Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:03 pm

Today didn't start well but got better as the day proceeded. I was tempted to return to bed this morning and lay on a heating pad. I knew if I did that I would have a harder time getting going. Now I'm glad that I pushed through the rough start and worked my plan.

Both kids have been to piano lessons. DS10 dreams of playing Beethoven -5th Symphony. His teacher is teaching him a few notes of it each week (in addition to his regular lesson). He is so motivated to learn to play that song! He practices every day without being told. I just hope his enjoyment of music continues. Tomorrow is his first band class.
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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:39 pm

I'll be seeing Beethoven's 5th performed by our national orchestra next week!

So I slept in the morning for an hour. Got up, had a snack, did a load of laundry, made eggs for my lunch, asked dh if he wanted the Costco run today or tomorrow (it would be urgent if we waited another day.) He said today. I ate my eggs and checked to see if he was ready to go.

He was getting a quote for a flight to Finland for work that came up this morning and was having trouble with the website so we could go when that was done. I sat down to rest, checking FB and reddit and after 45 minutes checked with dh. He was waiting for me. Seriously?!?

We got off, filled the car with gas on the way there and were in and out fairly quickly. I wanted corn on the cob with our chicken (bought from Costco) so we stopped in at a fruit and vegetable depot that is highly recommended. I have been wanting fruit so added nectarines to our cart but then had to return them to the display when I thought to check. Almost everything in the store was from the US so I ended up only getting the corn. There's no need for our produce to come from the US at this time of year.

We got home, I put the few perishables away and went back to bed for another 90 minutes.

We had dinner but I had to remake the garlic bread because dh made it with the garlic that has gone sour. We can't get fresh Canadian garlic except from farmer's markets. US is only a couple of months of the year, the rest of the time it is Chinese which I'm boycotting as well, so we've been buying freeze dried Canadian garlic. That worked well but suddenly wasn't available.

I bought the chopped in oil stuff and that went bad. We haven't had it very long so I'm not sure what happened but I'm frustrated. I like garlic but it isn't readily available here. I can't stock up when the Canadian garlic is available because it is to be stored in a cool place and the coolest my apartment gets in winter is 72.

Dh suggested watching a movie but I had to point out I didn't have the brain cycles for that.

He's on a conference call and I got the bedrooms dusted and vacuumed and the living/dining rooms vacuumed. That leaves dusting to do and kitchen vacuum, mop, and weekly chores (which it desperately needs since I haven't been maintaining it while recovering.)

I'm in the living room testing how I feel. I'm covered in sweat and lightly nauseous so that's it for this round of out of bed. I may as well go to bed for the night although I doubt I will sleep through if I do. After all, I've had 2.5 hours of naps already today.

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby Harmony » Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:05 pm

It feels like a Tuesday here because DH worked all day Monday. I didn't have a lot to do because I have cooking and shopping done ahead and the whole house was very clean because we had company Sunday. So I did get an easy day for the holiday.

Today was interesting. A good report from the dr. today and then on the way home a flat tire. If someone driving nearby keeps tooting his horn, it's best to see if he's pointing at your car! I opened my window when I was next to him and asked if I had a flat tire: yep! So I was just by a mechanic shop and they pumped it up and I made it home ok.

So when DH came home he took car to another place and bought 2 tires, one which was put on and the other could not because the lug nut on that one was stuck in place. He also changed the battery which was sounding a bit sick at start-up. Once back here we changed the thing that lug nuts screw onto, which was a long process for us, and installed that new tire and managed to get the spare back up under the car. Hot work in this weather.

I'm so grateful this all happened today and not in a couple weeks when I have a small trip to make. My charge card is looking top heavy once again. It will be a big check this month also.

The tropical storm hit south of us and really wasn't all that bad there. We were on the north and east edge of it and didn't get much but a lot of grey skies all day long. We've been having really big rainstorms every afternoon practically this whole summer so its been abnormally wet this year. I hope Ala. and Mississippi fare as well as we did.

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:40 pm

Got dmom home today. She was certainly glad to be facing sleeping on her own bed. (couch, more likely)
She got the pins out of her toes, but is still in the boot for another 3-4 weeks. She does have permission to drive, though.
Dh needs me at the moment.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:53 pm


Harmony, grateful for strangers' noticing!

Hurray, lucylee's dmother! Home at last.

Dd20 had a story from the evening at the gallery. It has two-story floor-to-ceiling windows on one full wall and part of 2 others, and the landscape of lawn on view in daylight, with paths and a street in the distance. After dark, as she sat at the desk alone, she began to hear a lot of loud voices. She describes it as shrieking, but not words. It got closer and closer and she realized a real mob must be approaching from the darkness. She started seeing cloth waving high above people in flowing clothes. Even louder shrieking, and coming fast.

