Tuesday Turn up the music

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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:49 pm

Harriet wrote: We used to think NREM sleep was no different from a stupor, but now we know this is careful work - a sleep prescription of recovery for the brain and sculpting of memory. Fascinating.

When I 'nap' I often only sleep for 10 - 20 minutes but wake up feeling completely different. It probably has something to do with this. I'm guessing my head can't even do a preliminary sort and needs to shut down to be cleared out.

Got dh to the airport, went shopping for coat and boots. No luck, too early (last year I was too late in November, sheesh!)

First place I went was a sleepy mall (I knew it would be quiet and I could manage it.) Decided to hit WM just in case (still too early, even there) but had to have a 10 minute lie down in the car before heading in there because I was so dizzy. Wore my earplugs while shopping (I won't wear them while driving) and pushed a cart but still I was going as fast as I dared and anxious to get home.

Dh was in Toronto by the time I was in the checkout at WM (he was put on an earlier flight) and then we texted when I was home. I've got the hotel booked for him now in Zwolle. He's in Minnesota this trip, I would have gone if I wasn't boycotting the US since I love Minneapolis. So this is a trip I'm sad I have to miss. Miami was easy to skip, since I have no interest in being there aside from seeing the ocean.

Dh has two trips to Europe between now and the end of October and a standards collaborator coming to stay here on October 31 for a few days. He's coming from Helia's neck of the woods and his school has cut all his funding so he's coming here on airline points and we'll host him so the standards work can progress.

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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:51 pm

Hi everyone! Yesterday's repair/reschedule of the daily loads was successful. Last night, I realized I HAD to get the sewing room closet dealt with! The two new fosters found the attic access. All the insulation has been cleaned up and the closet straightened. Why did I have two dozen now crumpled and unusable gift bags, when I LOATHE gift bags? The only salvageable gift bag is now in the donate bin. After that I needed a Benadryl. I got bills and budget done as well. I had a scare at the mailbox with an IRS notice. I had to amend my form a few months late due to a delay in getting paperwork for an account. Once that came in, I owed more taxes and this was the penalty and interest notification. I will pay them the additional $37 and be done with it. The closet took so long only the essentials were done.

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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:55 pm

hi my routines (including morning routine) are not done. I went to a blood test that took a little longer than I thought and then took d mom to lunch. (she loves sloppy joes from this one place and I took her there. then dropped her off because she wanted to do a bunch of errands but I told her I can do what she can't on Thursday.

time for my morning routine work again. I misplaced my debit card so I have to look for it.
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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:42 pm

I have walked the dog, and got the iris starts moved to the bed by the patio herb garden. Lunch is over. Did a bit of reading and took it easy after I vacuumed the sewing room. It is cooler here today. I think the basement is ready except for a bit of laundry.. . Later
... Have started laundry now.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 4:29 pm

lucky dog to have a nice walk d nancy!
glad it is a bit cooler today.

hi d elizabeth what a great idea to have a time to repair things
and great job getting rid of those bags
and wahoo on your bills done as well.

good for you regarding those cat naps d kathryn!
I am sorry you were so dizzy!

hi d harriet! hope your internet behaves itself! hang on to your bonnet is right. stay safe

hi d dee! it's nice to get things done in one trip! sorry about your df breaking his hip using a hover board!

hi d twins. I am starting to putter too. The meal sounds great.. and to top it off some nice fresh berries. Love that! good job on the corners

hi d rose!

hi d all. I can't seem to go back any further but I am thinking of all of you!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 4:31 pm

I have to make dinner before I finish my morning routine. (it's 3:30 already)
I had a hot spot develop but I tossed it in a box (I knew it would take forever to do)
my card file fell and I fixed it and set up what I hope my BWP will be for the rest of this week.

ta ta for now.

joined the Facebook group holiday grand planners.
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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby Harriet » Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:25 pm

We are mostly unconnected. I'll try to post this but doesn't look likely. Man doesn't know why. (This is an actual tech man who came after my call.) Everything is always so tentative - as if you either luck into someone who knows what he/she is doing, or else.

