Tuesday Ta Dah!

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Harriet » Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:53 pm

I am about to scream.
My deceased cousin had married into a family of heating/air people. She had two sons. The younger had branched out from his father's family many years ago and it was he who put in our units last time (we have to have two because our house was built in stages). Since then, we've tried and tried to get him to come back, either for our house or my parents, but he's so hard to get in touch with, or get to do any work, that we gave up. When we were forced to hurry and get heat for my parents' house last year we called on HRH's cousin's son-in-law, who did fine except that after he finished we had so much trouble getting him to come back to do the little things he'd left undone.

Now we need to do our house. We contracted with HRH's cousin's son-in-law again. That's been a long time - a long time - and we've been waiting. HRH was at the business of a friend today and complained about this. Somehow :roll: between this friend and another man there at the place, the other man is now (NOW) on his way to see our house and give us an estimate!!!!!!!

(first scream)

Wait for it... ... and this is my deceased cousin's OLDER son!

(second scream)

So now I'm dealing with a third HVAC guy instead of the one who's supposed to be doing the work AND instead of his brother who did work for us before! How convoluted can things get? How many people can we offend?

So, first, let me say... ... MEN! (who sit around at business places making spur of the moment plans)


And then... ... why don't HVAC companies come when you call them, or honor timetables? Last I checked, my money was as green as anybody elses. But abandoning customers seems to be a thing.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Harmony » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:18 pm

Harriet, I don't know what's going on in your neck of the woods, but down here everybody is slam busy. We have trouble getting anybody to do anything, and we're in the business and hire over and over. Our favorite a/c company has trouble getting their act together to tell their office to bill us for work they finally did.

Well I don't know why I even started to post, I have nothing to share, no ta dah's, nothing. Well I put the last LOL from dryer into the basket with the load from last week (DH's). He is living out of the basket and I noticed he's lumped like items up in a pile in there. I refuse to stand and fold that stuff with one hand, one item at a time when he could do it much easier. He prefers to live out of a basket I guess. :roll:

You're doing great, Nancy!

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:22 pm

Oh my goodness, I am falling asleep! I have been at a morning meeting, a retirement lunch, and an afternoon meeting. At the last, I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. I guess they are all DONE, so it is a Ta Dah. I still need to transcribe them. It is very important to get that done today, because I will be out starting tomorrow for an entire week. My notes are not always legible, especially when I can hardly stay awake.

In answer to Harmony's question, my friend is lacking in both self-esteem and common sense. She is also desperate due to her financial situation and sees a man as the only way out. She thinks she needs the second income and a man's services. (By services, I mean household repairs, heavy lifting, automotive work, etc). Except the men she has chosen since her thought to be husband died have all used HER as their financial support, did not help her in any way, and expected services from her. (Services here means cooking, laundry, and marital). If your life plan is to be a gold digger, you really need to find the men with the gold! Chronically unemployed men with no HS diploma or GED and no trade skills who live with their parents need not apply. It would help if she did not let them move in after a month or so. She keeps telling me she is going to take a break from men and work on her own issues, but then goes right back to them. I think what happened with the current loser is that she posted about her father's death on Facebook. He realized she was coming into an inheritance and moved back in. The inheritance is enough to put deposits on a rental, but not enough to support her, much less her plus his sorry self. My daughter had more sense at 14 and she has autism! My xBFF simply maintains a belief in Disney fairy tale love stories and is willing to use extravagant expenditures to keep a man around. She does have a job, but no savings and a cavalier attitude toward money and debt. She dates employed men, but not ones capable of maintaining her level of spending. Neither have been taught how to be selective about potential mates. Both believe love conquers all, including fundamental incompatibility. Neither have an adult understanding of what love is.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:27 pm

My ta dah is emptying the recycle. Since I had to pull out an extra bag, it was getting to be a dire situation here.

The recycle room had a very nice clay drip tray for a planter (retail value around $18 dollars) so that is up on my balcony now. I would have brought up the clay planters too but I'm dressed up and that would have been messy. The trellis I bought fell over and bent over the tomato plants it was to support so that is somewhere else now and I'll try and remember to get tomato cages in the next 24 hours. The larger plant is currently staked but that won't do once it gets established and starts growing.

