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Re: Tackle a corner on Tuesday PYWC!!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:08 pm
by lucylee
Hello, everyone! I have a surprise day all to myself! DH and DS are gone to a basketball game and ddil doesn't need me for anything!
I am doing laundry, but otherwise, not much -- because my back hurts! Dmom said dgd probably weighs enough now that it is putting a strain on my back to lift her so much. This will be a hard habit to break. I don't expect to have much Nana-duty for the rest of the week, though, so maybe I will feel better by the next time she is here (if that is what is causing the soreness).

So... I feel like I have been AWOL a lot lately... and I'm waaay behind on CUOP...

Stay safe, Blessed! Our weather here is just crazy. It is spring outside today! 65 degrees -- and 75 is the expected high Thursday... THEN... 27 is the expected LOW on Friday night. So that's what, an almost 50 degree drop in about 36 hours? * whew *
AND... just announced an hour or so ago, our elementary and middle schools are closed for the rest of the week because of the flu. It was about time -- dgs said there were 17 kids in his class, and 8 were absent yesterday.

Journals... planners... I am still struggling with the decision re: whether to burn all of mine or keep them... I know... we've talked about this for YEARS now. I have so much PAPER. Pen pal letters, letters to friends, poetry and short stories I wrote in high school... and these dratted journals. I feel compelled to WRITE things down. My journals are a combination weight loss/Bible study/prayer concerns/gratitude journals. Every time I start to toss stuff, I think, but wouldn't I treasure it if I had comparable writings from my grandmothers? I may toss that high school poetry though, for sure. It might be kinda embarrassing if anyone else read it... * sheesh *

exhausted because my brain can't be quiet for a moment while dgsM2 is here.

LOL... I resemble THAT statement, Kathryn.

Sending lots of good wishes for your dsil with his new job, Dee! And lots of good wishes for the situation with his mother to work out better.

WTG, Harmony!

Potty training is still a s l o w go here w/dgd. Everyone says boys are harder to train, but as Rose says, you can let them go outside (in warmer weather!) and they enjoy that. DGD is cooperative at times, but sometimes she is just flat out obstinate about it. "Do you want to use the potty? You'll get a surprise from the treasure chest." -- DGD: "NO!" And she will literally run to another room. DDIL says she doesn't want to push the issue and make it worse... and I know dgs wasn't trained at this age either, so... whatever.
I'm also edgy b/c I don't think they have signed her up yet for pre-K... but the more I say, the more "obstinate" ddil/ds get about it all, too.

(((Rose))) -- hope your shoulder feels better soon!

* shudders * Thinking of crocodiles and snakes...

(((Harriet))) I understand how those rabbit trails can pop up in group discussions. Hang in there!

Re: Tackle a corner on Tuesday PYWC!!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:43 pm
by Lynlee
I need to go back and cuop, but here is a story I read this morning that shows people's goodness. ... r/10782482
when I will write after bfst when I've cuops.

Re: Tackle a corner on Tuesday PYWC!!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:33 pm
by Lynlee
Snakes don't need a flood to come inside, and latest conduit I read of was via split system air con units.
They get the rats and mice and frogs that use the same route. Suddenly air con isn't such an attractive option.
Mostly snakes don't want anything to do with people unless you aggravate them. Its been a busy season for snake removalists. Also, they can slip in the spaces at top or bottom of doors.
past years flood reports tell of people sharing the tree they climbed to safety with snakes, and all were too busy hanging on to bother with the other species that shared the refuge..

washing on, out in and away. Tossed a perished mattress protector. That was hard.
cleaned and hung a leadlight butterfly, a gift from years ago.
Its in the front window, able to spin. I like it there.
Dealt with some of the table heap. noni style.
Shredded many receipts.
Tossed some cooking pots languishing in cp.
Seems like I wasn't about to repurpose them for plants as once imagined.
No one else would want my good handle less pot. Nor the one with the hole in the bottom.
The bottom of the steam pudding dish gained a pot plant to hold.
palm tree droppings binned and bins to the curb.
Walked with an umbrella - 20 min.
stayed up for no good reason
Wished I'd mown before the rain started in the later afternoon.
Who knows when it will be a mowing opportunity next.

