Tuesday trips?

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:46 pm

I have straightened up in MBR and bath, and repaired the jewelry pouch that the cord came out of (ran the cord back through with a tiny safety pin.) I'm working in my new Best self journal getting my feet wet. I carried it to SLC, then to FL and then left it in FL. I bought four together as a package so I have a new one to start in and friends are sending the other one to me, with the cord/charger for my computer. :roll: I emptied my bag from the trip and put it by the front closet to try to get it in there.

I remembered earlier that I had some soups that I could warm up for lunch. Organic veggie lentil soup was excellent.

I'm still feeling fragile but less so. Tomorrow I have body work and Thursday I have a therapy session. I'm trying to work out goals for myself for this short week.

I did a few weeklies: filled up meds containers, checked dmom's $$ and my checking account. I'm glad I checked mine, I had done a mobile deposit the other day and apparently hadn't clicked something to finish it. I still had the check so went in and did it and rechecked balance. I wasn't in trouble but knew I should have more $$.

I'm loading up dry cleaning and taking it to drop off. I can do that without leaving the car. When I get back I'll ck in with dfriend M about walking around the block together.
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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:10 pm

My new filing system arrived today. I ordered it Sunday night and it was to arrive next Monday. Sigh.... now I just want to work on that, and not any of the other 6 things that are more important.

The bulletin for Sunday arrived in email so I can start pulling the service together.

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:27 pm

Chop. X
S2s x
Had a bs crash in the night slept in.
Got a new calendar current.
Trip to the Groc. Store done.
Journal done.
Processed mail.
It is foggy today but did not bother me.
Had lunch.

Happy Ann. Lilac & Hubby.

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:53 pm

Oh my, Blessed. Shivering just thinking of how bad that outcome could have been. He (and you and your dds) was truly blessed! Giving thanks for all of you.
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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:05 pm

I went out into the rain after all and shopped at grocery, mainly because of a few things HRH thought might make his throat, chest and stomach feel better - he always craves cold, tart items after we get home: blackberries, grapefruit, plus lemon juice and other smoothie/icy-making items. It was miserable out - I say Phooey on puddles today.

But while I was gone he felt like doing henhouse chores, so the hens have new scratch thrown, half a too-ripe cantaloupe laid out, extra mash and new water warming. It's a load off my mind to know they are in high cotton now. The meds do this - he swings like this from feeling weak, to having sudden energy. By the time I got home, his energy to help with trash and recyclables just wasn't there, and he's discouraging me from it because of the rain outside. But I really must - it only gets puddlier from here.

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:32 pm

I am super excited found pie irons in stock in town here! H will want to go to that store as well to look at hunting stuff. :mrgreen:

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:37 pm

Are you supposed to get the extreme cold and snow, Harriet? Know schools up home are starting to announce closings for the next two days. I don't think that's ever happened. So hope everyone in the north stays safe and warm. At times like this I always think of the first responders, etc who have to be out in the elements. Know both our boys will be out in it and many others that we know (and many we don't know). The wish is the same for all of them.
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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:19 pm

Dee, at this point I don't think so - the worst seems to be passing us by, with "bands" that don't reach us. This was the discussion with many we ran into yesterday. Lots of unknowns, including snow or sleet which don't seem to have happened, but not extreme temps for Jan. Right now, just serious warnings about black-ice driving conditions tomorrow.

All we could do outdoors was done, though. I'm actually impressed with us. In July, I may feel like darting out in the mornings to race the collectors in trucks, but not now! My "Sloggers" chicken-print galoshes are definitely my friends today.

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:20 pm

Thinking of those dealing with harsh winter weather. Our local weather person is talking about the record-breaking low temps that are happening in the NE of North America.

We are enjoying a break from the winter weather and it is sunny & pleasant outside. I know it won't stay this way so we are enjoying it while it last.

This afternoon I spent
1 hour - travel to/from
2 hours @ YMCA.
1 hour buying groceries and putting them away.

I arrived home just as my alarm went off to take DGD7 to her piano lessons. She couldn't find her piano binder so we had that to deal with. I walked directly to it and DGD7 was amazed. Silly gal.
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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jan 29, 2019 8:00 pm

Stay safe everyone. And your spouses. families. Prayers for that.
Healing for those in need too.
Acceptance of the aging process for most of us,
And for suitable projects to come Mr Harmony's way.
Could you head off some enquiries as unsuitable Harmony, or would that be simply not a thing to do?

I've been reading Autism Breakthrough, with a priority on social and interactive skills as being greatly important in the long run. For friendships etc. Wondering if there is a save for me on the friendship front. (My ddy has been learning more of the dx and wondered about parts of it for me.)
And less of the 'isming'. lol. 2 days since I backed away from the worst of the addictive game site. I'd found an old game I used to play and it was all consuming and I was never done.

Wednesday Trip
Hoping to get to a movie about midday. There are things to do first.
2 loads of washing done - mini 15 min wash. :idea: put less in the machine and its quicker to hang out.
boxed tmeds. dressed bed made. breakfast now eaten.
I've changed around some of my inspirational reading collection. Added a differeny one that used to be my go to daily book. It is not little, but I'll work out some scheme of using a section. Every other page is a quote, so there is that as well.
I've been preping my checklist book for Feb. Adjusting some aims. Adding a food page. I'm not sure how that will work in practice.
Coloured the success squares so far in Jan. yellow has been Jan colour.

Spoke to Mr neighbour in car going with wife to her Asian homeland. Young relatives will still be there.

Must away. pooof
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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