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Re: Saturday Adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 6:01 pm
by DeeClutter
Honey, I'm home. Well sorta. We're at our hotel north of Winchester, VA. Last night we stayed in Hardeeville, SC. Can I say we would not recommend that particular town for anything. Now this one we liked last year & this year too. It's about 6 hours home from here. Fairly easy driving. Only hit rain from Warrenton, VA to Winchester. Considering the forecasts I am very grateful. 4 times sprinkles hit my windshield for a grand total of 40 seconds.

Maybe I'll sleep better tonight & hopefully we'll be able to start early.

Re: Saturday Adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:11 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Dee: Thanks for checking in! I can't believe your good timing getting away from the rain.

I'm back from dinner. Focusing on doing small tasks and getting next week straight in my head.

Re: Saturday Adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:56 pm
by Harmony
Yes, certainly glad Dee didn't wait a couple days to make the trip.

Lucylee, I've been thinking about you. TWC is focusing on YOUR state more than mine! I sure hope Twins took her umbrella with her. When she asked about SC getting rain I hadn't looked at the weather except for FL and tonight I see with the outer bands, the rain is cutting a wide path. After the storm passes it might be interesting to see what the beach looks like. Sometimes the surf is still too bad to get in.

Speaking of adventures, DH cut the grass and I saw him flying across the back yard to put the mower away in pouring rain. I listened for him and he never came in. Went looking for him and there he was up on a tall ladder trying to fix the shop overhead door. For the 2nd time he drove his truck into it. :o

He likes to put it half way up if he's just walking in and out but twice forgot it was only up partway and hit the roof of the truck with the lumber rack on it. It's a big tall door, the ceiling in the shop is 13'4". I guess he bent a bracket and knocked the wheel off the track. I was tool girl again and held the plank to hold the door up so he could get things sorta fixed. He says he might be able to straighten the bottom rail or else he'll have to replace that. It's been replaced once already.

I told him I'd trade my life for someone else's but couldn't find anyone who'd want to go through stuff like this with him all the time. He just thought that was hilarious. :lol: The other day going to those county offices with all that paperwork I told him he was on my last nerve. He thought that was hilarious too. Laughed and laughed. See this stuff that drives me crazy doesn't faze him at all. :roll:

Re: Saturday Adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:21 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Harmony: you asked the other day if I'm over my fear of being on the balcony. Sort-of. Most of the time I'm fine out there but only if I focus on the 'inside' the railing. So for gardening or setting the table (which is against the outer edge), I'm fine.

For looking out over the railing at the view, I'm fine.

Today I could hear some sort of work taking place but couldn't spot the source of the sound. I looked down. BIG mistake. I'm still scared if I have to look down!

I've been working at my desk, sending email thank you notes (got flowers for doing the committal service) and arranging a date for June 8 since dh won't be available to go to the theatre with me. Also my reaching out to the kids part of the engaging questions.

I've got distracted though. I was going to print off another copy of the questions and can't find the file. Then I started reading websites on the election (honestly, there's no correlation at all except both are on my computer.)

Re: Saturday Adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:47 pm
by Nancy
I am back in from another round of de-herbing in back hens are really happy with the fresh dirt.

I made cookies, tried to make scones but they turned into cookies but taste great, I will freeze em for his lunches.

I need to get those out of the back yard when it is shady.

Re: Saturday Adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 9:04 pm
by CathyS
Went to 2 garden centers tonight after we ate most of a pizza.

We now have a wisteria tree!

Dh worked hard today.

By the way, I don't go to these knitting groups to knit. I take some counted cross stitch to work on. I actually had to find one that was easy so I won't spend so much time gently pulling out mistakes that were made because I just could not concentrate.

One of the ladies that I see at least 3 times a week was talking to us today about her autistic grandson. She had him with her on Thursday when she dropped some stuff off at one group. Seems that when the teacher called the mother, the mother asked her what she did unexpectedly with the class on Wednesday. Seems the teacher decided to play music during quiet time. Of course the grandchild reacted because he was expecting quiet time, not music. That was not the child's fault.

It didn't rain here today and it's SO hot.

Re: Saturday Adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 9:19 pm
by LadyMaverick
I've spent some time looking at the curriculum to use next school year. What we are using now is working so well so I am wondering why I keep trying to change it. I think I am bored with the schedule, not the curriculum. So I set up a Subject Loop Schedule that links to detail loop schedules within each Subject. This should take care of the boredom factor. Of course, we might become dizzy with all the looping. ;)

DS9 slept for 3 hours and woke up with a good attitude. I didn't think of it before but I suspect his misbehavior this morning was tied to him not getting enough sleep last night.

Cathy - I had to look up fiddleheads. i had never heard of them before. Interesting!

Re: Saturday Adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 10:01 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Found the file I was looking for and it was corrupted. Spent 20 - 30 minutes trying to figure out how to open it. Finally gave up, figured out how to delete it and made it all again using the copy in my bullet-journal as a guide. It was very little typing, just formatting and since I had struggled with the formatting just 4 days ago, I remembered how to get it right this time.

Then I got distracted again...

Off to bed now.

I drank enough water today. As Cathy said, it is hot (and very humid) so that makes drinking water easy. When it is really cold, a mug of hot water on the go makes drinking water easy. The problem is when it is in-between temperatures.

I've had about 11 glasses today and still will have two more before bed. I guess I'll be up in the night tonight for sure!

Good night all!