The plants are all too wet except one tub of geraniums which are thriving on all the water I'm giving them. Everything else is on the cusp of drowning. Which is weird because we haven't had rain in days.

I napped for an hour because I found myself exhausted and know I have to be up late tonight (and up early tomorrow.)

I think just looking at my schedule is making me tired.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Harriet » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:54 pm

Harmony, the reason you posted was to make me feel better about being "left by the wayside" by HVAC companies, even those owned by kin. Yes, things are like that here - maybe so much work available that people just don't need the business?

This soap opera has grown even more convoluted. At first determined to simply say, "no thank you we feel committed to the other guy", HRH and I both find this fellow so endearing, now that we have spent time with him. He is as charming and uncomplicated as many of my kin on his side, unassuming, obviously very experienced. He can do the work soon and undercuts HRH's kin ( :roll: ) 's price by a third.

Why is life like this? I hate making $$ decisions. And if I could truly have my way, I'd work with absolutely no one to whom either of us is related. But i can only assume we'd have even worse experiences with those who don't say things like, "Well, ya'll are family, so.. ..." and wouldn't have anyone to frown at them if they didn't take care of cousin Harriet! by the way, "Well, ya'll are family, so... .." has now been repeated 3 times by 3 companies, so I hope the third time may be the charm and we will actually hear from this guy again.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Harriet » Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:56 pm

Making matters worse about these decisions - ds is at DisneyWorld and I can't get in touch with him right now for some reason. All I need is a fast opinion of what he knows about this company/cousin. (Ds knows a little something about everyone his life has ever touched and I just bet he knows something I'd benefit from hearing.)

Elizabeth, I'm sorry to hear about your friends and their disappointment(s). In the first place, they do not have to find romance. If found, there are still prerequisites to accepting it. First, respect without compromise, a compatible life plan and worldview. Then - while watching for a ring in the hand and a knee to the ground - it might become something on which they would depend. Otherwise, "Ladies, haul your own freight."

Kathryn, I'm so happy for W and R and the potential for a better place to live.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:05 pm

I napped rested, hydrated, and walked the ddog around the block. Have a load of shop towels over in the dryer. We loaded two biggernthings in the back of the pick up with the canopy in it.

Decluttered 3 more odds and ends. I think I have focus for tomorrow. Wait for it ... drum roll ... the Linnen Closet.

H was quizzing me about the dressers in the the basement and I said he shoukl be thinking about the shop stuff before it gets too hot out to do that, he is working on his office.

Some of the toys today came out of my office
Creativity room, linnen close is next to that.

Freezer is cold again and in use now. I can begin creating a groc. List and get ice cream yea.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:10 pm

Harriet I try to ask first when I call to schedule how far out are you guys booking reoairs for? That helps with an idea on scheduling some times but not always.

I can tell I have made what seems like a bizzillion trips up and down the stairs. Resting now. Need to think about dinner. Tuna salad sounds great to me.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:59 pm

2 loads washing
social security thing done. I don't get the office process , but waiting at least an hour is part of it, and so is wanting different info than that mentioned on the form that had been sent to me.
green bin waste sourced from 3 different parts of yard.

2 loads washing
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Tuesday Ta Dah!

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:07 pm

BTDT with family and HVAC companies. We have an HVAC repairman in our home several times a week because our DSIL comes to our home (to pick up DGD7) after he gets off work and is still wearing his family HVAC company uniform. We chose to not switch to his family owned HVAC company when he married into our family. Their competitors take great pride in that we are still their customers. It is very rare that I call them needing repair and they don't respond within a couple hours. The last several times they have come to do repairs, they refuse to charge us anything because the repairs were so small. DH usually gives them cash anyway to "take their sweetheart out to eat" or some other nonsense. STaying with HVAC company outside of our family has worked out well for us.....so far. I was worried at first about offending DSiL but they assured us they have more business than they can service and they are not offended in the least.

I'm pleased to have completed my 2 project goals today. If I hadn't broken the projects into baby steps I probably wouldn't be making progress on these projects. Instead of thinking about the whole project I can just focus on doing the next step.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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