Friday Freedom

The daily PWYC thread, where we gather to keep in touch, keep accountable and keep motivating each other.

Re: Friday Freedom

Postby Kasalia » Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:16 pm

I had not heard of challah twins mum so googled it, sounds and looks delicious. Must make one, some time, having breaky at the moment with my mixed grain bread I made last night, the dog next to me whining for it as well. Lol he loves it with vegemite, which is what is on it.

My right knee is giving pain as is left wrist, been hobbling for days. Think RA is creeping in and coming out of remission. Due for infusion Wednesday, fingers crossed it goes back, hate getting strong medicines and on bare miinimum now, so not telling dr. what is happening, or he will up it. Will do next appnt. for a month instead of 6 weeks, and hopefully that will solve it.

It is going to be a lovely day today. Need to plant tomatoes and make a whole of lemon cake for the community garden tomorrow.

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Re: Friday Freedom

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:38 pm

Ok so my tablet is working, got on fb. I have brain fry. ...
The new tablet is bigger weighs a bit more still getting used to it.
Hens are leaving in the a m .
H is home.
Got a few sections in the planner I was talking about.
Waving to every one I need a break from screens for a bit.
Made it with my new device yippie !!!success!
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friday Freedom

Postby CathyS » Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:22 pm


It has rained here 3 times today. Hopefully if we are really lucky the humidity is at an end. Maybe for 12 hours or maybe a week. Right now we don't care. Just a break from it would be nice.

Between the first and second rainfall, I cut the grass. I also made the sauce for tonight's supper which was pasta and a nice thick meat sauce with green peppers from the garden and a couple of onions.

I tried to stay off of the computer all day so I could whittle away at the house. Most of the clean laundry is away. Most of the dishes are done. I did a couple of things in the library. Last week we got rid of the white wing chair. What a difference getting rid of one piece of furniture can make.

I read an awesome thing on FB last night and it really rang true with me. "If you can't find it, you don't own it." It may have been on one of the SHE sites.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Friday Freedom

Postby Harriet » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:34 pm

Cathy, that's great to be able to declutter something large and see so much difference.

Kasalia, I hope the pain doesn't hang around.

So much cooking this afternoon and evening that I had to sit down with the pain in my leg from standing so long. That seldom happens at home (more likely on concrete store floors). Anyway, I have two casseroles in the fridge ☑ ☑ and have made a cake of cornbread, in addition to our supper today. Those two dishes are each too labor-intensive and complicated to do at the same time. I'll have to make a note for the future that they can be made with other things, but not each other.

So, it's a bigger than usual accomplishment this evening that I have completely cleaned the kitchen counters and washed all dishes/pots during evening dailies. I also had a laundry load of towels going, since that's not so hands-on, but got one more thing done.

Dd38 has emailed that they plan to come at end of month, so that's one reason I was marathoning through some meals now, to plan better what I can and can't do in prep for them later. Also trying to get as much use out of a heated oven as possible, considering this weather.

She's sent short wish-lists for the two boys whose birthdays are up. I have lots to do before they arrive. I'd like to have decor changed to autumn, but if that hasn't happened I won't obsess.

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Re: Friday Freedom

Postby BookSaver » Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:05 am

Hey, great minds think alike and all that -- working with Harriet, I also washed & dried a load of kitchen towels so that I could count an easy task as done even if I didn't accomplish anything else all day. :D

Other things I managed to finish today:
prepared 3 meals including 1 new recipe (turned out to be a keeper)
fed the cat multiple times (glad she still has an appetite for such an old girl)
took a nap
several rotations of 5 minute pick up and put away
um ... watched a few short online videos?

I did not technically finish as a project, but spent a few hours going through more boxes in my sewing & crafts room. Results:
1) I have filled a very large shopping bag with fabrics to put on the freebie table at my next sewing group meeting. I'm determined that those fabrics will not be coming back into my house. If no one takes them at the next meeting, they will go from my car directly into the trash bin.
2) 1 kitchen trash bag full of trash
3) 1 small box of papers for the recycle bin, plus a few flattened cardboard boxes.
4) Migrated keepers into smaller boxes. As I mentioned before, I'm working to eliminate large cardboard boxes. I need to be able to lift everything I'm keeping up onto shelves.
4) Found some yarn that I can use right away to knit hats for the library's hat tree in November. The yarn colors I found will work for teen boys and men. Most of the donations come in for young children so it will be good to have at least a few for adults.

I'm done for the night since I have to work tomorrow. This afternoon I took a call from a coworker who wanted me to be aware of an ongoing problem with a patron that I might have to deal with tomorrow. Oh joy.

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Re: Friday Freedom

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:24 am

hi d cathy, hi d book, hi d harriet, hi d nancy, hi d kasilia, hi d twins, hi d lady. (and all previous before my computer wouldn't go any further).
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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