Today, two depts have been abysmal. First the trenchers cut the regular line after HRH warned and warned what not to do, then in calling for service, there are such confused people it's like you have to lead them by the hand. "No, you can't call me at that number. The whole reason for asking for service for that number is that the line is cut, remember?" "No, you can't talk to a technician who is with me. The people with me now are the people who dig trenches for you." So if third time is the charm maybe this guy can give us a permanent fix - so far, no.

that was earlier. Supposedly we are now connected to phone and internet.

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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:09 pm

Harriet: now you get hit with tons of rain and the splice will fail as the ditches fill up with water! (Ahhh, the joys of rural living!)

I'm up. Had lunch (but actually a dinner's worth of calories) at 3, down for nap around 4:30 (I seem to recall hearing that news), fell asleep and when I woke up I figured I'd been down for an hour. Nope. Two hours. Then another hour just lying in bed debating getting up.

I'm not hungry so had an apricot since I'm short fruits and veggies today and am having decaf tea. I'm just dull, not sleepy. And bored but not focused enough to do anything. Plus all I can do in the housework area is dusting and kitchen chores. No vacuuming at this time of night. The other night I went to bed at 8 and my upstairs neighbour was vacuuming and I was both annoyed and understanding. After all, it was 8. But it reminded me that not vacuuming after 9 is necessary (it is a personal rule, not in my lease.)

I'm meeting ds 30 minutes away at 9:30 tomorrow morning and then carpooling to a house viewing. I'm trying to add in an appointment with the accountant in the afternoon since I'm sort-of driving by her but that is actually a bad idea based on how I felt today.

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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby BookSaver » Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:39 pm

Hello, villagers ~
I've had a day of disappointments.

1) No sign of the roofing company even though I was promised that we were on their schedule for yesterday. Result of last week's bad weather causing delays, I know, but I would appreciate some kind of message from them.

2) Too many hours hanging around the phone in case the roofers call. Answering too many phone calls instead of letting the machine pick them up -- and in the past 2 weeks, only 1 call has been for me by name, and that was a charity organization asking me for an additional donation. All other calls have been robots, surveys, robot surveys, "support our candidate" political groups, "this is your credit card company" robot scams, hang ups, wrong numbers, etc. :evil:

3) Today I had no luck finding soda stream co2 carbonator canisters to exchange for my empties. I have 1 more local store to call but so far all seem to be phasing out all ss products. Sellers on A river have them at inflated prices plus shipping cost. SS website will not ship canisters by themselves although they have no problem shipping them in a bundle with a machine. :?
(SS has helped me to stop drinking beverages containing high fructose corn syrup. I've come to like mixing my own flavor combinations, too. Maybe I need to learn to use an old-fashioned soda siphon like in the 1930s movies?)

4) Less than a week ago I bought a 3-pack of guacamole to have with meals. This morning I thought I'd have a little bit with an egg and sweet bell pepper burrito, only to find that DH had already eaten all 3 packages of guac. What, did he think they were soup? :o

5) I made an extra large batch of chili and noodles for supper, planning to have leftovers for my lunches the rest of the week. I served myself a small bowl and took it to my office to eat while watching a sewing webinar. After the class, I went back to the kitchen and found that DH had emptied the rest of the pan. Hmm, apparently the man has returned to eating like a teenager. I'm glad he feels good enough to have such a healthy appetite, but now what will I do for lunches?

Oh my, such First World Problems I have to face! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Tuesday Turn up the music

Postby lucylee » Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:14 pm

Watching Rear Window on TV. I’ve never seen it before.
Wondering how Rose’s friend managed to meet up with Peter O’Toole.... I thought the same thing the first time I saw Burt Reynolds and we see how THAT turned out...
I read that a similar situation happened for Dustin Hoffman and his wife. They met when she was a child — her grandmother was a family friend; he was 16 years or so older — and she declared to her grandmother that she was going to marry him someday, and she did.
Oh well... I guess dh has likely been a more dependable husband than Burt would have been anyway. :)
Tomorrow is another day.

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