stupid characters and plot holes you can drive a moving van through.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:42 pm
by blessedw2
glad you found toys your little ones d harriet!

d Elizabeth - "not a minute of wasted time" wonderful!
what book are you reading?

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:46 pm
by blessedw2
BWP done: :D
bathrooms done (the powder room was just swiped; nothing great at all but it's okay)
They take longer than I want - about an hour for all of them - I wish I could say I worked super hard scrubbing and dubbing but they are clean.

vacuumed upstairs hall :D

cleaned one set of windows upstairs in one bedroom bc I have someone coming to give me a quote on window and screen repair.
15 minutes on project - front room wallpaper - done :D
make appointment for lunch tomorrow :D Seeing Faust :D
dh fed the dogs early

now for an early dinner and then paperwork
excited about tomorrow - My d sis in law # 4 is so sweet/fun and I am really looking forward to spending time with her.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 7:42 pm
by Twins' Mom
It took awhile this morning at assisted living, but I am hopeful that having hospice help will help stabilize her. They have some good thoughts - she is sleeping so much in the day they are wondering if she's not sleeping well at night, thus, got up last week and fell. Also they will do the bathing and checks on her and it's another set of eyes at the assisted living place.

I got home around noon and started working upstairs on the Pro Gen assignments. We are proofing, commenting and using the rubrics to judge whether the work meets genealogy standards. It's a hard thing, as no one wants to say something that might be hurtful and I would rather be more honest. One report solves a parentage problem through DNA, but while she's probably correct, she hasn't included in the report whether the cm reported agree to the ranges and averages for predicted relationships.

More in J&C.

I am watching a webinar in 20 min. I love having dh out of town and being able to do this without fear that he will protest or want me to do something with him. I've already walked ddog.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 7:47 pm
by Nancy
I went to knitting group sold one of my spinning wheels.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:15 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Did an hour long walk but had to rest after as I was woozy. Good thing my cardiologist appointment is this week!

We arrived home and ds had been to the apartment and the washer was running so I knew he'd be back!

I flipped his laundry while dinner was cooking. He was off running errands so didn't join us. He's here now while it finishes up.

I think by the end of the day my only accomplishments will be the facebook stuff (not on any of my to-do lists) and making a bar of soap from the leftover slivers which we save. That will be ready in 3 weeks. That took me 15 minutes. I also did a load of laundry.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:46 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
One other thing ds had me do today was set up a SHEsOrganized Reddit subforum. He suggested I put that in place in case there's an outage so we have a place to hang out until the boards are back up again.

It is totally private, no-one can see anything except the front page and only those members I approve are allowed to post. For now, I don't intend to do anything about it since it requires you each to sign up for reddit. But he suggested I grab it now so I will have it if I ever need it. So I did.

I've cleaned up the kitchen, prepared snacks and my breakfast for tomorrow and got together the other things I need for tomorrow. Now to go to bed and have a good night's sleep so I'm full of energy.

Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 11:16 pm
by lucylee
Hello, everyone!
No real ta-da's for today, except I attended the teacher's lunch and then went to the nursing home singing w/ds, dh, and dgrands tonight. In between, I napped, b/c the 3 hour power outage made me iron MUCH later than I would have otherwise.
(I also washed last night's dishes this afternoon! :oops: )
I haven't even talked to dmom today, and dgs was especially high-energy tonight, which exhausted me and makes me think dh is right -- they do too much threatening to spank and not enough real discipline over there.

Plus dh is all concerned that ds is going to have a conflict with two engagements he is working on for May, and if he has to break one, it will be one of the few times he gets to perform around here at home. DH's anxiety about all this puts me in a bad mood and makes me nervous about it all, so I"m just in a foul mood I guess.

PLUS -- Right now, I'm fighting with my web browser, I guess you call it. I'm typing this on Chrome, but I usually use aol for my homepage. It will let me look at my mail, but nothing else. My favorites won't open, won't let me log in to their help chat, won't let me search for anything in the address bar.

In addition, I've been getting a LOT -- I mean a LOT of "Mailer Daemon -- Undelivered mail -- return to sender" notices lately -- like 40 per day the last 2 or 3 days. And of course, I have not mailed anything to anyone. But until tonight, the computer has been working fine, so if it's a virus, it was slow to act. * sheesh *

Since I can get on with Chrome, I guess I should call them on the phone.


Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 12:12 am
by lucylee
Well. Maybe I will and maybe I won’t — be in a better mood tomorrow. Apparently we don’t PAY for technical support for aol. Grrrr...