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Re: Too much Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 6:07 pm
by LadyMaverick
We have about 15 minutes of spring and then BAM -- here come those lazy hazy crazy days of summer.

This made me smile. I love your sense of humor!

We are home from taking DH to his yearly eye appointment. Thankfully it was all good. We dropped DH off at the doctor office and went list shopping at Sam's. I knew his appointment would take an hour because it takes 20-30 minutes to dilate his eyes. We were back to pick him up in plenty of time.

Homeschool has been getting the short end of the stick this week. With homeschool coop (2 hours) and 4 medical appointments in 2 days, there has been no time left. We have only accomplished 2.5 hours of homeschool this week. On the positive side though.....they were very productive and high quality learning 2.5 hours. :roll: Next week public school ends so that means DGD6 will be here more hours. I don't know how we are going to get homeschool accomplished then. We are just going to have to experiment to find the best way to make it happen.

This morning I finalized the decision on 2 of the Math curriculums for next year and got them ordered. I'm going to continue with our current method of using multiple curriculums because it is working so well for DS9. Switching the learning styles during Math time keeps it interesting. Each curriculum we use has something that helps he learn better than the others. There is lots of repetition but we quickly go through the easy things and sometimes we skip over the things that have become ridiculously super easy for him. Every single day there is confidence-building easy problems and there is something new introduced. We are going to be doing 4th grade Math in one of the curriculum and 5th grade Math in 3 of the curriculums. It probably sounds more complicated than it is. Once I get all the lessons organized it becomes super easy to do with almost no prep. We set the timer for 60 minutes then do multiple short lessons. Today during that 60 minutes DS9 did some lessons on the computer, he did several worksheets while laying on the couch, he was bouncing on the mini trampoline while we did flashcards, he recited the fact families to the puppy and then he solved problems that were written on the dry erase board including several drawings. The math time just flows from one Math curriculum to the next until the timer goes off.

Re: Too much Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 6:35 pm
by Twins' Mom
We ended up ordering a pizza. I don't need it but I don't have the willpower to tell dh that I don't want it. I'd like to make cauliflower crust pizza sometime for us. I had thawed a pork loin and was going to do it on the grill, but we have storms and rain coming through. Dh was wanting pizza I think.

I ended up getting two dresses and both I think will work well. One isn't really a "cocktail" dress but is summery and looks very cute and fit perfectly. I think it will work for the fancier wedding. The other is for the beach wedding and is linen and long. The mom of the bride said she's not dressing up so I think linen will be perfect since the wedding is on the beach.

I have a webinar to watch at 8 p.m. now. I guess it's good I won't have kitchen clean up.

Re: Too much Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by Nancy
I have reclaimed my desk yea! Washer twins are going now. H is home.

Re: Too much Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 9:27 pm
by Harriet
Dove, thank you for the info about your own experience. I know she does drink coffee and in fact has a coffee maker. I wonder if her habits changed somewhat and she started drinking more, or later in the day? It does make sense that when you sense it's happening, concentrate on just one arm or whatever - just the concentrating might change things. She'll be interested to hear this.

Twins', enjoy your webinar.
I got a book for Mother's Day from HRH (his way of encouraging me) about learning how to speak publicly with confidence, based on TED talks. Some specific talks are mentioned as excellent in the book, so I've been finding and watching them.

Joining the ranks of the pizza orderers this evening, LadyM. HRH had an online friend drop in from out of state because of taking a course nearby. We just did the smartest (?) thing we could think of at the time, and dd picked pizza up for us all. One problem for us is that HRH (because of childhood worry about enough food) always orders too much food. Now my fridge is holding way too much of a food I simply don't want in my diet, and the friend says he isn't warming food up in his room because he's getting so much free from hotel and course. Sigh.

After one slice, my comment was how sweet the bread tasted. Then within minutes, one side of my jaw did that bothersome swelling thing again, with delayed salivation, which hasn't happened in months. :( I'm thinking that had to do with, possibly, two acidic canned items meeting each other in one food item - sauce and pineapple? I've had fresh pineapple (and tomato, actually) several times lately and no problem, but this topping on the pizza was obviously canned.

Biggest TaDa today was taking care of toddlerC beginning at 7:30 a.m.

Dd made the deposit for me today, since I needed to stay home.

Extra laundry now spinning.

Re: Too much Tuesday

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 12:59 am
by DeeClutter
I'm up because I remembered I wanted to order a fanny pack -both for travel and for walking. What a multitude to choose from. :roll: I know I have a couple, but have no idea where they are -possibly up north. It'll be here by Friday -in plenty of time for my trip home.

Also just took my bs -perhaps that's why I can't get to sleep -it's 78 so I know it's on its way down. Hate to snack but guess I must.