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Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:11 pm

We had a good outing this morning. Arrived home just in time for the thunderstorm to hit. We received 1.4" of rain in about 15 minutes. It came down HARD and fast. Many of my baby grass seedlings couldn't hang on and were swept away by the flood of water. There was nothing I could do but wave goodbye to them. Hopefully, the grass seedlings that managed to hang on will turn out to be the strongest of the group.

DH and I discussed what we don't like about our window treatment in the house. Neither of us are fans of blinds. We have different reasons for not liking blinds but the end result is the same. The window blinds were already installed in the house when we bought it and we have just lived with them. Now it is time to get rid of them. I've set things in motion to make a change.

Next up - homeschooling.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:41 pm

All my DPCs are done, now I am waiting on callbacks. I will not have to get cat food tonight, cat coordinator is picking it up. Chelsea can eat anything, so she will eat what I have. As usual, I am making report mods.

Not only did the long-winded person want Chelsea as a kitten factory, she is not pedigreed at all. Of course, I doubt his male is either. Kitten Factory is actually a good name for a female cat that an organization has trouble trapping.

In answer to Harmony's question, I will be off work for one week and cannot lift anything > 10 pounds for 6 weeks. I have 14 books and 5 DVDs, and that should be more than enough for the week. Unfortunately, my friend's move is during the no lifting period. However, I can drive my cargo carrying car with lots of boxes and let others load and unload.

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Postby Harriet » Thu Jun 07, 2018 5:49 pm

After my usual weekly care of toddlerC, I napped - also usual. I understand she naps when she gets home, too. Maybe a little more of a surprise to some that I have to nap, but not immediately after they've cared for a toddler - right then they would understand completely.

Then errands to make church deposit and to get blood work done. A little bit ouchy this time, but not bad.

Twins' Mom, HRH is worried to hear your dmother had scabies transmitted to her in the asst living place. He endured this once in his late 20s after riding with a group in the car of a co-worker to a meeting. The coworker had to call everyone who had ridden with him over a period of time and tell them to get to the doctor because the car was infested. Of course by that time they all knew something was wrong. HRH says as much as he hated it, his skin was supple and young at the time, so he worries to hear that an elderly lady has to deal with it. He remembers the prescription (then) was to be put on from head to toe and bothered skin even more than the itching, in his opinion.

dd has a new friend visiting from her current class. They are on the way. I'd better spif a little.

Although... .. I already had to spif the front bathroom for C's arrival. She is quite critical. ;) Today she didn't like the way the sink was draining too slowly. :| She told me I needed to get that fixed.

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Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:20 pm

I have arranged access to funds to cover surgery and some other bills. It won't cover everything and I will have to be frugal, probably the rest of the year. I have paid the "down payment" to the hospital. Tonight, I should have a date with Quicken.

At payroll, I have uploaded and published report mods to test and am waiting for approval to post them to production. Given that I have added more information rather than changed existing, it should be ok.

Evening's plan: cat litter purchase, knit/crochet group, groceries, bills and budget. I should add some house cleaning and arranging things so I can use them in the coming weeks without lifting. I hate being broke.

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Postby Nancy » Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:27 pm

I finished reading the potato peel pie book. Hoping they make it in to a series not just a movie.

There is this one hen that gets out but has to have gate opened for her to get back in. :)

Time to water and decide on dinner. Thunder rumbling so came back in a bit early have to wait a bit to finish up that chore. Hens are pleased that I thinned apples for them to eat.

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Postby Harriet » Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:36 pm

Went out to supper with dd's friend T, who is a lovely young woman. Japanese restaurant. I was happy with the menu but not with the saaallllltttt. yipes.

Elizabeth, you were a topic of conversation because of making the clothing for the MH doll. she and dd were watching videos of doll face painting, etc. You should post a photo of your outfit in A, C and N.

dd ordered a bathing suit that came today. She has a trip to a VA lake with a girlfriend's family this weekend. She chose a one-piece (yay) with a bit of a skirt, so I'm Mom-thinking thank goodness for a little modesty. Ah, youth. Nothing like being able to order a size 10 and know it's right, and it arrives and it's right and you're finished. She has no idea how blessed she is.

Me contemplating bathing suits =
little conversation-clouds flying all around my head. "support?" "tummy panel?" "shelf bra?" "underwire?" "minimizing?" "adjustable?" "forgiving?" "coverage?" "sturdy hardware?" "POWER MESH?" :shock:

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Postby lucylee » Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:09 pm

YES, Harriet... oh to be a size 10 and KNOW one could order a size 10 and it would be RIGHT. All your thinking process is the exact reason why I have no swim suit at the time. And I do need one, since the dgrands will need to go swimming more and the pool membership is actually in dh & my names.

