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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:59 pm
by lucylee
Fortunate to be doing NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING today!!!
Dmom called to brag about having her laundry caught up (ours is too, btw, thanks to dh yesterday) and when she got off the phone, she said, "Well, I know y'all have things you're trying to do today..."
I said, "We are not trying to do c*r*a*p * today! We have done ENOUGH!"
I told her about ddil wanting us to take both kids with us tomorrow and that I had to Just Say No. ;)

Slice of life:
DGS was having a meltdown about something yesterday; dgd getting into his stuff, I guess, and dh said, "You don't need to cry about it! Are you going to cry all day Saturday on our trip?"
DGS said, "I won't if SHE doesn't go!!!"

So today, I am celebrating my first child-free day since Monday -- and the childcare has been pretty much all day every day since then -- and I am NOT s2s or anything else at the moment. :P
I have eaten (a lot), worked the Sudoku puzzle in the newspaper, and I have reordered my shampoo/body wash & conditioner from T arget (surprisingly, they are cheaper on this than a mazon) and I have wasted a LOT of time looking at index cards and journals online. I do not need to spend $30 on a journal... but I sure do like the looks of that Best Self journal...
Is there some where that lets you print similar pages free? I like the exercise/habit tracking and the weekly review stuff best of all.
I don't really think I want hardcover journals for every 13 weeks.
Twins -- do you keep all those journals? How long?

Talked to ds... texted w/dbro...

I do need to go s2s and go to the post office.

part of me feels everyone around me sitting - I have to push myself as I am easily affected by moods of others especially dh.

Sooo, sooo true here, too, blessed!

I have done NO cleaning this week At All. No weeklies, no zones, and precious little dailies.
I have kept the kitchen s/s daily. And things have been PUPA in the baby room and all around each night after they left.

Weather here should be horrible tomorrow, and probably will follow us all along our trip to Atlanta. I'm just hoping we're ahead of the worst of it, and maybe by the time we come home, it will have cooled off enough that we don't have to dodge tornadoes. A couple of schools in our area had proms scheduled for tomorrow, and they have both rescheduled already, along with a lot of ballgames. Most sensible people would just stay home, but no one has ever accused dh and me of being sensible... and ds has to go, so we might as well all face the weather together. :roll:

(((Elizabeth & dd))) I know you were sorta expecting the news of celiac, but still... saying a prayer for you both as you adjust to the new diet.

(((Harmony))) I have heard that a hernia like that can cause horrible pain! Seems like my dmom had one, and for a long while, she would awaken in the night thinking she was having a heart attack. I don't know what she did that finally stopped it, but she doesn't have trouble with that now -- at least, not very often. She hasn't mentioned it in I don't know how long!

(((Harriet))) -- hugs for you too! And (((Rose)))

Lots of reflux-type problems here in our village, aren't there?

I have sat long enough. MUST go s2s...

Re: Fortunate on Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:45 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Home from a productive day.

Got stuck in traffic on the way to get the mattress. It was down a major shopping street and it felt like Saturday traffic, not 11 a.m. on a Friday. I'm guessing people were out running errands before the storms.

Picked up the mattress which fit in the back seat just fine.

Headed to dd's and had a delightful time with dgs. He now gets an impish grin and say something like "zigga, zigga ziggash" which is the sound he makes for wanting to tickle you. It breaks us up into laughter each time because it is so cute. Still not walking, and wouldn't play the walking game with dh and I (he will take a few steps between his mom and dad at night before bed but usually face plants or keels over backwards if they don't pay attention and he still can't stand on his own so no balance at all.)

We played for about an hour, dd and I went over the baby proofing items they have so I could get what I needed) and then he insisted we go to the basement. While down there he went to crawl into the laundry room (dd had just mentioned how she had to lock that off from him) so I softly said "No, mommy says no to that room." He dissolved into tears and it was so funny to watch, I just let him. Dd came running downstairs to help heal whatever fall he had had and found me sitting there laughing. She explained I had misunderstood and he was allowed in with an adult and he liked to watch the washer run. So we went in. He sort-of forgave me. I still think it was hilarious to watch his little face as he processed me saying no to him.

It was obviously nap time so we left and did a Costco run and then went on to visit the refugees and set up the mattress. We had an excellent visit with them. The apartment is so neat and clean, it is a delight to go visit.

We stopped in at another store for a precooked chicken for our dinner and then came home.

I finished and printed the service and we are sitting down to eat now.

A very successful afternoon on top of a successful morning. I'm fortunate!

Re: Fortunate on Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:33 pm
by Nancy
I vacuumed and emptied the canister. Walked with the dog. Will be working on getting her to roll over next. Had a nap.

