Super Sat.

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Re: Super Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:10 pm

thank you d Harriet - I think I need to change things up a bit. I have been using the digital format to inspire me but It can send me down a rabbit hole.
I do need to change it up!

d harriet you had mentioned that: re their relationship. I understand it. There comes a point that you learn there is nothing that you can say to that person to change them. They can't. I know it must bother her. I know my d mom means well and I used to be so hurt and fight it. I came to the point, most times, that this is just her. Wishing your dh and his d mom the best. It's hard

how nice that your d step dil will come in and help!

hi d dee
praying for this woman... debt is horrible. praying for your dsil and his sister!
praying for fast healing for your ds r's concussion!
praying for your health as well...for no worries. yay on getting your exercises in!!!!!!!!!yahoo on your steps.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Super Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:11 pm

dishes are drying themselves.
thank goodness i rinsed dishes while cooking or the work would be hard. dinners are in freezer. I made some things for dd's freezer (she will take it with her tomorrow when she goes home)
I have another load washing themselves.

I still need to wash the stove and counters next to the stove.

dd younger texted me... she is worried about my d mom's memory. I have been too. it's different than my one grandmothers and one grandfathers alzheimers. She doesn't want to see her dr. but I will write him. I am on both dr.s forms so he can chat with her and see without upsetting her.
I am thinking that going down to Florida is stressing her out. This happened last year and I am hoping she adjusts to her normal soon. she always stresses about what she thinks she should do. She is a very born organized person.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Super Sat.

Postby BookSaver » Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:03 pm

Hello, villagers ~
I'm so tired that I want to go to bed already but it isn't even 7:00 yet. Long day! I'm cheering myself up with the thought that I work Monday & Tuesday, then have off work until the following Monday. Hooray for the holiday!!

On Wednesday Library staff received an email invitation from City Hall staff to a pot luck lunch Monday at noon. No desserts needed because that's what they are all bringing -- to which I wondered to DH why not just call it coffee and desserts? :? But at that time I decided I wouldn't be able to attend anyway because I wouldn't have time Monday morning to cook food, pack it, run in to City Hall at 12:00 to say hello and slam down some lunch, then drive to the library and be ready to start work at 12:30.

Thursday afternoon I mentioned to my boss that I was planning to send regrets, and that's when she told me that she had been informed that the pot luck was not going to be at City Hall after all, they are all coming to the library. :shock: So now they are bringing desserts to our place and I guess expecting us to provide the rest of the meal? However, as I told DH, it will be convenient for me to make a pot of soup and take in my crock pot. I'll only have to drive to work a little early to set it out. I still won't have time to sit down with the group to eat before I have to be on the clock, but I can greet everyone and be friendly.

Today was my 3rd effort to finish shopping for Thanksgiving week get-togethers, the library one on Monday and then Thursday with family up north. I had to go buy a package of styrofoam cups and some plastic spoons to serve the soup at the library, assuming that there will be enough other food that no one will want a whole bowl of soup. I picked up those items today after work, and now I'm hoping that I will not have to set foot inside another store until next Saturday.

Oh, except I just rememberd that there is a big sale at my favorite fabric shop tomorrow from 1 to 4. Of course, I don't need any fabric, but it's always fun to go there and look. I'll have to see how I feel in the morning, if I'm up to the drive.

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Re: Super Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:11 pm

hello hello d book! I am thrilled you have that time off next week - yay!
I am sorry you won't be able to attend the meal at your own library
soup sounds wonderful!

wishing you a good nights sleep d book
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Re: Super Sat.

Postby Harmony » Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:17 pm

I am really getting tired. And my back is sore from all the standing.

I have a whole lot of gravy in the freezer now. I baked the turkey breast and cut that meat up and put that in the freezer. I used the drippings (defatted in the refrigerator) and boiled the bone and made the gravy out of all that. It turned out great and sure tastes homemade.

I snapped and cooked 16 cups of green beans for the casserole. Got a recipe for a dairy free one that looks pretty good.

I made a whole bag of yellow potatoes into mashed potatoes. Did you know you can use chicken broth instead of milk/butter to whip them up? Put a little garlic powder in too (not much) and they are wonderful. Those of us that can will put butter on, but we can all eat them. They're in the freezer for now.

Dee, I've made turkeys in my electric roaster before and that is good. I usually put it out on the pass through window shelf out on the porch, out of the way. Only thing I don't like is that it doesn't brown as well. I've sprinkled it all over and rubbed with paprika and poultry seasoning and that seemed to help. None of us should be eating that skin anyway...DH will be disappointed...

And Dee I wanted to ask you what you thought...DH seems to be sitting in his chair a lot these days, sleeping a lot. He still goes out and does things but when he comes home he immediately goes to sleep in his chair. He is a month past getting his stent. Do you think it's from this? Maybe still recovering? Thought you'd have an idea, having gone through this too.

Going to check out the salon and see if I can get this done next. I've done 3 big sinks full of dishes so far.

Booksaver, a vacation! Happy for you, wish it was me!

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Re: Super Sat.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:01 pm

Still struggling here.

Still hurts to walk or sit. Hip/glutes hurt. Maybe back, I honestly can't tell any more.

Foot either burns or is numb.

Fever is still present. Still up over 2 degrees from normal.

