Together Tuesday

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:59 pm

a 3 x a day simple clutter check and put away

I do frequent PUPA in the 5 main rooms that guest use. Somedays things accumulate quickly and other days the rooms stay clutter free. Somedays I just do a quick swifter of the floors and the rooms stay clean the rest of the day (rare) and other days I am doing a PUPA every time I walk through the rooms. I would guess that 75% of the stuff left lying around belongs to the kids and 25% to me. DH very rarely leaves anything out. He is the neatest person in our home.

Harmony - you are my ideal person on how to handle business paperwork and files. I can not imagine that you are doing it any way other than the best way. I admire how you stay on top of things.

Top of the refrigerator - This is the location of all sequester items. When DS9 and DGD6 gets an item removed then it is put on top of the refrigerator until it is returned. It is not unusual to find several screen devices on top of the refrigerator (phone, kindle, tablet, etc). It is also the location of dye-free candy stash. I bought these as treats for DS9 but have decided to not do this anymore. I don't want to train him to use sweets as a reward. When the dye-free candy stash is gone then I'll replace it with a different type of reward. Depending on the size of the new treats, I will decide whether to keep them on top of the refrigerator.

Today has been an awesome homeschooling day. Attitude, focus, productivity all exceeded expectations.
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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:06 pm

Nothing on top of my refrigerator except the kitchen cabinet that is above. Don't ask me what's in the cabinet; since it's inaccessible without a step stool it's kind of a "little horror shop of hoarders."

Napped for almost an hour and enjoyed it very much.
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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:25 pm

Home. Stiff. Sore.

Turns out it was a 4 mile walk (at the doughnut shop I was to drop down onto the boring route and I failed to do that because I wanted to remain on the interesting route.) Checked out the Free Form Fitness place. Have a card. Know what the beginner special is. I'm assured over half their clientele is over 50. I'll read their free fitness of 50 book before joining and told him it won't be until May some time towards the end of the month.

Picked up milk at our furthest away grocery store so had that to carry for the last 3/4 of a mile (that's 8 pounds.) I used to carry that much extra weight all the time as fat so it shouldn't bother me now. At least that's what I told myself.

I have laundry to deal with and the mess that remains in my bathroom. Plus I need to wash the bathroom floors.

Dh is cooking dinner. The doughnut is difficult to gauge calorie count but it looks like a Krispy Kreme (except no cream in the middle) and so I picked the closest one of those, looking at the pictures on the KK website) and counted that. All calorie counting is approximate anyway. I need to toss away either half my burger bun or half my popcorn to stay within my calorie count for the day so I'll have less popcorn and more veggies to try and keep my fibre up.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:12 pm

I have cleaned the top of the fridge and a drawer in the china hutch, did a quick dust of the top of the hutch, cleaned the dish an put it away on the top shelf. Worked on the table also.

Cleaned put a spaghetti squash and it is baking now.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:20 pm

quick hi

had a lovely time with d sil # 4!, dd younger was feeling sick and I dropped her off while I went to the garden store and butcher for dds and dh.
came and dd is sick again. She said it's getting old being sick .

reminding myself:On Wednesday May o clinic - make hotel or house reservations and plane reservations

well done on PUPA patrol on a regular bases trough the rooms d lady!

Don't ask me what's in the cabinet; since it's inaccessible without a step stool it's kind of a "little horror shop of hoarders."
:lol: hahahahaha d twins

d kathryn I hope the stiffness goes away
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:39 pm

What still needs to be done
bathrooms will be pushed to tomorrow

I need to do a 10 - 15 house blessing
pull cloths for tomorrow
gym or yoga at home
want: work on garden journal

okay - as I am stalling - time to grab the timer and make dinner for the crew here.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:27 pm

Nice dinner. Then dh hung up the laundry for me and I worked on the tile floors. Scrubbed my bathroom with steel wool. It didn't make a difference, that tile edge is still black. I can't think of any way of cleaning what I assume to be mold off of the porous tile edge.

I scrubbed dh's bathroom with just a scrubby sponge. I then finished the vacuuming of the other half of the apartment and hand scrubbed the kitchen floor using an SOS pad. As Harmony (I think) said, the spin mop isn't a great scrubbing tool and it had been at least 18 days since the last time I lightly mopped the floor so I decided to 'go for it' and do the job properly. Please note this is a monthly chore (on the knees scrubbing) that hasn't been done for years. Not that I use my zone chart reliably the current version began in Nov. 14 and has never been checked.

Suffice to say I hit zones when I think about them or can't ignore them any longer but otherwise, not at all. Quite the change from when the kids were small and, as I said earlier, you could eat of the floor under the fridge because I pulled it out once a quarter to clean underneath. Now that chore isn't even on my zone list because I used to do it when I vacuumed the fridge coils and now they are under the fridge. (Not that I've done that in the past year, either!)

OK, focus on the residents' association.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:01 pm

Got much done today... errands run and car wash through the quickie wash where I get to vacuum and detail my car. In the shade but still 100*. Usually we don’t hit that mark till mid-May.

Spent part of the morning with Sweetie going to our tax man so that’s done..also took two huge garbage tongood will as well.

Dinner made and cleaned up. Elton John special tonight and looking forward to that. I changed out my closet the other day and still have a bit or two to do. That’s planned for tomorrow.

Oh and my refrigerator top is covered with part of my Cabernets. Nothing on top of it including Willis :lol:
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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:07 pm

Spiffed up a bit more on the patio and carport yea for another round done.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:12 pm

I haven’t cuop past page 1 but wanted to say that my PUPA routine is more of a “look when I leave the room” and bedtime tidying. (Usually.) It really helps that dh is so OCD. He pretty much makes sure everything is put away before bedtime.

Today has been a busy day!
Dgd arrived around 1:00 pm and she and I ran lots of errands—
— post office
— alterations shop
— drug store
— jewelry store
— electric company
— pick up dgs

After all that, she and dgs raced cars around the house and we watched part of Mary Poppins... I finished washing the sheets (but they are not back on the bed yet!) and I talked with dmom, daunt, and another dfriend/neighbor. Situation in J&C is unchanged.

Dgd fought sleep with all her might until I went back to town to get supper for all of us, after dh got in from golf. I had to wake her up to take her home.
Tomorrow is another day.

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