It is time to pick up some leaves on the side yard. I have a plan for dinner.

I am feeling fortunate bc I found a stone that looks like quartz but minty green in color. I am trying to identify it.

Made dinner we ate, next clean up. Eggs are cooling to peel & devil in a bit.
I did last load of laundry.
H found his keys this week yea!

Re: Fortunate on Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:07 pm
by LadyMaverick
I'm home from spending time with DGS21. We had some good adventures and some deep conversations. He is now fully moved into his new-to-him apartment and he is pleased with his change. His major reason for moving was to be upstairs so he could have his windows open. He is comfortable living in that apartment complex but even he admits that it isn't safe to live on the ground level and have windows open. We had lunch at his apartment then went thrift store, dollar tree and WM shopping. He needed curtain rods because there are different sized windows than the previous apartment. IMHO, he is adulting well.

Elizabeth - Thank you for the link!

Re: Fortunate on Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:12 pm
by blessedw2
hello again!

good for your d gs 21! d lady

hi d kathryn - glad today was so productive!

hi d lucy - glad you enjoyed your day for just you! You have been so busy!!!

hi d harriet I am glad you haven't seen that dr. again.

hi d Nancy

Well done everyone!

Re: Fortunate on Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:21 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm 850 steps short for the day. I might go walk the halls because I really want to get both 10K steps and under my calorie count for the day so I can colour in two of the hearts on my tracker for the month. There wasn't a lot of colouring in so far this month due to the move.

I just checked and the hotel does have an indoor heated pool so we are all set for tomorrow. We'll go up in the early afternoon and be able to use the pool. Not sure where we are eating dinner. We have a favourite pizza place but there's no way I want to blow my diet on that. They put tons of cheese on and have a thick crust. I told dh it was OK for him to pick up a pizza and I'd get something else but he thinks we should eat together. There's a Subway right next door so we could both do takeaway and eat in the hotel room.

The weather forecast is improving for us as the storm goes to the south. The forecast is now for 4" up there instead of 8 and less than 2 here. The freezing rain is still there for Sunday, but is being pushed later in the day so we may get home before it starts.

I guess I'll go walk around a bit so I can get those steps in.

Re: Fortunate on Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 11:28 pm
by Harmony
Well I have a slice of life to share. Except it's not a slice, it's the whole cake.

I worked on the rug shampooer and got it working. Vacuumed living room area rug, the top and underneath as much as I could. Began cleaning, got a couple containers full of solution done. Throwing the dirty water outside because it is really dirty and sandy. This is one of those 100% wool rugs with a light background (cream color) and pastel flowers cut in all over. It has always been very hard to keep clean, and shampoo. And dry. It sucks up a lot of moisture.

So DH calls to interrupt my day...what else....and says to come bring the truck to jobsite out in the boonies - 2 interstate exits ++ away... because now he's stuck in sugar sand out there. Sugar sand. That very fine soft sand with no organics in and makes huge holes instantly if we spin our wheels...

So out I go and we hook up the chains, put both trucks in 4WD Low, and he tries to pull it out with me in the stuck truck. Dug it in deeper. We give that up and go back 2 exits (these are long ones) and go to Tra ctor Sup ply to look at winches...which he finds would need to be attached to his bumper, a long job, so not a good idea. He starts calling wreckers to get a tow and finds one to come and out we go back.

Guy comes and attaches his winch and slowly pulls him out onto firm ground. homeowner is finally there and I figure since he's out and other guy is there with his truck, they can do their work and I can go home. I get up on the Interstate and guess who calls? DH, he's stuck again and needs me to come back. I had to travel a long way to other exit, get back on the other direction and back I go.

Sun is blaring in my eyes and I can't read the street signs and I realize I'm in unfamiliar territory and have passed up my street. U-turn and back I go, but someone is tailgating me and I can't go slow enough to read the street signs so I miss it again the other direction. Finally get turned around and up I go. Between the 3 of us we get the durn truck out of the sand - again - and he backs in another way. I drive to the end of their entry and take a nap in the car just to be sure he doesn't need me. A couple hours later we are on our way home.

Sun is glaring so bad I can't see to turn the a/c down, it's wonky in this truck with extra switches so by the time I'm home I'm a popsicle.

Rest of the evening spent finishing up the one carpet. Fan is going overhead. Tomorrow when it dries I'll be able to see how good, or bad, it turned out.

It is Friday the 13th.

Re: Fortunate on Friday

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:42 am
by lucylee
Oh, (((Harmony))) ... just (((BIG HUGS))).