Head is buzzing.

No energy. Can't sleep.

No patience.

I see only disappointment and hurt and things left undone.

My bathroom tap started spraying water this morning as we were rushing out. So we put a dishpan overtop it to direct the spray into the sink and left. It stopped by the time we got home but will drip a bit. These are washerless taps. Super came, he can't fix and doesn't have a replacement.

Dh argued with me that what I said was the water shutoff was just old plumbing bits. (I had asked him to shut off the water so we could go out, worry-free.) They are the water shutoff valves, the super confirmed it. Later in the day, he told me I had the definition of a word wrong which could explain why I was attacked in an online discussion. The word was touche and I said it to acknowledge someone scored a point on me in the debate and couldn't understand why I was being downvoted for acknowledge a good point made by another. Dh said I had the wrong definition of the word but I just looked it up and I used the word properly (he had it to mean I was mocking the other person's point so I was feeling really bad that I couldn't communicate anymore since I can't use words properly.)

I have such trouble thinking, I find it really hurtful when people tell me I don't know something. Let me at least have the little bit of brain power I have left, don't steal that from me too.

My only homemaking accomplishments were putting away the fine washables from the drying rack and washing the sheets for the bed I am using. I should have done towels too but I barely got the sheets done.

My Christ Cactus was amazing blooms this year but I didn't remember to removed it from the window once it started to bloom. Which is also by the radiator. The blooms are all over now. They lasted less than a week. Now I have all those dead blooms to clean up. And nothing pretty to look at.

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Re: Super Sat.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:05 pm

It took 10 hours but it is done. 40 lbs of meat is cooked, deboned, sliced and in disposable pans. 20 lb of ham. 20 lbs of turkey. Plus 2 side dishes. Macaroni & cheese and Green Beans. I intended to also make a big pan of dressing but I ran out of time.

While cooking and taking care of DS10 and DGD7, I also worked with DH to winterize the swimming pool equipment. We are doing it entirely different than in past years. It may be a disaster. We are tentatively planning to do major changes to the pool area in the spring so if this method of winterizing is a disaster...... then so be it. Our construction thoughts will move from maybe mode into a have-to mode.
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Re: Super Sat.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:18 pm

((((Kathryn)))) From my experience, it takes time to get over shingles. it is just a PITA time to get through. PLUS you are also recovering from a concussion. Give yourself some grace and stress-free healing time. IMHO, you should hire someone to be your personal assistant for a month (or more). They can do housework, cooking, menu planning, they can monitor and document your physical process or whatever else you feel pressuring you. You are an extremely intelligent and capable woman, don't doubt it for a moment. IMHO, you seriously need a break from the stress of trying to do more than your body is ready for. ((((Gentle Hugs))))
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Re: Super Sat.

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:28 pm

now I'm hoping that I will not have to set foot inside another store until next Saturday.

Oh, except I just rememberd that there is a big sale at my favorite fabric shop

two completely different things. one has no effect on the other.

sitting here with a bit of time as my colorist waits on the clock.

carpenter work is finished except for staining, and not much of that. hopefully no new projects on the horizon now.

this late for me with hair. i'll be up later than intended but it will be accomplished.

dd should be home soon after another day of seeing almost none of her. we need this semester to be over - way too much on her plate.

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Re: Super Sat.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:59 pm

LadyMaverick wrote:((((Kathryn)))) IMHO, you seriously need a break from the stress of trying to do more than your body is ready for. ((((Gentle Hugs))))

What am I doing that is stressing my body so much?

I will admit to trying to move my body. The months of recovery from 2 weeks of bedrest during the gall bladder terrify me. Especially since I can stand and move at this point and am not hooked up to an IV under the watchful eye of nurses.

I'll admit to an hour long visit with one of the refugees (R has been dying to tell me she's pregnant and W wanted to show us his car and tell us about his new job.)

I also made a bed today after tossing sheets in washer and dryer. Not pillow cases, just sheets. Yesterday I did pillow cases (talk about breaking a job into babysteps.)

I showered and dressed. Skipped shaving my legs (again) because I figured I wasn't strong enough to handle the bending.

I took my temperature and medicine at certain intervals and charted it.

I did not:

wash dishes
go grocery shopping
plan dinner
vacuum or dust or wash floors (all required)
cut the water to my bathroom
phone the super and report the water leak

Nor did I

do anything on paperwork other than put the chits from my purse onto the ever growing pile

send any email

pay any bills

do my household or business accounting (4 months and counting)

update my bullet journal

send the email I should have sent for the residents' association.

I'm bored out of my skull but have no energy or attention span to do anything. Even TV bores me.

I have been doing this much or less now since Monday November 5. That is 13 days of doing 'nothing.' Thirteen days of having to tell dh "I don't know" when he asks me about supper. Thirteen days of telling my child "I can't" when she asks me to help. Even when all she asks is that I interact with dgs over skype. Because I can't and I know I can't.

I am going over to see dd tomorrow. Dh will drive me. She was to come here but she can't walk again, so she can't come here. She's home alone with dgs, her dh is on a business trip until tomorrow night late. This is an example of how having a car would help her out. I offered to maybe take her car shopping when I'm feeling better but she won't. If a lease transfer car doesn't land in her lap, she won't do anything to find one.

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