Friday Fifty

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:25 pm


Dgs was still awake (not according to plan) but his daddy can relieve dd for a bit and brush his teeth.

She's exhausted.

I am too. Heading to bed now that I've cuop and checked email and FB. We only walked another mile but Montreal is not an accessible city so we had to carry the stroller and up and down stairs all the time (up, someone would carry him and the other would take the stroller; down we'd carry him in the stroller each taking a side.) When we were leaving we got off at the accessible subway station but then it was 2 flights of stairs up to the passage to the train station. At that point we were tired and a bit late so it was a scramble.

He was a very good little boy. One pout all day. He had said 'sitting' but we heard 'sing' (which he usually signs, not speaks) so I started to sing to him and his feelings were hurt that we didn't understand so he crawled off my lap onto his mom with a very sad look on his face! This was just as the train came into the station in Ottawa so the very end of the day.

I will take double ibuprofen tonight. First a glass of milk and then bed.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Harmony » Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:48 pm

I have done fifty batches ++++++ of paperwork in my lifetime. 50 bags of papers shredded. Well everything I think of is way more than 50. Except for exercise I guess. Need to change that. Probably when I used to do the Mall Walk every morning, I did that 3 mile walk 50 times at least.

So, happy anniversary wishes again (on time) for Sunny and DH. It is amazing.

Ok I did go to the bone dr. this morning. This different dr. looks like the mad professor but he was very nice and kindly as he tried to figure out what's going on in my wrist. Several new xrays taken. Better view than before. He says the bone chip is the old one. But on the thumb side where I had so much pain, and swelling and bruising, he sees a line which he thinks is the break, an L-shaped thing. So I have instructions not to lift anything and to see him back in 3 weeks. I can wear my wrist brace as I need it for comfort. I find it helpful if I'm trying to do something as it keeps me from flexing or turning the wrist accidentally which is painful.

Ventured down to the library which is open. I wish they had never touched the inside of it. They put a new carpet down and it is an awful mottled brick pattern which at first glance had me worried I was going to step into a hole. Just odd and jarring. Equally jarring is what they did to the shelving. Long rows instead of sections, perpendicular to the walls (the old layout) and lined up in squares. Now everything is long rows all set at an angle to everything else and just as jarring to look at as the new floor is. I felt disorientated in there. An odd sensation.

Then they changed the way they shelve the books. Put religious fiction with the large print books, the mystery books in a separate section, then the regular fiction in another section. Some authors write different types of books and I found the same authors in several different sections. Since it's long rows, all these categories run together. Hard to find anything. Biographies were way at the end of the other room at the end of the non-fiction.

I did tell the clerk how much I hated it. It seemed like they got rid of a lot of books and she said they just tossed ones that were worn out...but I say otherwise. It seemed like just half the books they used to have. I'm very disappointed. That was my happy calm place to go. Not so much any more.

Stopped at supermarket and got some stuff. Shlepped 6 bags home and into the house with one arm.

Been hearing a 'trickle' in my commode tank and tonight I asked DH to look at it. Plastic piece broken off inside. He went into his junk stash and brought in toilet innards from a bathroom he'd remodeled (he'd kept the workings because they were still in operation :roll: ) and they fit in ours. So he changed that out and it doesn't operate the same and I have to push the lever twice, but it works and no leaks.

He may not cook or clean much but he does fix toilets!

I guess that was my day. I am happily reading a book tonight.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Lynlee » Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:11 pm

Happy Anniversary to the Sunny's

Hugs and prayers for all who need them. ((LM))

Sunny Saturday here.
I've ditched tai chi today. I've realised how much it affects the rest of my week/ days that follow. Not in good way
Online mtg i'l.
I need to get moving. dress. dishes to sink. clear draining boards. collect lib books. 2, I cared not enough to read. I've been binge reading in my 'off days". :? and night.
I need my routines back on track.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:28 pm

Harmony... my library divides authors in two sections... fiction and mystery. There’s also non-fiction and large print plus audio books as well as dvds. Religion is in the non-fiction side of the building. I was told that our library which is a branch removes older books to make room for newer ones, and some of the older ones end up at our main library which is very large.

I love going to our library, but then I’ve always loved libraries. Couldn’t read much during my 20 years of teaching except during the summers. Couldn’t wait to head there once I retired. One of the clerks there she hers that all the time once teachers retire. Most of the time I’d rather read than watch tv. Plus now that I am fully retired it doesn’t matter how late I stay up reading.

When I was a kid I used to use a flash light to read under the covers and spent much of my allowance on Weely Reader books I bought from their magazine. I was always so excited on the day they arrived and couldn’t wait to get home to start reading them. I had a delapotated tree house in the field behind Sweeties and my house and spent endless there reading up there. Sweetie would look for me up there cause I had a huge wire cage I hammered to a large tree branch where I would keep my cat. sweetie thought that was funny. I lined the cage with a towel and my cat loved to sun himself high up in the tree.
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