New Beginning Sunday

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:18 pm

Yes -- a new beginning! Always a good thing!

DGS loved trying to do April Fool's Jokes today, but he had a hard time getting the hang of what works and what doesn't -- "Granddaddy, your pants are unzipped," yes... "Granddaddy, you're stuck in a tree!" Not so much... LOL.

He slept all the way through church (which is kind of a blessing, b/c he's so restless otherwise) and then we had the egg hunt... where either they really hid the eggs VERY WELL -- or all the bigger kids grabbed them first. :roll: He didn't seem too concerned. Then he "helped" dgd with the egg hunt for the kids in the nursery. He insisted on coming home with us for lunch while his parents went out to eat. After they picked him up, dh and I slept all afternoon.

Tonight, dh and I emptied the dishwasher -- LOL -- a "major" chore I always dread, and today I noticed it took less than 15 minutes. ;)
I cooked supper & cleaned up the kitchen.
We've been to Wmart and put away all the groceries.
Just a normal Sunday here, really.
I've helped ddil with a paper for class via e-mail.
Going to go finish the paper, read a magazine I bought at Wmart, and enjoy my dessert -- Frosted Flakes cereal (no milk). :lol:

:?: Have any of y'all watched Jesus Christ, Superstar tonight, or did you see it in theaters before? What do y'all think of it?
I have never watched it -- just aware of the criticisms it received on its debut.
Just curious -- our pastor seems to be enjoying it (based on FB post).
I just realized today also, our church has apparently eliminated "confirmation classes" which were usually held this time of year for children approx 12 years of age -- a series of weekly classes on church beliefs and what membership means, etc. -- and I had mixed feelings on the whole thing, but apparently it was a no-pressure introduction to church membership and making a public profession of faith. I wonder if any others in our denomination still do these classes. This is NOT something that ended w/current preacher -- it's been several years since I've been aware of them.
Also thinking... I bet our church was the only mainline Protestant church in North America that had not one single word mentioned re: the death of Billy Graham.
OTOH... today's sermon was fine. No radically modern/liberal statements.

Nancy, ddil said she went to Wmart yesterday and it was HORRIBLE! Tonight at 7:00-8:00 -- it was no problem at all.

Weather is so nice here, also. I was seeing where it was snowing in Kansas & Missouri! Happy Easter, indeed. I guess no one's wearing new spring sandals out there!

Donna -- it's so good to see you checking in with us!
I definitely KWYM re: wasting time on the computer. I'm trying hard to ration my time a little better.
I hope your dmom is okay too.

Oh yes, Cathy -- Cadbury cream eggs are ALWAYS appropriate. I believe that is my favorite Easter candy. In fact, I bought myself a box of the mini eggs, along with dh's Peeps.

So nice to hear of everyone's happy Easter gatherings. If your day was not all you hoped it would be, just chalk it up as a bad April Fool's joke and let tomorrow be a new beginning!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:42 pm

The candy was wiped put so less temptation at the store today. Sat. was like before any holiday spring break is for our town this week the other town across the river had theirs last was last week.

Dgd #2 went to prom this weekend and stayed with her mom so we did not see her, dgd#1 was at collage.

I boiled eggs for h. Lunches they are cooling so I can peel them, forgot to do them earlier.

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:11 am

d lucy -your d grandson sounds so cute!!!

I recorded it. I will let you know. I like I saw it when I was a teen with my d mom - at the time it received protests etc. because people assumed it was mocking etc.

the director (of the movie I think) -, I heard him talk on the radio Saturday, of the would offer protestors to see the play and some took his offer and enjoyed it.

The play was very much of the time - and that also scared people. I think the difference with this production was that Jesus was shown to have feelings hurts etc. it was considered out there at the time and still for people now as well.
I didn't like the movie not because of the subject etc. but I didn't like the filming (that was me).It was filmed in Israel. I loved the play - unique and fitting the time.

Things that I thought were interesting is that for the background people they needed long hair people and took non actors that had beards (he said from the street) and long hair and after the play "Hair" they used many of the actors from the play for the same look.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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