Fun Friday

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Twins' Mom
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:06 pm

I'm home again from from taking dcousin to see dmom. Dmom was in good spirits, ate some lunch, and knew both of us. She had a little confusion at the end, she somehow thought we were eating at a restaurant and was confused about going to her room and said she didn't want us to leave her there. I suggested she nap a little and think about it. She'll probably wake up not remembering.

Friday end up being not very productive because the house is clean (dcleaning lady did her magic) and I feel like I can goof off. I might take a little nap.

For some reason I just don't want to cook dinner tonight. Hoping dh is planning to go to temple and I can either beg off or go and then go out...
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:46 pm

((it's so hard))) I am glad though, for that time, you three had a lovely lunch! it makes those times even more special! hope you do take a nice nap - you deserve it d twins.

so so cool d dee!!! how awesome.
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:47 pm

Twins: I hope you don't have to cook tonight! My dh is already confirming we'll be at the pub tomorrow since we missed it last month.

Harmony: In fact, I do smell just fine!

I have the heat on in here and Beethoven and a scented candle so things are fine in the living room now. The super just came and it is varnish. They did 810. I'm on the 22nd floor but our suites are connected through the laundry rooms. He's going to turn the main ventilation up to full. They can't go into 810 to open windows because the floors are drying, hence the strong smell.

My email has added another to-do to me. Sigh... My minister is giving me until the end of next week to do it. I moved my dentist checkup so that gives me back Tuesday and that's when I'll work on this latest item. This is something that will also benefit me and I have to do anyway so time spent on it now isn't a waste but a distraction.

Taxes are done, I think. I went over the summary over and over until I fully understood where each number came from. That led me to make some adjustments and increase the refund by $300.

I look forward to getting the taxes filed so I guess I'll go ahead and file. I understand it all. Our income is so low this year the medical expenses and charitable contributions will wait to be used next year (carrying forward is allowed.) Knowing that, I'll start drawing some more income from my retirement fund since I have something to off-set the taxes owed on that income.

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Re: Fun Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:49 pm

sounds lovely - Beethoven and a candle! happy that you are getting extra d kathryn for a refund!
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:52 pm

finally (at 1:50 pm) my morning routine is done! Emptied dw (that I had put on this am) and filled with last nights and this am's dishes. cleaned sink and counters. Took meds and gave animals meds. tossed in third load of blankets. put dd youngers cloths in basket. No paperwork done except putting things where they belong. My purse is clean.
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:59 pm

Taxes filed.

Now to move on to the service for Sunday.

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Re: Fun Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:27 pm

yay on taxes filed d kathryn
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:31 pm

worked for 15 minutes in closet - tossed a bunch of shoes that wore themselves out. I kept thinking I could use them for the garden but I have another pair I use for the garden - i don't need 10 of old sandals or gym shoes. Also swiped hand prints and used swiffer long duster for cobwebs. Found a sweater I have been looking for (months) - sending that to cleaners. Also took out another blow up bed to put in basement. (it's down there now but now put away).

swish and swiped both bathrooms upstairs but not the powder room yet.
took more garbage out from upstairs
vacuumed the rug that dh did not do Wednesday. Such a small thing and I thought I might as well get rid of it.

dryer went off with dog blankets - time to put away for d dogs to lie on tonight.
throw in other cat bedding. in washer now - other dog bedding in dryer now.

I did make a stink to myself about cleaning 15 minutes in the closet - but the timer went off fast. ;) 8-)

took tape of areas in laundry room - scraped the one wall. - d brother is coming to look at it next week to see why it's peeling and separating

dh is cleaning the cat litter Yay. I thought I would have to do it.

Not done yet: dog stuff in yard
15 minutes in yard
garage round robin 10 minutes
vacuum 10 to 15 minutes my car. another I don't wanna as I missed it the last month - I don't want to pay someone to clean my car.
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:19 pm


I went out and did fun things today. First I got a bunch of short silver coloured necklace chains together. I also got all the "snake" necklace chains together. (They get stuck in my hair for some odd reason.) I took them to the gold/silver buyer that I deal with. I got a whole $4!! That actually paid for my lunch, which was 2 pizza slices and a cola.

But first I went to the bank. I did a few errands and then off I went to Chapters. Picked up a book recommended by Stephen King regarding the serial killer that was just arrested in the states earlier this week. I used up 2 of my 3 gift cards.

I also went to the bakery in Niagara Falls to get 10 loaves of bread. They never seem to have even 5 on Saturday mornings when we go because they are so busy. This bakery has been in business since 1934 with the same family running it. I also got dh some spicy Italian sausages that he loves.

Dh and I are going out for supper to either the casino in Niagara Falls or a BBQ place nearby. I think I would rather go to the BBQ place. He also offered up the expensive Chinese buffet. I said no right off the bat to the Chinese.

All of the dishes and laundry are done.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Fun Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:32 pm

Ramblin' - Owl image for front door whether mice or birds. Snake would work better, but not so good for human company. Owls can be socially acceptable. Shiny as Kathryn said - true, that could help. Even just something shiny, no image at all. Pie plates concept. One of those little flags that would flap, or pinwheels stuck into the ground as close as you can? At elementary school nearby, children have "planted" shiny foil pinwheels where one would think flowers should be around school sign, and the "bed" gets so much human attention because the "flowers" are flashy - I guarantee that sign has no bird problem.

Kathryn - could he just plan to have an appt with hair person before the family event and have that streak changed to something that blends in better? So what if it was a brown streak - hard to believe anyone would object and say it wasn't appropriate to have a brown streak among his gray for a family photo? Wish I knew to say that the temporary bright colors might wash away in a predictable amount of time, but they are probably unpredictable. Hey - there are temporary brown spray colors though - L' Oreal. Wonder if that would work and then a few shampoos later, he's green again? It isn't easy being green.

It's nice that the idea of having fun comes up. :| No comment, Dee.

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