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Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:43 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Got home and am now out for dinner.

I drove half way but we stopped for gas and switched drivers because it was too much for me in the dark.

The repairs to the venting will run $1000 so he'll ask for that off the selling price. Ds will take the house regardless. He still wants it. That's fine with me.

I'm really tired so expect to go to bed when I get home.

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:52 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
We had asked for a quiet place in the restaurant (which seems to tend to noisy) and they set us off on our own. I had my noise-cancelling headphones on as well. I left feeling much better than when I arrived so that is a good thing.

Dh forgot the gift card so texted ds who brought it on his way to work. He had 15 minutes to kill so sat with us and showed dh all about the house (he had pictures and sketches of the floor plan.) Inside, the house is pretty close to perfect (it would be perfect if the 16 x 10 exercise area was an enclosed workshop, plus if it had a second bathroom.) It is only outside that I'm not happy with it. But I can certainly envision lots of happy family meals there. The day was quite dull and the house seemed bright and welcoming (despite dark paint on the walls.)

I just remembered I have to strip and remake the bed before I can go to sleep so that's next on my to-do. But I'm taking moment to enjoy the Christmas lights in here and a cup of decaf tea. Dh has another conference call which he completely forgot about until we walked into the apartment. Thankfully that's in 10 minutes.

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:32 pm
by Harmony
Back at last. Another customer decided to refi his mortgage right in the middle of our building project with him and of course that caused all sorts of problem with the attorney and lender. After staying up hours and hours Fri working on all that to determine just what money we needed from customer to be caught up with the work so far, they all decided to allow us to just do a percentage. So, that figured out we ran down to the attorney's to sign paperwork and in that short time our computer fried.

I'd left it up on the emails as I was looking for the attorney's forms, and we ran out and came home to a black and bare screen and no way to get it going again.

So back to our computer lady who told us a day later there was a short somewhere and she thought there was a surge...but we have whole house surge protection on our electrical system so I'm unsure about that. She had to repair Windows and reinstall the 5 years of anti-virus we put in...and we didn't get it back till tonight. She thinks our little surge supressor probably wasn't working and we plugged it right into the battery backup, which was how we used to do it, but somehow had changed. Seems to work fine now. Crossing our fingers.

Closing with our house customers was today and with the computer down I couldn't even ask them a question as they do everything by email... and we did get through 22 of the pages successfully and only after I got home did I find the 4 last pages hiding under the stack of my emails I'd brought along. So had to call them to come get those and I'm waiting for them to come back.

I was so nervous about us doing this work that I didn't sleep all night and finally got up. When I did sleep I'd just get goofy dreams about that loan stuff. So I gave up.

Tired all day today.

One good thing: DH sold his little utility trailer. Had it out by the road with a sign on it. One bad thing: half the money we got went to fix this computer. :roll:

Hoping to get back to normal around here. I did get my tree up and lights in the bushes across the front of the house. Looks pretty. Sunday eve. we went to church where we all sat in the front lawn in our lawn chairs and watched an animated movie about the nativity (told from the animals' point of view, very cute). That was fun.

Sunny, following your saga of your road work. Yep, that's the reason road taxes are so high!

Oh, we got an invite for Christmas at DD's, will get to see her new digs. Not looking forward to the long trip but will be nice to be together once again.

Re: Moving Monday

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 12:42 am
by Harriet
Dee, what fun it must be to have a stuffed toy come sailing through the air and catch it :D . HRH collects the ones that were under the seats at the SuperBowl he was able to attend. They were numbered and every once in a long while someone sells one that was a low number and that interests him. Who knows why people like the things they collect.

I've worked all evening on the craft "kits". Looks pretty good for having to change it to a whole new season.

Very happy with the print shop man who thinks he can have my Christmas cards done in just a few days - when I can finally get them to him. Also a very reasonable price. Dd is going to have to get past all these final projects. And me past the craft project, and the appliances project. Ugh

dstepson brought me coolers so my cold stuff won't be much worse for the wear when we change out the fridge.

blessed, I was actually thinking of quoting you on something and now I can't think of it. But you said something that stuck with me for a few hours anyway. :roll:

about facebook - It has been a day of witnessing fb serve as a local gossip mill. It causes me to lose respect for people I used to assume were fine. I wish HRH would just keep it from my sight, but lately he's on the couch more and turns to it.

Kathryn, I'm so glad you can see what ds "sees" in the house. Sounds like he might enjoy some landscaping choices in the future - trees?

Here is what blessed said that was interesting to me ... ..
I am trying to use my normal interior joy to help me work a bit of at a time instead of letting my brain tell me I am a failure because I can't ...
I know my brain is telling me I can't do it but I know from experience that at 15 minutes at I time I have done remarkable work before and have gotten out of the mess I have been in.