Wednesday Funny

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:19 pm


I struggle to believe it is almost 8pm and I haven't posted on PWYC yet. I don't like being so pressed for time. Coming to PWYC is my go-to place when I take a break. That tells me I'm not taking breaks. Talking to myself......This is not okay. I enjoy and NEED to come here!

This morning I got both kids lined out with their list and homeschool work then I left them with Papa. I took DMom to her doctor appointment to review her test results. Her thyroid was low so now she starts taking thyroid meds. Also her Vitamin D was low. DMom told the doctor this wasn't possible because Vit D is the sunshine vitamin and she gets plenty of sunshine (DMom always has a good tan in the summertime from working outdoors) The doctor told DMom the test results give 2 types of Vit D. I think he said she was low in D2 and sunshine won't provide that one. He gave her a prescription for it. I asked the doctor if he had any suggestion for DMom's knees (bone-on-bone) since she doesn't want knee replacement surgery. He suggested Rooster Juice. DMom is going to think about that.

I took DGD7 home this evening. DD and DSiL came home from the big city hospital after spending a couple days there.

Wondering if a person can have too many container gardens? I might be having too much fun with them and gone a little overboard. I did a quick count and I think I have 29. But I might have missed a few. And now I'm venturing out and experimenting with hydroponics and growing microgreens.

I finally have some understanding of the unschooling concept. Tomorrow I'm taking DS9 and a friend to a class on volcanoes. Today with NO prompting DS9 spent several hours researching and learning about volcanoes. If we had been studying volcanoes in a curriculum, his study would have been laid out what to read and what to do. But because DS9 was seeking knowledge himself about a subject that interests him, there was a completely different approach. I do think everyone learns better when we have a subject that has caught our attention. I do understand that unschooling would not work for DS9 and Math. There is no way to make him interested in memorizing the Math facts. That is happening but it is just daily grunt work. Boring but necessary.

45 SHE cards were completed today.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby lucylee » Wed Jul 25, 2018 10:32 pm

LadyM said:
I struggle to believe it is almost 8pm and I haven't posted on PWYC yet. I don't like being so pressed for time. Coming to PWYC is my go-to place when I take a break. That tells me I'm not taking breaks. Talking to myself......This is not okay. I enjoy and NEED to come here!

Only now it's after 9:00 pm for me and this is my first chance to get here -- and I'm on the phone with my aunt at the same time -- but I did take a nap for about an hour, so that was a break. I am just exhausted.

Every day, I get a bunch of stuff done for dmom/take a bunch of stuff to her... and then she gives me another bunch of stuff to do...

She's doing okay. Still seems a little drowsy and seems to me to be having more trouble than usual with remembering her words/etc when she's talking, but she's doing well, so far as the pain/etc. She's also having a little more trouble with bathroom stuff, if you know what I mean. I need to get her some D epends tomorrow. It's partly b/c she cannot get up at all on her own and sometimes she doesn't realize she needs to go until it's too late when the aide gets there.

DS brought the dgrands over today to see her, and then ddil visited on her way home from work.

So anyway -- it has been a long day and there's another one tomorrow... but Sat & Mon I am out of town with dh, ds & family, and I am sooo looking forward to that!

Last edited by lucylee on Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:14 pm

take care all!

sweet dreams or happy day to you - where ever you are!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby lucylee » Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:53 pm

I had to edit that -- it's Sat & MONDAY that I'm out of town. Just day trips; Sunday I plan to sleep as late as possible, then stop by a wedding shower for a former student (& coworker's daughter) and then make a quick visit with dmom.

Today's PODA/TA-DA list?
(I love doing this, b/c I feel sooo efficient while I'm checking off my list, LOL!) :lol: :lol: :lol:
* Post office
* Dmom's --
-- got med bottles that need refill
-- talked with Life Alert people, got her new beeper (?) (whatever it's called) -- so it would work better
-- switched phones so I could take her cordless phone to hook up at ass't living
-- untangled a HUGE wad of cords in that process
-- checked calendar for dates for her appts with dentist and neurologist, will have to call and reschedule neurologist
-- found the hairbrush, mirror, and bedpads that she needed
-- sorted/discarded mail
* Gas company to make sure she was on pre-paid/auto-fill plan
* Bed Bath & Beyond to get extra sheets for her bed
* Chick-Fil-A to get myself & her peach milkshakes (this was not her request, I was feeling entitled, LOL)
* Ass't living center, visited a couple hours maybe, along w/ds & dgrands
* Home, cooked supper, cleaned up kitchen
* Took nap
* Talked to daunt
* Still in process -- washing two loads of clothes for her

DH did NOT want to make doctor's appt for today. * sigh *

Sweet dreams, blessed, and please know that I am thinking of your dd and I hope she feels better soon! And yourself -- No More Migraines!

(((HUGS))) and good wishes for you, too, Harmony!

And (((Rose))) I am so very sorry about your dstudent and his fiance'... just a horrible tragedy...

Rooster Juice? LadyM -- I must google this! DH is in the same situation as your dmom, not wanting knee surgery, and we are always on the lookout for something that will help his joints.

Unschooling. That is dgs to a T! Space, presidents, geography... he cannot get enough of it. But if he is not interested in something, he totally tunes out. * sigh * (At least in conversation with us -- I think he is interested in learning everything his teacher presents at school. He's still young enough that the teacher is kind of on a pedestal. I know that will not last all the way through, but it's nice that he respects them so much right now!)

Blessed, my ddad was sooo like your dmom... always noticing whatever was wrong, rather than right. It makes me sooo self-conscious about our house, and I really dread dbil bringing the girlfriend over next week, b/c there is NOT going to be time to do much real cleaning for her visit! And just as I was saying, I don't look "polished and sophisticated" compared to her... well, this house doesn't look that way compared to hers, either. Comfortable and lived in. That is my style -- in fashion and in decorating. And I wish sooo badly that I could do at least a tiny bit better... but I just can't.
I guess I should realize that there are people, and I don't mean people in third world countries, but just people right here in my town, that probably think my home is a mansion and would give anything to have clothes as nice as mine. There are always people who have more and nicer things than we do... but there are certainly always people who are less fortunate too... and I must be content and confident in the lifestyle I live.

I finally cooked again tonight, Harriet -- just Philly cheese sandwiches & corn on the cob, but I was almost too tired to eat.

WTG, Nancy!

Still have a load of laundry to finish and then ONE pair of pj pants she didn't have sorted in the right basket. :roll:
And I have not even read yesterday's newspaper. :roll: :cry:
Good night, everyone!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday Funny

Postby Harmony » Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:26 am

Well I am coming up out of my fog. It is an awful thing I get. Diverticu-something - that hurts like ____ sometimes. Some people have to go for antibiotics but I have never done that. I lay quietly, fluids, something for pain, heat on my belly and massage. Hope for the best. I think I am past the worst of it this time. Man. I have had this since 1980 or so and probably longer. Flairs are the worst.

I watch my diet. But sometimes its hard to figure. Fiber. But not too much at once. A balancing act. I do know what happened this time. Will try to be smarter.

Course nothing got done today. I have another dr. apt. tomorrow morning to check on my hand. I was afraid I'd not be able to go, but I guess I shall. Tomorrow will be better. It has to be.

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