And Elizabeth's TALKER on the phone!!! :shock: Oh my goodness. I thought I was a talker... * whew *

Dmom and I have spent over two hours on the phone during the last two days. I imagine (like myself) she is nervous re: prospect of surgery sooner rather than later, but oh my goodness... I am just about to lose my mind. She is afraid to drive in Next Town anymore. She has taken a double dose of meds at some point, and she took 4 small capsules from another day, without taking the rest of that day's portion. Yet here I am, agreeing to let her try fixing them again herself. :roll: Yep, I have lost my mind. Then she calls to say she has lost her debit card. I do NOT know what to do with her... I cannot face having to "supervise" her daily at this point, you know? And she would have to have another scary hospitalization before she would ever consider moving closer to me or having daily help. MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE the surgery WILL be soon, MAYBE it WILL relieve some of the pain that has to be keeping her mind preoccupied, and MAYBE three weeks of socialization and supervision and routines in the ass't living will do her some good.
She said today that the ass't living really sounds nice, and "I might never leave." Hah. I doubt that! She'll be demanding to come home waaay before I'm ready for her to leave.

I definitely understand the need for a nap after toddler care, Harriet. I will be lucky to stay awake till I get mine home from swimming tomorrow. Of course, dmom will be with me, unless she backs out, so she will keep the conversation going. No sleeping when she's around -- unless SHE is sleeping too -- which is highly unlikely in the car with two children!
When we got home today, dgd slept for several HOURS. DGS, not a second.
Toddler C is already three, right, Harriet? When is her birthday again? I ask b/c I would sooo love if my dgd would start being critical of something! She tries to say a few words, but she still says NOTHING plain enough to understand except Da-da, Mama, Nana, No, and just in the last couple days, Yes. She will sing some little songs, and you can tell by the phrases and the tune what the song is, but no one could make out the words on their own. :cry:
She loves the water, though, so swimming lessons are fun even if she doesn't master the skill needed this year. DGS is LOVING swimming this year -- he still needs some assistance, but he isn't one tiny bit slow to jump off the diving board. (He just wants to be sure Miss A is there to catch him. But last year, we had to actually push him in, he was so afraid. He wanted us to push him -- he wanted to jump, but he was too afraid.) The rest of this week and next week, and maybe he will be able to swim his way to the side of the pool and we won't have to worry constantly about him drowning if we're near the water, you know.

Harmony -- I'm so sorry I misunderstood your earlier post -- continued prayers for a good visit when you do get to see this new doctor!

LadyM, what do you recommend for window coverings? I have mini blinds in the kitchen, dining room, and baby room, with curtains also in the baby room. All my other windows have the old-fashioned roller shades, and they are not without their problems also. Some of them don't work at all anymore. * Another obstacle to window cleaning!

DH & I love election day, too, Kathryn. Fortunately, in our local primaries this week, we were happy with the winners. Of course, nothing is final till November.

Do things while stuff isn't falling apart because once it is falling apart you won't be able to do the things you were to do.

My late dmil pretty much lived by this motto, and it was a very good motto indeed. She would be so horrified to see how ds & ddil keep her house & shrubs now. BUT -- she would be a thousand times more happy to know they WERE keeping it, you know. We seriously doubt that either of dbil's children will ever live within a 100 miles of us again. For dnephew, probably not within a 1000!

We're going to another movie tonight. (The Atlanta Braves are either not playing, or they are on the west coast -- dh's schedule is determined directly by the Braves' schedule.) Last night's was kinda off-color, funny, but not a great movie. I'm kinda embarrassed to tell y'all what we saw.
Action Point -- it's a Johnny Knoxville movie, if that tells you anything. It's kinda like... well... imagine this -- the Three Stooges run a rinky-dink amusement park, and they are all alcoholics and use a lot of four-letter words. Yeah.
I think tonight we're going to see Ocean's 11 -- or whatever # they are this time -- the girl-version of the con-game group.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:37 pm

Eight. Lucylee you are going to Oceans Eight.

Election results were quick. The potential blowout didn't work. It was funny to hear the comparisons to your 2016 election. First comparison was one party only had about a 10% chance to win. We have 4 parties now and 'first past the post' so the two left of centre parties end up usually splitting that vote - this time there was a chance they wouldn't and the New Democratic - farther left - would get in by surprise just like Trump did.

The second comparison is the person who did win is a blow hard, who did not release a costed platform, just a laundry list of promises and who would say things like "there will be growth the likes of which has never been seen before." He's right of centre so the Trump comparisons were there from the start of his being named party leader.

His previous elected experience was as a city counselor while his drug addict brother ran the city of Toronto.

Shaking my head at what is considered a qualified candidate these days.

My riding turned out the way I expected. So did dd's. There may be a couple of surprises here, but it makes no difference in what will happen. Ds's was close last time I looked.

I've got nothing done tonight except cooking a proper dinner (and putting 5 servings in the freezer for other meals while dh is away) and cleaning up except the big pot which is in soak.

I'm off to bed now.

I need to be to dd's by noon tomorrow (will take some leftovers from tonight for my lunch) and am going out tomorrow night with ds to the theatre.

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Postby lucylee » Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:46 pm

I TOLD dh it was EIGHT. He didn’t believe me till we got to the theater. I have chosen to pick my battles with him... I just let him think he was right till we got here, LOL!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby lucylee » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:37 am

Ocean’s Eight — VERY good! :)
Tomorrow is another day.

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