Sunday routines & rituals

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Re: Sunday routines & rituals

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:24 pm

Walked out of service today. I was headed back to pew after my responsibilities were over and the same stuff was starting up. So I thought, what am I doing. Everyone else may be seated and stuck now, but I'm blessed to be up walking when we hear it coming. So instead I just picked up my things at the pew and kept going. Set them down at doors and went around to other side to ask asst treas to handle offering, and left. If someone was to keep trying to convince a group that what their church has always taught was wrong, you'd think at least they wouldn't be speaking under the very roof.

HRH was feeling unwell lying on the couch at home and we had said to each other that I would hurry home after church but no one knew that part. Asst treas knew HRH wasn't feeling well - if that's what he assumes and tells people it's why I left, fine.

He did feel better after a good lunch. He says he's been feeling weak and tired, so I hope it passes quickly whatever it is.

Dd is home from the lake trip and tired, but from many fun hours of swimming and fishing.

I guess tomorrow is a stab at normalcy. Maybe I should become a maid service around here. Then Tuesday my co-teacher has a study I won't want to miss. Don't know if dd can attend with me but it would be nice.

I can see clutter building after I go to sleep 8-) :shock:
I think the best thing to do is do a room by room put away - it's little stuff but makes a big impact.

my hair blew up with the humidity 8-) :D


Can't get behind blessed's next statement about positive thinking yet, but maybe by tomorrow. I do have this natural optimism - let's hope it asserts itself by morning!

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Re: Sunday routines & rituals

Postby Nancy » Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:28 pm

We are 2nd guessing ourselves what to keep, what to "stage" where, even though I am opposed to staging. It does not help home sell in my experience.
A toy here or there helps folks think of a place as a home in my opion lol.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sunday routines & rituals

Postby lucylee » Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:52 pm

Just a normal Sunday around here, and it sounds like tomorrow WILL be the first day of ball practice for dgs. So it's good dh and I stayed away from the festival. DDIL has the dentist appt at 4:00 and practice will likely be at 5:00. After having two teeth extracted, she is going to be in no shape to sit out in the heat for t-ball practice! Her big hope is that she gets home in time to get the pain med rx filled!

We had a really nice time yesterday on our trip with dgs. He IS growing up so much, and he is so much fun -- BUT... oh my goodness... he NEVER shuts up. Even during the show, he was looking at maps on my phone, CONSTANTLY whispering me to me: "This is Vatican City. Okay? This is Madrid. Okay? Is there any city you want to see?"
I KNOW... I KNOW... I worried that he wouldn't talk... Oh my... God certainly does have a sense of humor, doesn't He??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
On the way home, he said (at our last rr stop) that he wasn't hungry at all, he was just going to go back to sleep. But he never went back to sleep, and for the last hour or so of the trip, he were informed about U.S presidents, the solar system, black holes, dwarf stars, what is expected to happen to our sun in 1-5 billion years, and a bit more about geography of the world. He just memorizes all this stuff from YouTube and spouts it out, like a fountain.
I asked him, "Does your mind EVER slow down? You can't ever JUST listen to a show, or something like that, can you? You just have too much stuff whirling around in your head."
It would be so fascinating to be able to actually read his mind, because it seems like 10 million thoughts are going through there at the same time and it is just random as to which one comes out of his mouth.

Kathryn, I loved reading the travelogue. I do NOT think I am adventurous for this kind of travel in real life though; I will have to content myself with reading about it!

Nancy -- I love Downton Abbey!!! So glad to hear things are going better for you & dh (moving prep, etc.)!

That was sweet of your dmom, blessed! (the surprise roses)

LadyM -- ooohhh... glad I didn't have to deal with the toilet overflow, either. Hope the little guy wasn't too upset by the mishap!
OTOH -- your cookout meal sounded soooo delicious!!!

Oh Dee... I didn't inherit my lazy gene from either of my parents either! I don't know WHERE this comes from. My dmom NOW seems to lack a lot of energy and procrastinate endlessly -- more in J&C re: my concerns re: her lately -- but oh my goodness... when I was growing up, she and my ddad did a large garden by themselves and she canned & froze vegetables, they took care of their large lawn... she cooked delicious meals every night, cleaned our house extremely well, sewed 90% of my clothes and her own, and she still had time to take me to the library, movies, swimming -- not all the time, but we definitely made time for fun things -- plus we were all in church practically every time the doors were open.
My ddad was no help at all in the housework department, but he always worked at least 40 hours a week at a chemical plant, and then did odd job sorts of things in his "spare time" -- drawing house plans, building wood furniture when that became so popular in the 70s, and finally starting his own construction business.
I don't know what happened to me... both sets of grandparents lived like this too.

Dee -- I think I have seen those tablecloths in the Vermont Catalog -- when you need to order another.

I'm sorry but I had to LOL at the "sight" of y'all loading and hauling those chairs.

We saw a dining room table in the median of the interstate yesterday. DH started laughing and said those people obviously never worked for his dad. He said you'd hate to come back to town if you lost anything off a truck that his ddad sent you to deliver, and started telling me about the time the freezer door flew off a refrigerator his dad's employee was hauling (b/c the employee didn't tie it all down correctly.) Don't worry -- the guy didn't get fired or anything; he probably worked for my dfil longer than anyone else he ever hired, he was with him when he closed the store.

((((((Harriet)))))) -- IKWYM (sort of) re: church and wanting to walk out. Our problem is politics -- I mean on the national/state level -- and our preacher's determination to make little jabs at the party he opposes, which happens to be the party we support -- and it just gets sooo tiresome. DH didn't go today, begging off b/c he did the bulk of the driving yesterday and didn't sleep well last night. He said it was good he didn't go, b/c he got mad enough just hearing it second-hand (from me, at lunch.)

Waving to ALL!!!

Tomorrow -- Swimming lessons w/ddil & dgrands, stop at dmom's to pick up supper * which she was intending to cook for ds & ddil, LOL, but upon finding out they would not be home together, she offered it to us! * -- then ball practice
Tuesday -- possibly will be doing at least part of ball practice since ddil will have class and ds will be leaving sometime Tues night
Wednesday -- swimming lessons and then dgrands will spend the night with us (me) while dh & ddil go to Nashville to meet ds. They'll all get home sometime around 2:00 a.m., I suspect
Thursday -- CATCH MY BREATH???
Nothing special planned for Friday or Saturday, but dgs will almost certainly be spending the night Sat.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday routines & rituals

Postby Harriet » Mon Jun 11, 2018 12:26 am

Hi, Lilac! Been missing you

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