Monday Magic

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:11 pm

hi d CathyS

Hi everyone!

How lovely that you had 4 ladies over from the knitting group this morning.
good luck on the moth balls!

hi d Twins'
I am glad you have been relaxed this morning!
I am glad your d mom is feeling as she had before the last fall.
Yes great work Look at you!

hi d Nancy yay on kitchen work and bed and laundry in dryer!

home blessing done in laundry room 15 minutes :D
when I go upstairs I will bring up folded laundry and put it away

also sanded where dh spackeled wall in the laundry room.(put away sander etc) :D also removed old spring type door stopper (all rusty) I do need to spackel that area, sand it and then paint it before putting new one in.

Now for kitchen blessing

dh is feeling not so great today. dd older has a cold again.
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:16 pm

I did a 15 minute shift doing some garage clean up. Loaded stuff into my car to go to Goodwill and to UPS store to shred. And made myself a note to do that later in the week.

Just drew 15 min desk clean up. I think I'll head out to see dmom when done with that...
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Harriet » Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:18 pm

I like hearing the words, "relaxed" and "energy" in Twins' Mom's post.

Donna, glad you are posting again.

Harmony, is this the same sister in law (same house yesterday and same who throws under buses?). Or two different ones. The one tossing under buses needs to have a discussion that is frank and to the point. Someday, everyone has to look back and admit what they did or didn't do (or did against?) for the relationships around them.

Kathryn, I was :( :o at little girl's mouse experience yesterday and mentioned it to HRH, since he has had so many mouse surprises over the years at production plants. He said something similar about making sure things that we give as donations are clean and never in any way unhealthy. Yes, someone's probably tired and may feel they did a lot just to let go of a thing that has value, but it's not enough unless we take responsibility for our donations, checked for safety/cleanliness. Good poem.

Yesterday afternoon at ds' and ddil's for Easter was lovely, with some from both sides of their family, 5 children. Had a big egg hunt and then dyed eggs and then had a "ball game" with "real" bases.

In the evening the young man came over to serve as dd's ride back to univ. He entertained me with his excitement over his own college projects lately.

"The impossible just takes a little longer. " dept:
First seemingly impossible thing of the week done:
had both our green-eyed-boy6 and toddlerC here today for 6 hours. So many different activities I can't remember them all. Main thing was gardening. Dgs is a whiz with an old child's shovel I've had here for decades. Found: 8 worms, which dgs picks up instantly and "carries to safety" under a bush. ToddlerC rakes with her beach toys, which may not bode well for them, but she has fun. "not just a second child, but children to the 2nd power"

Nice news: dgs is reading up a storm, quickly sounding out new words "angry" and "fishing" before I could help. When did this happen??!??

Next up
I may nap and I'm not kidding - that might be IT.

Tomorrow's "seemingly impossible" will be teaching the study in the midst of emotional upheaval around our group, if not really in it. I will try to be ready for anything, but mostly just need to remember we are " all doing the best we can with the information we have at the time" as HRH says.

Rest of week must include lots of getting ready for weekend houseguests and parties, both here and at ds'.
AND Thursday a repeat of my double-trouble child care! :lol:

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Harmony » Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:33 pm

Harriet, yes same sister-in-law where we were for dinner (actually her daughter but she runs the show anyway), same lady who quit inviting us. Son-in-law was the one who called and said come in the afternoon. Never mentioned that they were all there having dinner. Same sister-in-law who knew son-in-law and family were coming down (she knew 6 months ago, date and all) and never told us. Same sister-in-law who seems to get in the middle of things and is divisive to us building a relationship with our grandkids (3) and son-in-law. Encourages them to come stay with her, etc. and do things with her. Never heard tell of her saying anything positive about us having a relationship with them.

I can't imagine confronting her with any of this. She knows our angst. Doesn't really seem to care. I think she's jealous of anyone in her family having a relationship with anyone but her. She has to be the one everybody and everything revolves around. I think she's resented our closeness with my side of the family over the years and doesn't like that we often went with them over a holiday.

Remember, she and her other daughter did not answer their phones last holiday when we were to go out and visit with their side of family. We were told to call first to see if everybody was still there, as we couldn't get there in time for meal.

Blek! What does one do with families like this?

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:38 pm

Yes, heading out for quick visit with dmom now. Might run by Lowes and see about ferns?
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby lucylee » Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:08 pm

Not much magic around here...
Just busy with dgd.
Ddil got called in to work this afternoon so asked me to come get dgd.
I’ll also have to pick up dgs at school and then take him to his art class.
Ds will take over when art class is done.

Need to call dmom and need to do laundry...

(((Harmony))) Family... everybody’s got ‘em...
I’m just shaking my head. I imagine your children — and everyone else involved — sees this d?sil for what she is.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:35 pm

have fun at your d moms and looking at ferns d twins

d harmony - it is hard -

I am sorry she is being this way. you are a lovely person and you deserve better.

d harriet - so happy you had a lovely time! your dd's friend sounds so cute.. i love young people - I love seeing their passion shine out around them.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:40 pm

kitchen blessings are split now because it is too much for me =

so today :D
sprayed and wiped the front of the bottom cabinets.
cleaned the bottom wood as I went along
swiffer dusted wood trim, doors, window sills, water cooler
took swiffer duster and wet it and put bleach spray on and wiped other areas - doors, ceiling areas etc.
cleaned the front of stainless steel appliances
swiped top of toaster
vacuumed, swiffer rinsed walking areas
windexed bottom of both french door windows.

Next week: wipe top cabinets
move the things on the counter and clean behind stuff
clean microwave
wipe wall above stove

what still needs doing:
dejunk one thing
put away laundry

I am not going to do a swish and swipe bc bathrooms are tomorrow
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:37 pm

Hmmm, grocery store has wifi.

This is a good thing since the store price matches and now it costs me nothing to check other flyers for the best price of anything in my basket.

This is a bad thing because now I get email while at the store and have my 'walk to clear my head' ruined by more tasks landing in my in-box.

It was a short walk.

I did stuff this afternoon, I know I did but not sure what. The bed has fresh sheets, laundry is hung up to dry and I worked on the April 15th service enough to have a sermon title and put a request to a cartoonist to use his cartoon in the church bulletin.

I sent a request to the group that runs my charitable foundation (which I keep forgetting I have!) to see if I can use it to get an income tax receipt for a donation to the next family of refugees arriving that aren't my responsibility. It isn't a business day but it will be waiting in someone's in-box tomorrow.

I still need to get numbers to my co-sponsor (who's also sponsoring this next family).

I need to get payments out to those who have bought things this past week. Maybe I'll make it a Monday task, that way I can manage expectations.

The person hosting my latest refugees while we are waiting for the apartment emailed that she was going to Walmart with them and did I have anything on my list for them to buy? I did! (Thankfully, I was making lists today) and I thanked her and sent my list. That's probably one less errand for me. Woot!

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Nancy » Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:47 pm

I have fetched the mail. The hens are out on their free range time now. It is cold and windy here today br-r. Folded the laundry . Found quilt blocks trying to decide sigh if I need to keep em or not. sigh... for now I have them sorted from fabric pieces.

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