She told me, "Mom, I was ready for the Zombie Apocalypse." Finally, when they were close enough, she made out the figures of a sorority (she says she could tell sorority not fraternity because of the bouncing bustlines), pledging going on evidently, running and waving flags, past the gallery. They seemed exhausted and were probably running quite a distance around campus. She said she couldn't make out which Greek letters they were yelling, but that must have been what she couldn't recognize as words. She says she was relieved to find they weren't zombies, but she's decided not to get too close to the sororities during pledge week, because going by the zombie movies, if the apocalypse ever does come, they would be the first ones to go.

She's gotten me an invitation to attend the reception for a quilt artist whose work she says will knock my socks off. She just finished the install, climbing ladders all around the gallery to hang quilts high on the walls. I can't decide whether to look at her photos of the install or wait and be surprised.

About normal. That hasn't happened yet. I seem to be in recuperation mode. Also a little giddy for no reason. Sleep?

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:16 pm

May be the making of a tire epidemic in the village, Harmony -- dh wanted me to hold the light while he aired up a tire on our Tahoe. We got a notice from OnStar that it was low, but two gauges dh used said it was fine. It certainly doesn't look low, but according to the dashboard monitor, it's been losing a little for the last few days. I may take it over to the dealership tomorrow and have them check the sensor/monitor in it. Stuff shouldn't start going bad in a car that is only six months old -- but if there's a problem with the tire, we better have it checked before we go out of town Friday.
* sheesh * I may need to get up early tomorrow. Things seem to go better at car dealerships the earlier one arrives. * sigh *

I didn't get to dmom today until around 2:30 or so, and had her home with MOST of her belongings by 6:00. Have to go back tomorrow to get the last of it and return her key. I'm afraid we've lost a nice set of pillowcases, also. Ass't living thinks they belong to them, they sure do look like the sheets I bought. :roll:

That must have been nerve-wracking to dd, Harriet -- until she saw that the zombies were sorority girls, LOL! The quilt show sounds GREAT. I think I would wait and be surprised. I love quilts.

So glad the storms didn't cause problems for y'all, Harmony.

(((Kathryn))) Hope you feel better soon!

Glad your day improved, LadyM! OUCH for that toothache! Sometimes rinsing with hydrogen peroxide helps when I get something like that.
I'm so enjoying hearing about DS and DGD's piano lessons. Also liked that messy bun accessory you showed us. I wear my hair up in a clip about 75% of the time -- at least. Just one of those big clips, with the ends sticking out loose. It's not really a messy bun... just messy. I wish I could do a messy bun like some ladies do. I don't want to cut my hair, but I need some better up-do ideas. My hair is about collarbone-length and layered somewhat, very thick and wavy, so sometimes a ponytail just makes the ends stick out awkwardly. :roll:

Nancy... (((HUGS)))... this too will pass... (keep telling yourself that)!
OH -- and :D Happy birthday!!! Maybe tomorrow will be better!


Waving to Twins and EVERYONE ELSE!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby BookSaver » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:53 pm

Elizabeth ~ Thank you for the note that your cats like their drinking fountain. The one I ordered is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I need to clear and clean the spot where I will install it.

Ouchie my knees hurt but I think I made acceptable progress today.
I got a slow start on my decluttering project because I did some desk work first.

After lunch I walked into my sewing/craft room that I'm decluttering/reorganizing and got a pleasant jolt. It is finally starting to show how much I've removed from the room to be able to reorganize what I'm keeping. Today I had enough floor space that I could temporarily empty a set of shelves and move them to a better location; that step was a long time coming.

Today I was also finally able to pull my 2 small library card catalog cabinets (12 drawers each) out of the corner where they've been stored for several years. I set them up on utility shelves, which are ugly but functional. Now I can start filling the little drawers with sewing/needlework tools and small packages of supplies. I haven't totally decided what all will go in the little drawers, but some things will be easy -- like knitting needles, bodkins, bias tape makers, and other misc. gadgets that I don't need very often but are useful enough to keep.

The drawers themselves need a lot of cleaning. Unfortunately, the librarian from whom I bought them didn't use the built-in slots that allow inserting changeable cards to label the drawers. Instead, she stuck a white adhesive label on the front of each drawer and then put wide clear tape over the labels. :x Ugh. Luckily, the drawer fronts are black plastic rather than wood, so I think I'll be able to be a little more aggressive about trying to get those stupid labels off. Obviously the cabinets are not antiques, but I'm hoping with a lot of TLC they will eventually look nice.

This evening after supper I wanted to do more work on my project, but DH needed my help with his project outside. :|

I'm going to try real hard tomorrow to carve out at least an hour again for my decluttering project. I think I have figured out how I can rearrange some more things in that tiny room to set up 1 more set of shelves, at least temporarily while I'm still sorting through bags and boxes. Plastic utility shelves are inexpensive, I can lift them by myself, and they are easy to assemble; they are just as easy to disassemble for moving later. It's a little room that nobody else will ever see, so I don't care that the shelving units themselves are not pretty.

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