Friday Finish

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Re: Friday Finish

Postby bittersweet » Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:45 pm

Yesterday went from Plan A to Plan B. I went back to bed and slept for several hours. Then dMum decided she didn't want to go for lunch after all (at least not until she gets her hair cut), and I was to go over today instead. Then she was able to make an appointment for her bone density scan for this afternoon, so that all worked out for the best. This morning, things went right along to Plan C. dMum woke up with a very sore muscle in her back, and doesn't think she'd be comfortable enough to do the bone density scan, so that's being cancelled for now. I'll still go over to take her some things she needs.

Later this afternoon, dSon and I need to get the tent set up for the dgrandmonsters to sleep over tonight. I thought they might enjoy "camping" in the back yard. We'll have a weinie roast, and probably enjoy some toasted marshmallows afterwards. dSon will sleep outside with them (i need my CPAP machine if I'm to have a decent sleep). After a pancake breakfast, and some hanging out with Grandma time, dDaughter will pick them up around noonish.

Or how about Plan D?? :roll: dSon came in about 45 minutes ago and suggested we set the tent up early. That way, we could make sure everything is there, and give it time to air out (it hasn't been used in about 10 years!!) It's now all set up and airing. Everything was there, except for one peg, which we grabbed from the other tent. Now I'm DEFINITELY in need of a shower before I go anywhere! :mrgreen:

I'm with Twins on the EWWWWW!!! factor of cashew cheese! Then again, I don't like almond milk, soy milk, gluten free anything, low fat this or that......
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Re: Friday Finish

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:08 pm

Well I had my stomach scope done ths morning. Definitely have a hiatal hernia. Not sure what’s next but could be major surgery. Won’t know till I meet up with my surgeon next week. Right now I’m living on chicken soup eggs and bananas. I’m hungry but finding things that don’t cause my stomach to hurt is difficult.

Did eat a bowl of ice cream when I came home cause my throat is scratchy due to the tube they used, but my stomach isn’t much of a fan. Darn cause I love ice cream and was looking for an excuse to eat it.
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Re: Friday Finish

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:09 pm

CI - I am good had art day. Googled that fire 28.4 mi. Up river from us on the other side of the river. H. Is home. Had lunch.

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Re: Friday Finish

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:21 pm

I am home again and my mother no longer owns a home. I have her check to get to the credit union tomorrow a.m., I just couldn't face staying out longer today. I am okay but my stomach is upset. No weeping, I was hoping I could keep it together and did. The credit union is open in the morning.

The dresser at mother's house, that seemed so large when I was growing up, will fit in the back of my Honda Pilot. The buyer gave me permission to get it out over the weekend. I went by there before going to the closing, dnephew (my brother's son) has not kept up his end of the bargain by mowing at all.

I think I am ready for a nap.
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Re: Friday Finish

Postby Harriet » Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:48 pm

Big hugs to Ramblin' and to Twins' for difficult days.

Ramblin', I'm sure each situation is unique, but I'm still hoping for you that you won't need the surgery - so many people don't (I think?). Keep experimenting to find foods that will give you a chance at some normalcy, now and continuing!

Twins', I'm glad things went this well, and that you'll have the dresser with you soon. Too bad that you didn't see cooperation from your nephew.

Casserole was tasty but not great. I'm sure I can make it better. As far as looks, it's truly a keeper and would be a hit. The cherry tomato halves as the last layer were part of what made it so pretty, but they were the least tasty. They were too tart to work well with the rest of the vegetables, I think. I'm torn between omitting that ingredient in the future, or keeping it so that it will be appetizing-looking. :?: These were Sweet 100 tomatoes, so I don't think a change of variety would help - not sure.

On track with Desk Day.

I just took a photo of a 6.5 inch slug who lives at my back spigot. He's a doozy. The ruler didn't bother him at all. Sent that along to dd19 and to dd38 for her boys. I'm reluctant to send to ds and ddil for their children, since ddil is NOT a fan.

