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Re: Simple Sunday

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:29 pm
by lucylee
Pretty simple, normal Sunday here.
Still have to go to Wmart for groceries, and dgd is going with us and spending the night, so her mom doesn't have to wake her up early for school drop off, etc. She will probably sleep till 9:00 a.m. if she is undisturbed, but if ddil woke her up and brought her over here at 7:30, she might be awake for the day.
As I've told y'all before, ds is traveling north/northeast this week... so I am extremely nervous about his route and possibility of snow. I know he has already been in some hazardous weather today... so y'all keep him in your prayers. He will be coming home Monday -- so it's going to be a full week for us and ddil!

Oh, (((Dee and dh, dbil, dsisil))) -- so sorry to hear about all this! Maybe the cardiologist will have reassuring words tomorrow. That is wonderful that your dd can help out her aunt like this.
(((HUGS))) for ds-R too!

Happy birthday, MT!

LadyM, I think you deserve a HUGE WTG on getting in five days in a row at the Y! You have definitely earned a day of rest.

I cannot say I have had the same consistency. I think I exercised faithfully Sun/Mon/Tues. Then... nothing. I will try to get back on track tonight, but with dgd here tonight and Tues. night, I can't promise anything. Then dgs will be back Fri. night an Sat. night, and both of them next Sunday night. :shock: (He is out of school for Pres. Day, but ddil is not.) And Saturday... dh, dgs, and dbil are going to Nashville for a basketball game. They are leaving at 6:30 IN THE MORNING. That means wake up time at 5:30 IN THE MORNING. :shock: If their friend in Nashville doesn't want the 4th ticket, guess who gets it? Ugh. And they don't think he will want it. * sigh *

Nancy, you do not have to be registered in to do the DNA test. Dmom did it and she is not registered. However, since she did it, and ds IS registered, he was able to add her info to his account and it has brought up additional info.

Well... Wmart calls... actually -- dh calls. It is time to do that weekly chore. We don't do the pick-up thing, so Wmart is not going to be calling us for that reason. Might be nice, I think...

Waving to ALL -- hope to BBL! :D

Re: Simple Sunday

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:01 pm
by Twins' Mom
I actually made a huge breakthrough on a family tree for a DNA match and took it back two generations.

Re: Simple Sunday

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:38 am
by lucylee
Back -- but not for long -- good night everyone!