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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:33 pm
by Nancy
Got one of those game changer phone calls this morning see J & C . I am doing Thanksgiving here. I was considering it any way. So I guess I need to clean again. I have gravy and stuffing, h will do the tukey. I am not cooking potatoes.

Did some planning , and writing.

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:17 pm
by Twins' Mom
bw2, I used to say that dh still had his original hotel rewards point and wouldn't use them. He now does use them, finally. I know what you mean about the jars of change too.

I had a somewhat productive trip to the courthouse to copy some old deeds. The microfilm readers there won't do what the readers at the libraries do by zooming in and and adjusting the darkness/lightness. Oy. My eyes hurt. I made copies but I'm not sure I'll be able to decipher them, and I'm not sure they add a lot to what I'm doing right now. I'm not sure I will be able to finish the DAR proof argument before we go away too, and I getting frustrated it's taking time away from portfolio writing. I laid away last night arguing with myself about what I was doing, whether it would work, and whether I would ever finish.

I had time to stop at the grocery too. It was super busy and I suspect will be that way until after Christmas... :roll:

I got the new Medicare card for dmom today, was worried about it.

I need to head out again in 30 min or so.

It has turned colder here, but it's supposed to be clearing and rain is over. It's nice to have November weather instead of unseasonal warmth.

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:43 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Dh is home again. He bought me a portable battery pack as a get well soon gift. So that is charging.

I had finally put my phone on charge so didn't hear him text. Which was a shame. I would like a Dr Pepper.

He looked over my body for more shingles but can't see any other spots. The back of my left leg was itchy but he can't see anything there. I suspect this task is the only upside to me having shingles!

Fever is still up but still under 101.

I am having a frozen dinner for a late lunch.

I've been watching YouTube videos. The Two Ronnies, Matlock and The Graeme Norton show.

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:25 pm
by LadyMaverick
Homeschool, STEM class, and library book exchange are done. I only have one more time-dependent thing to do today then I can exhale and go at my own pace.

Happy Anniversary wishes to Harriet & HRH!

Dee - Welcome home! I'm glad you made the trip well and are able to start settling in.

CCC = 55

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:26 pm
by blessedw2
d kathryn - I am glad your fever is going down. (((())))
what a sweet dh you have!
I love the graham norton show! they show it on tv here as well which I so enjoy

:D d twins!
by the way my d mom just got hers. glad she got her medicare card and I am glad they no longer have the ss number on it.

d nancy - can you make mashed potatoes ahead - there is a recipe for the freezer. (always ask some one else - lol we give some of the menu items to the younger ones 8-) start them right :D 8-) )
I know you will have a lovely thanksgiving!

yay on STEM class home school and library things done! d lady

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:33 pm
by DeeClutter
Aww, ((((Kathryn)))). I should have thought of Shingles the other day -but I think that was before you said you had a rash. Yes, I did have them in '09 I think (wow! 9 years ago?). I had a pretty bad case and was sick for some time. It's not fun and I hope you're better real soon.

I'm back up and after snoozing just a bit. DD wants me to go to Trivia with her tonight but I'm sure I'd get too tired. It's fairly cool here today and she wants us to go to the dog park with her when she gets home from school. There's a walking track around the dog park, so we'll see how I'm feeling when she gets home.

Think dh is back up too. Yep....that's him alright. I haven't even started anything for dinner. Wasn't sure what to fix, nor did I really feel up to it.

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:47 pm
by blessedw2
d dee - did you fly in today? I am so glad you are in the nicer weather again.
wishing you a great evening

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:47 pm
by Nancy
Thinking of posting this on fb if you want any thing besides cheese San bring food on tky thurs! :roll:
Family turkey day here noon Thurs. Thanksgiving day here Dad will cook, I have pies you want any thing else bring it.
Suggestions fruit salad rolls potatoes I have gravy mixes.

Back from our walk.
Got the library app for e books on my tablet.

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:50 pm
by blessedw2
I have worked all day on checking, bills, cc's, letters etc. I think I will set up the file for 2019 as I still have the mental energy.
my physical body is not enjoying sitting all day.

Listening to snoopy Xmas
having sugar free hot cocoa - not bad.
snow stopped - i really want more.

Re: Get it Together Thursday

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:53 pm
by LadyMaverick
Kathryn - Thanks for sharing the youtube shows. I haven't heard of 2 of them. Will be checking them out.

After seeing posts here about getting rid of unwanted emails, I saw DNeice on TV for going after person sending unwanted text/pictures. (DNeice is DA).