Conga to Celebrate Friday

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:40 pm

The exhaust didn't work. Dh spray some sort of expanding foam down a lot of the holes. A friend mentioned giving them beer because they can't regurgitate it. We don't have any at the moment but we might try it.

Very few things are open here, so with some of you saying you are doing certain things today, that makes me wonder. I have always thought that the US was far more Christian/religious than Canada. Arena sized churches. "God bless America" "In God we trust" etc. Here it is Good Friday and things are open south of the border but not north of it. A lot of stuff is closed here on Monday as well.

We are having spaghetti and meat sauce for supper.
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:43 pm

I carried the cross about 1/2 mile today so when I'm super sore on Sunday, I'll know why. It doesn't seem heavy for the first block, then it does! Most years people offer to swap out for you along the way, this year they didn't.

My day has gone well but I'm ready for dinner and bedtime. Yes, it is 3:30 here!

I got the paperwork neatened before I left for church because I knew people would be by today. I can't put it away, I'm in the middle of things, but I could make it look organized. Which is better than the dining room and the bedroom which are overrun with items.

I made it to the church that had donations for us and they're sending someone here with a truck which then saved me an extra run today. Woot! I also received $100 in cash as a donation.

On to our Good Friday procession of the cross. It was a lovely service.

Back to my village church to pick up donations from there. Took only kitchen stuff, so there's more to be moved next weekend.

Got home, unloaded the car (3 loads) and had bacon and eggs for my lunch and watched a tv show. Headed back to the airport and picked up dh.

I've unloaded the carts now and am ready for when the truck arrives.

Dinner tonight is burgers and popcorn.

I also need to walk 2 miles before the end of the day.

BTW: my weight was down again this morning. And I'm on the last hole of belt. In the right direction! I had been on the second last hole in the other direction so this is a big non-scale victory.

Cathy: Nothing gets in the way of Americans and their making a buck. Here everything is closed but stores will be open on Monday. Across the border in Quebec, things are open today and closed on Monday. I forgot about that and got caught in a traffic jam of people heading toward the bridge by our place and had to abort my route home. Canadians would be just as happy to shop since apparently we aren't religious either.

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:55 pm

I have done a rock drop, and took the dog on an another walk. Hens are out foe their free range time. I have had lunch. I painted on sone rpcks for April with dogwood blooms on them, they are drying now still need sealed.

Painted more rocks they are dog wood twigs w blooms on them pink white and dark pink nearly red ones. Waiting for seal coats to dry.

Winds have kicked up. They dry fast in the wind got em sealed. Secured tin so it is not banging yea!
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:40 pm

hello hello
dd older and I chatted -always nice, she got out of work early which is much needed. She is missing dd younger and hoped dd younger would have been home for Easter.

worked in 2 bedrooms (15 minutes a little bit more)
washed wood trim but not all
washed door to hall and inside bedroom
so exciting
cleaned mirrors
hung up some laundry
washing another dog bed blanket

dishes in dw is done - so that will be next to empty. But I am taking some me time

I am going to do 15 minutes in front room to work on wallpaper because I am being stubborn and refuse to give up on this. I won't be working in there this weekend so I might as well get it done.

I still have to walk
and play ball with the dogs
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Mar 30, 2018 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 5:07 pm

sorry it didn't work d cathy!
spaghetti and meat sauce sounds delicious
I like that quote! It makes you think

hi d kathryn! I would be sore! I am glad your day has gone well! Glad someone saved you an extra run out of your home! Be good to yourself tonight - you deserve it! Your good friday service sounds lovely! wonderful about the belt and your right direction!

hi d nancy!!
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Mar 30, 2018 6:24 pm

Most historic denominations in my region don't have a tradition of Friday services, of course, but will now be planning for huge outdoor (if possible) sunrise services Sundays. It's not part of my own history to even have a Maundy Thursday service to attend - it's somewhat novel here. The rare Friday service will often be in the evening - an Episcopal church I sometimes pass is doing this tonight, according to their sign.

Some states have Friday before Easter as a state holiday - I don't know which ones but I think I heard on the news today 11 of 50. I guess for some large business the question might be how can we make more money by opening another day. But this presupposes that that business was ever giving the day as a holiday in the first place. For the average Joan, the question is, how can anyone afford to take another day off work, or how are we going to schedule people for plant shut-down and reopen.

Laundry chores done. I decided more Desk Day can just wait until tomorrow. Need to give more time to bathroom spiffing in general, I notice. What is it P and P said about take a snif and consider - "does it need a little Pine-Sol in there?" :)

self-analysis skippable
When no one else is here, HRH and I get along so well; we are like bestest pals this whole week, for instance. why is it our arguments always seem to happen when there are either others in the home or an eminent arrival? I fear this has to do with my own introversion. It's hard to go back through an argument to remember what started the irritable words, but he is an honest guy, and he always seems so convinced it wasn't his fault (smile). I would hate to dissect this and find that I cause trouble because I have hermit tendencies.

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Mar 30, 2018 6:30 pm

Think I'm beginning to get things saved to this computer. Do need to get me listed as the administrator at some point though. I do have my own sign in however.

Met friends from up home church for breakfast this morning. Seemed good. DD has been searching for a new (to them) RV. She's called the 2 dealers in our town up there -which is only 8 miles from camp. At least they know what she's looking for.

Been too lazy all day and not accomplishing anything. DD and I went to K ohl's so she could spend her birthday cash there. I found one top and bought that. Tried to get a credit card for there but it just wouldn't go through -mainly because of my address. Only has our box # on my driver's license. That was done because we can't have mail (for the most part) at the campground. Our physical address is on file with NYState but not on our licenses.

I have piles of office type work to do and really need to get with it. Have a check (sizable) to deposit and need to do that Monday before I do anything else.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:15 pm

Harriet... it is a holiday here in my school district and think it’s the same for public schools across AZ. Not sure but the traffic report this morning showed every little traffic on the major freeways which led me to believe others are off as well.

Not sure about the Morman population but here at the temple they have been dong their huge Easter Pagent every night for the past two weeks. They build a huge stage and the public sits in the grass to watch. Several of my LDS participate in the even, and my friends husband plays and sings the part of Harrad every year. He’s done this part for years and every Oct he starts growing his beard.

The Epsicopal church that my kids attend celebrate a huge Easter week. Late night the service included the teenagers washing peoples feet, and tonight they present Jesus on the cross. They build an out door stage with a very large screen and back light it. The whole presentation is done with the adudiance viewing it in shadows.
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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:56 pm

Holidays are stressful. I have been home almost all week intentionally I needed down time. Made do with stuff in the cupboard for the last few days. Feel ready to go with h to town and see family Sun. But must admit am glad when it is over.

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Re: Conga to Celebrate Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 8:04 pm

Hello d harriet! a sunrise service sounds lovely - I haven't been to one since I was a teen on a retreat. Loved it. I wish we had those here.
We have the stations of the cross with the grammar school and the education groups from the middle school and high school. The schools here are closed on Good Friday and dd older's and most business have 1/2 day off.

yay on Laundry chores done.-
"does it need a little Pine-Sol in there?" :)
I love that.
Dh and I are the same way. before a gathering we seem to get a bit edgy with each other. No reason. I do have social anxiety (but most people would never believe it of me because I make it look like I am comfortable even though I am dying inside. 8-). I still think it's a bit of exceptions and anxiousness on both our part.
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