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Re: thursday/friday australia Let the games begin

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:58 pm
by lucylee
Well, there will be an urgent event tomorrow, but at least it can be planned for. Dmom called around 8:00 pm and said to go ahead and make an appt for tomorrow. So I'll have to be up and ready to go as soon as they open, b/c they close at noon. * sheesh * BUT... I'm glad she's going -- her housekeeper called and when I told her the situation, she said, "Oh, my, get that checked. I know two people who had casts put on that were too tight, and one almost lost an ARM!" :shock: So... better safe than sorry.

This day has just been crazy.
But productive.
Lots of communication...
* answered text re: ds...
* answered text re: my dgrandfather & his brick-laying history...
Newspaper is doing a story not on HIM, but on the African-American family who made their own brick and who actually taught my grandfather the trade. Lots of messaging to a grandson all day long about that, did a write-up for the columnist who is doing it, and got that sent off just now.
-- :?: -- I asked the columnist to add a note at the end for people to let me and the grandson know if they knew of any places our grandfathers bricked. I put my PO box and my e-mail. I told the grandson I knew some people discourage publicizing emails like that, but with all the spam I get already, I didn't see how it could be much worse. If dh disagrees, I'll send her a message and tell her to only use the PO box. :?
* sent "thinking of you" notes to two dear friends, one is a long-time coworker and dfriend of ddad's, who is in the nursing home approx 40 miles away & dmom and I just found out... one is the mother of the dfriend I told you about who just up and left her family some years ago and I only found out last Christmas.
* took the dgrands to visit dmom...
* took the dgrands home...
* got my hair cut...
* came home, tried to nap, received 7 phone calls. AUUUGHHHH!!!!
* read the paper
* straightened up my "notes" section on phone, added some books I want to read

(((Harmony))) I can't take the heat, and I hate cold weather, too! But it was only about 83 today here, not too bad. Just looked -- it is actually going to be in the high 60s the next couple nights here. That will feel so nice!

Harriet said:
Norma, hire a good-looking butler or handyman. That should be fine. ;)

LOL... that made me smile b/c if I have to get up so early tomorrow, I can at least look forward to seeing dmom's cute doctor! :lol: :lol: :lol:


(((Elizabeth & friend & bird))) That must have been an awfully scary event!

It takes me longer and longer to get things done.
Yes, Norma. My dmom's constant complaint, and now mine too.

I was actually afraid I had the flu last night! Aching from the roots of my hair to the tips of my toenails, and had a HORRIBLE headache. Probably just all the unusual amount of WORK I did yesterday!

Here comes dh wanting the computer. I've got to start checking in earlier!
Good night, all!