Thoughtful Thursday

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Dec 06, 2018 9:04 pm

LadyM... I’ve been approved for that same procedure to be done on my entire face, minus the Saran Wrap. Was suppose to have it done in Oct but my stomach issues got in the way. I see my dermatologist this Monday so I’m hoping to reschedule it for the first of the year. I’m on the three month plan to see the dr and I always keep having multiple places burnt off my face.

I was told I needed to wear a hat from the time I left the office after the procedure and for at least another 2-3 weeks. My face is suppose to crust over so I’ve been told I probably won’t want to go any where...ya think?

Not sure if it will happen as I have a very nasty spot on my upper arm and won’t be surprised to find out there may be surgery involved. Crossing my fingers that is only pre cancerous but i have my doubts on this one. Oh the woes of a surfer girl.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 06, 2018 9:12 pm

Glad LadyM has an answer regarding the homeless person.

It is intermission at the concert. It is very good but I have earplugs on for the music and earplugs and noise cancelling headphones to cut the noise now. Even so it is overwhelming.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:48 pm

RR - I hope the skin light therapy goes well for you. DH said there isn't much pain from it - just a little stinging and itchy feeling. The doctor did tell him that he can't even be near an uncovered window in the house when the sun is up. The treated skin cannot be exposed to sunlight at all while it is healing...not even for one minute. DH said he was supposed to go back to Skin doctor on Jan 3rd. I asked "What is that appointment for?" DH answer "I don't know" >>>>groan<<< On the flip side....DH doesn't stress about doctor visits. He just shows up and whatever happens is okay with him.

I am feeling accomplished. I am making progress on Christmas gifts.....and I'm getting it done earlier than normal so maybe this year I won't have to do it on Christmas Eve!! I have 2 out of 3 of DS10 gifts purchased. The 3rd gift is a bike and I'm going to let him pick that out himself. I have DGD7 main gift bought. I'll find a couple of small gifts for her. DGS21 has already been given his Christmas gifts. DGS12 and DGD7 are impossible to buy for because they have everything. We find it best to take them shopping and let them pick their gifts out themselves. Our favorite place to shop with them is the book store. DGD7 birthday is coming up soon so we need to include shopping for her birthday gift too. Then for the next 6 months our 2 granddaughters won't be the same age. One will be 7 years old and the other will be 8 years old. I need to schedule a time to visit them and take them shopping. I am not looking forward to the 12 hours of driving to accomplish this. I just realized that we will also get to see their new-to-them home when we visit!
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:07 pm

DGD7 discovered about an hour ago that she has a tiny splinter at the end of her ring finger. DRAMA OVERLOAD! DGD7 has shed many tears over this splinter. She doesn't know when or where she got the splinter. But she is terrified to get it pulled out. The splinter is sooo tiny that it is hard to see. Think tiny like a piece of hair. DGD7 sat in my lap curled up in a ball while calming down. DGD7 is scared of the splinter so to distract her I named the splinter Phyllis and that made DGD7 laugh. We started making up stories about Phyllis and soon DGD7 could look at Phyllis without crying. Whoever used the tweezers last didn't put them back where they belong so using the tweezers to remove Phyllis isn't happening. I got a piece of duct tape and told DGD7 to put the tape on Phyllis and pull her out. Nope that didn't work. I told DGD7 to use her teeth to pull Phyllis out...nope that didn't work. I fixed a warm epson salt cup of water to soak Phyllis in and hopefully the epson salt will pull Phyllis out. I don't know what else to try. I might need to buy a Christmas gift for Phyllis if she is going to continue to hang on to DGD7 finger. >>>groan<<<
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:10 pm

LadyM: how is your dh going to manage drives to the church? Does he have a face cover to wear when out of the house?

As for Phyllis, I don't suppose digging her out with a needle is going to be acceptable to DGD7?

We're home. Ran into the super and confirmed our upstairs neighbour has moved out and the apartment is being updated. Floors will be soon (they are noisiest and the smelliest.) Today was painting.

My foot is still tingling. Walking was hard today and walking upstairs I'm very winded. So any toning of the large muscles I had over the summer is now gone. Sigh... I'll have to build them back up eventually (that is done with squats and other exercises with my trainer, not walking.)

The concert was wonderful and dh was very pleased. Because I can't have most music on in the background, we've had no Christmas music on this season. So it was delightful to hear jazz versions of Christmas favourites.

I checked the mailbox one last time. No key to the parcel locker, so I've notified A-river and they've sent out another pair of overshoes for dh. This is why I use A-river. On the other hand, Canada Post is in my naughty books for marking the parcel delivered when it doesn't appear to be in the building at all.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:26 pm

DH skin treatment was on his arms and hands from elbow to knuckles. Those areas are fairly easy to keep covered from sunlight by wearing long sleeves and gloves. Keeping the face from being exposed to sunlight while it is healing seems almost impossible without staying indoors during the daytime. If that is what the skin doctor is going to do next to DH, then it is probably a good thing that he doesn't know about it!

DGD7 would not be okay with a needle near Phyllis. It took about 10 minutes of talking & waiting for DGD7 courage to build up so we could get the piece of duct tape put on Phyllis. Its past time for kids to be in bed (eeek!). Maybe Phyllis will fall out of DGD7 finger while she sleeps. DGD7 is a very light sleeper so there is little chance that I can physically remove Phyllis while she sleeps.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:42 pm

Success!!! The epson salt soaking worked. Phyllis is out of DGD7 finger.

Sweet Dreams to all.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Harriet » Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:30 am

Well, thank goodness. That's quite enough splinter companionship. Now for some rest!

Dd and I went out to pharmacy, to the bank, and to grocery. Although we did notice slag trucks had been running, we didn't see evidence of any panic at stores. Loads of bread available, for instance. But my cousin called this evening and says everything is changing and aisles are emptying.

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