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Postby Nancy » Thu May 31, 2018 3:50 pm

Good morning everyone I am thrilled to wish Harriet a Happy birthday!
Doing morning routine is underway here.
Yard and garden focus has been successful, new month need to refocus my attn. Back inside a bit more. 59* and chilly had to turn on the heat. Trying out some new rock designs.
I was thrilled when Joanns called my product was in and I got a planner pen case half off. Then the library called I am reading that Potato peel pie book by marry ann schaffer & annie burrows. Fell asleep reading ....

Walked the ddog she was thrillec go sniff stuff at the joanns parking lot and a dead squirrell on the walk. H is home.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu May 31, 2018 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby lucylee » Thu May 31, 2018 4:19 pm

Happy birthday, Harriet!!!

We’re just waiting on the ballgame... sitting in the car and running the AC... and gas...
had to checkout of hotel so — nowhere to go.

We did eat lunch at a great pizza place, but couldn’t sit there all day, you know.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Thu May 31, 2018 5:28 pm

Homeschool went well this morning. We are slowly finding our way with DS9 and DGD7 doing homeschool at the same time. I've got 4 workbooks on order for DGD7 to do. They are bridge type books for 1st to 2nd grade so I expect they will just be a review for her. Tuesday afternoon we checked out 5 books at the library for her. She read all of them yesterday. Today she went to my bookshelves and picked out a book to read. It was a 3rd grade level chapter book. When she saw how many words were in the book, she was intimidated by it. She asked if she could just read one chapter instead of reading the whole book. I told her she could read it until she was ready for a break. Once she got started on the book, her confidence rose and she read the entire book! It was the first time she has read a chapter book and she was so proud of herself. I had her drawing pictures of what happened in each chapter and that doubled her fun level. She loves to draw and to read. Doing both of them made her so happy. I am happy for her passion for reading but OH MY! I am going to have to UP my effort in keeping her supplied with reading material. Obviously going to the library once a week this summer is not going to be enough.

I did order DGD7 a dictionary today. DS9 has one but I didn't want them to share. The way we use a dictionary in homeschool makes it a personal book. Each day DS9 picks a page and then chooses 5 words from that page. He highlights those words on the dictionary page and then writes them in a notebook. Then I quiz him on those words - spelling and the meaning of each. As more and more words are highlighted the dictionary becomes a very familiar and treasured book showing how many words he knows. I don't know if I explained the process right, but it is a favorite activity each homeschool day. ANYway, I want DGD7 to have her own dictionary that becomes a very familiar book to her and contains her own highlighted words.

DGS21 couldn't wait until he got off work today. His emotions were getting the best of him. He took off work at noon today, had a good cry on his way here then hung out with me all afternoon. We ate lunch, then went for a walk in the park. DGS21 was talking the whole time. I wanted to give him an opportunity to talk until he processed his emotions. After 4 hours he was about talked out. I am thankful that I was able to be here for him as a trusted listening ear.
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Postby DeeClutter » Thu May 31, 2018 6:07 pm

I see our dHarriet hasn't surfaced yet today -she has lots of good wishes awaiting her! :D Trusting her family has given her a very nice day.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Harriet » Thu May 31, 2018 8:18 pm

I did surface and get to read a little, then was called away.

Thank you all so much for the kind wishes! I was THRILLED.

Dd19 wanted my attention before her morning class, for her gift and a little coffee and cake. Then HRH wanted me to go to the nearby garden nursery property with him to walk and pick out some flowers. We found some that I wouldn't normally choose - New Guinea Impatiens - which he just loved. I was so amused at his appreciation of how huge the blossoms were that I decided to choose those instead of the ones I'd probably have gotten if I were on my own.

Also for my bday - takes some head-scratching to follow this one ;) :
My cousin who is now doing (and always has done) so much genealogy work, is now deep into DNA research. For my bday, he sent me and our 2 living girl-cousins a long explanation of our maternal female heritage, insofar as explanation of the X chromosome and how we might have inherited it, etc. I am unique in that I am the only daughter of our mutual grandmother's daughters, while they are daughters of her sons. So they are certain to have inherited an X chr from her (and she is considered the great matriarch, the most beloved member of her extended family), while I only have a 1 in 2 chance. My other possibility is to be the only cousin who inherited our great-grandmother Harriet's X chr instead, which is quite interesting considering our names and her own legacy. However, in dcousin's view, I am even more unique to our mutual grandmother than any of us cousins, in that her mitochondrial DNA has passed only to me in our generation (it passes unmixed along the maternal line). The fact that I have two daughters, one of whom might someday have a daughter to continue her mitochondrial line, fascinates dcousin. Interesting conversations for all of us, all around that info, as far as that same maternal line back to other significant women.

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Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:06 am

Well let’s
Try this again...

My post got lost one moment it’s here on my phone, the next it’s flying around in cyber space..

Happy birthday again to you Harriet :D

LadyM... the first chapter book I ever read in 3rd grade was “little house in the big woods”. Bet you dgd would like it.

Kathryn... when you but your compression stockings, you might want to consider the ones that are toeless. I found the ones with toes hurt them and cause my big toes nails to become ingrown.
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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:53 am

very cool d harriet
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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