Worked outdoors for an hour or so this evening. Some yard work. Hens' waterer got a good soapy cleaning. They enjoyed the freedom. It's smoothie time.

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Re: Friday Finish

Postby Lynlee » Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:21 pm

blessed - I wonder if you could stay there as dd's 'carer, in case her health issues flare up? Please ask.

today there is a luncheon for DM's 90th. I hope to be picked up shortly.
Actually, I'm hoping there isn't a traffic jam of folk heading for the coast for a pretty winter day at the beach.
current temp here 20. Expected temp 23C which is a nice day, and ocean temps won't be much less than that - above 20C I'm guessing.
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Re: Friday Finish

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:42 pm

Dinner is done watched the potato peel Gurnsey movie on net flicks.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friday Finish

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:01 pm

hi! thank you d lynn - they said I could pay what she paid but this is her photo thing and I don't want to interrupt her time. I spoke to my d brother and his sis in law is a veterinarian near there - I am going to call her and see what are good places to stay. Thank you!!!
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Re: Friday Finish

Postby helia » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:33 pm

That's kind of cool that each member of your family has their own dog, LadyM! I guess you have the space for it.
My apologies to CathyS and other Canadians and perhaps other Americans from S. America who might be lurking on this thread. "This side of the Atlantic" would have been a more appropriate phrase than "stateside." :)
((Ramblin)) Take care of yourself. I think a good friend of mine had that surgery and is happy she did. Dd22 was scoped, down her throat to her intestines, for her celiac diagnosis.
Oh, fires in your state again, nancy? Keep safe. Glad you got to do some art.
Sounds fun to have dgkids camping in your yard, bittersweet!
Hmm.... I'm actually intrigued by the idea of cashew cheese. I LOVE cheese, almost all kinds of cheese!
Congrats on the casserole, Harriet!! Did HRH eat it? How did the cheese taste on it?
Glad that's behind you, Twins.
Have a good trip, lucylee!
Hi blessed!

And that's as far back as I can scroll.

Dd20 made a reservation for us tonight at a favorite restaurant within 5 minutes walking distance of my work. The reservation was 45 minutes after my class was over. So, after class, I just hung around the teacher area and updated engrade and started grading my quizzes. Then, I walked over to the restaurant. Afterward, dh and I went home, and all 3 girls (including MZ) had places to go. Dh and I chatted a bit, and then I watched a TV show while he fell asleep on the sofa. He's very tired.

I'm not going to do any work tonight. Tomorrow will be busy enough. I have a meeting 9 - 12, and then we're having dinner at friends' home (our skiing friends -- although we haven't skied with them for many many years. . ) at 6 pm. So, I'll have about 5.5 hours to get stuff done tomorrow. I'll be home around 12:15 and we'll leave again around 5:45.

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Re: Friday Finish

Postby lucylee » Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:59 pm

We are in our hotel room, and ds and dgs are settled (? LOL) into their room next door. Dgs has talked every second of the way. It’s like he behaves at school as long as he can, and then once he’s out, he is wound up like you wouldn’t believe!

Ddil said her dad will get his pacemaker Tues, and she will come home the following week.

(((Twins))) I cant imagine how hard it is to sell your dmom’s house, but in some ways, I would think it is one less worry on you. For one thing, whether the yard is mowed or not is no longer your concern!

(((Rose))) I hope you feel better soon.
My dmom is having esophageal pain and difficulty swallowing, and she was suspecting a hernia, but now she tells me it may just be a result of the aspirin she was prescribed following surgery. She needs to have the scope done, along with being overdue for a colonoscopy, but I do hope it can wait till she is over this foot surgery!

Harriet, WTG on the casserole! I know my dh would not touch it, and I’m a picky eater, so hesitant about the cashew cheese, myself. — But it sounds pretty!

Sooo hard to scroll back on this phone! (((Hugs))) and good wishes to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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