I've been writing a list of possibilities each morning before I get up.
This morning i brought it out with me.
I'll make a separate tada list.

readings and response done.
mixed a new seed cereal mix.
breakfast cooked and eaten.

watery sun is out. Who knows what the day will hold? roof gutters were overflowing not long ago.
I might wash my clothes.

Re: Tackle a corner on Tuesday PYWC!!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:52 pm
by Harriet
Lynlee, I've had many things I was not able to repurpose as I imagined. Hard to decide to give up on them. Often the idea would have worked fine but the time wasn't there.

I also have butterfly art turning in my (kitchen) window - not fully leadlight but with colored glass balls held in curled metal. She is a windchime, too, and sometimes my head bumps her as I am doing dishes, which reminds me to stop being so serious. :) Tobias and the various grandchildren have enjoyed her.

Nobody talked about the game at our study as we were waiting to get started, but the body art displayed during the halftime show was a topic. If I offend a big fan, I apologize, but I simply must share these quips I heard with someone:

"He'll be old enough soon not to need his address printed on his tummy any more."

and from J, who spoke as she came in, rolling her walker,
"It looks okay now, but when he gets older, California is headed for Mexico."

"It's not the trip that will be a surprise, it's the direction it's going to face when it gets there."

Dd saw bits and pieces of the game at the young man's parents' house for supper. I didn't, but some of the commercials were already on their second life as youtube commercials before she even got home, so I saw a couple before she confirmed to me they were from the game. She and I both love the one with Harrison Ford, Boston Terrier, and Scott Kelley.

Re: Tackle a corner on Tuesday PYWC!!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:11 pm
by Lynlee
Harriet - laughing at the scene my imagination creates with that 'viewing'.

Yes - our inclination and the reality of our repurposing are 2 different things. Some things I have no pull to do in the immediate future. and years pass, with nothing happened re that particular repurposing.

But yes - I really do want to get some new elastic threaded in a skirt that once had sheering elastic that worked. Again it is on today's list of opportunities.

Re: Tackle a corner on Tuesday PYWC!!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:28 pm
by lucylee
I am ROFLOL at those comments, Harriet.

Re: Tackle a corner on Tuesday PYWC!!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:37 am
by Nancy
I saw an interview with the above mentioned super bowl entertainment, said the NFL had cancelled the big press event.

It is snowing 25* out the ground is white. 7-10 days of cold on deck the forecast said.
With my sewing sew machine one the fritz I might be getting out my spinning wheel.

Re: Tackle a corner on Tuesday PYWC!!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:10 am
by Lilac
I haven't been doing a lot, so haven't had much to post about.

This is dd2s week to have the boys, so have been needed to help out. Yesterday I took dgs13 to school. Then picked dgs14 up at 11 for an orthodontist appt. By the time he was done, he would have missed his lunch period. So I picked up his lunch, went to their house so he could eat and we could let the dog out. Then I had to pick dgs14 up after school because his practice wasn't until 5:30. Then dh and I went to dgs13s ballgame.

Today I picked dgs13 up after school. He was at our house until I took him to his practice at 4:30. We had just got to our house and dd2 called. Dgs14 had not taken his long sleeve shirt that they wear over their tank shirt for games. So went to their house, located it and took it to him. They dress up on game day and he looked sharp. He had black dress shoes, black slacks and a dark tan sweater with 2 buttons at the top. It startled me how grown up he looked. I went to the game with dd2 and the 2 girls.

Dh had planned to go but started coughing and I shut him down on that. On Saturday a woman coughed all over me during one of the games. It was crowded and no where else for me to go. This game would have been crowded too.

Both boys have 2 more home games. Then dgs13 will have their conference playoffs here.

I truly don't mind picking them up or taking them somewhere. We have some really good talks while we are together. I hope they always remember how much I love them and how grateful I am that they live here so that I can help their mom out. I also enjoy which ever sport season we are in.

Dh has a dr. appt tomorrow. He had his blood tests done today and can already see the results on his online patient acct. He is wondering what his dr. will say about her thinking he had a hernia and the surgeon said no he doesn't.

It's late so better head to bed................