Tuesday - 5 x 5's

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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:25 pm

Looking at my afternoon schedule shows that I'm probably should not continue my fast today. I am at 19 hours of fasting now. Even though I'm not hungry I'm going to make myself eat. I am not experienced, knowledgeable & confident enough in what my blood sugar will do while fasting and staying on the go. I know my blood sugar will stay up if I eat good macros. This is so weird. I am not used to not being hungry and not eating.
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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:46 pm

Kathryn, Dsil makes it hard to plan, doesn't he? And LadyM, I know the feeling when that happens! Dr appt went well, she is changing a med slightly and adding something for the tummy, and also a supplement.

I stopped off at grocery store in the rain, was looking forward to drinking unsweet tea today with a shot of lemonade, and I got the wrong tea! The sweet tea is awful! (I don't normally even drink the lemonade so this was a treat!)

It's still raining here. Trying to work up some motivation to do something. I guess that of all days, I ought to be able to lollygag today and tomorrow if I want.

DH is out tonight, wisely.

I know my blood sugar will stay up if I eat good macros. This is the the Always Hungry way of thinking, without IF. Some do IF as well.
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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby Harmony » Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:16 pm

I sorted out that bin. That took a little over an hour. If it was my decision alone, I would have gotten rid of almost twice as much as I did. I'd have kept one small file folder of stuff. As it is I have 3/4 full cardboard bankers box kept. Way better than it was anyway.

I took the step... called the eye place I've picked out, made an appointment with the optometrist in this place. I guess that's how they start out with a new patient. We don't get to see an ophthalmologist till the end of the process. Friday appointment. This will be informational for me.

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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:23 pm

Trash bin is back in from the curb.
We had lunch.
H. Did paperwork.
Working on groc List.

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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:53 pm

Napped a little. I'm freezing so I turned up the thermostat and heated up chicken broth to sip. I like it that it's salty not sweet.

DMuffin went outside in the rain to potty. She's on the covered porch now, watching it come down.
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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:25 pm

No, dsil doesn't make things easy and they stick far too much to schedules, missing out on life's joys because it doesn't fit.

DgsM2 didn't fall asleep on the bus bus did on the one block walk home. His daddy took him from me as I carried him inside and straight to bed. DgsM2 kept saying "no nap" each phrase quieter than the previous until he was back asleep.

He was dry all day for me and an absolute joy.

My 5x5 are

Out the door from lying in bed in 30 minutes

Bus ride downtown, teaching dgs how to play I Spy.

Toddler time at the arts centre.

Lunch out - crepes!

Meeting dh at the hairdresser

Bus ride home.

I'm exhausted and am not on the bus that goes to my station so will have to transfer. Our local bus does not line up with this one. So I can't avoid the walk home

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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:02 pm

I am still spinning my wheels. Can I count stuff I already did?
[x] s2s
[x] went to drug store
[ ] send email reminder for teacher’s meeting next week
[ ] work on brick pics for dmom’s birthday
[ ] work on journal declutter

And the main thing I’ll have to do (after 5:00 pm) – go get dgd to spend the night with us again.
I should also start laundry and clean bathrooms.
DH is still feeling so bad with his foot, and I’m trying to just stay out of his way and do quiet things. The pain is terrible and he just doesn’t have much tolerance for anything today.

I guess my Tuesday is REALLY Monday’s ugly sister, Blessed! LOL! WTG on all you're getting done!

Cathy, Kathryn, BookSaver, and others – stay warm and be careful. I’ve seen videos of ds and his group. No snow for them yet but streets already look like some ice on the sidewalks from previous days, I guess. Main streets in town looked clear though.
Everybody’s cold weather comfort food sounds so good!!!
I’m having one of those days where I just want to eat – eat – eat…
I think we’re having fish for supper. Trying to stay away from red meat till dh’s foot feels better. I don’t know that that helps much, but it’s worth a try.

(((Twins))) Hope your doctor can give you some relief for the neuralgia pain, and that prep goes okay. With the weather we’re having, (rainy and messy here, too) it’s a good day to just snuggle in and sleep – in between visits to the bathroom.

(((Dee))) Sorry you’re dealing with a migraine today. Hope you’re feeling better by the time you read this. That is such a tough situation with your dbil and his wife. They definitely need more of an emergency plan than just you two and your dd. Do they have any kind of church group they belong to that might help out?

Nancy – good to hear ice and snow are melting at your house!

WTG with the paperwork, Harmony!

My reality is I would be thrilled to deep clean and declutter every area in our home yearly. If I did them all once a year that would be an improvement.

-- Me, too, LadyM… me too…

Grown men can be such toddlers sometimes...

-- Isn’t that the truth, Cathy?

Glad you had such a good day with dgs, Kathryn! I am just amazed at all the walking you do, even in the cold cold weather… We are just wimps down here. :oops:

Well... better get something more checked off that 5x5 list... 7x7 list?
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:42 pm

Lucylee: I felt ridiculous walking through Nordstroms! I had on puffy nylon splash pants (to cut the wind) and a down ski jacket, wool Buff, worn like a hijab and my brimmed hat overtop that with the ear flaps down. Not a fashion plate at all!

But I was warm enough, although on the walk home from the bus station I ended up with an ice cream headache (the cold on my sinuses triggered that.)

On the bus I had hot tea (I made it at dd's before I left) and my cheese and crackers so I didn't have low blood sugar.

The snow start just on the east side of downtown. About 10 minutes later we were in the thick of it.

Today I learned to always zip shut your pockets in a snowstorm! Everything in my ski jacket pockets was wet when I got home.

I can't see a thing out the window because the storm is so fierce. But I'm ready to hunker down for a few days. It will snow all night and a good portion of tomorrow. It will take most of tomorrow night and Thursday to get the roads and sidewalks back to passable.

I have a tea tomorrow, a meeting here tomorrow night and dh has a coffee here Thursday afternoon. Roads should be fine by then but I think the person is taking a taxi anyway.

The government has dropped the accumulation down to 10 - 12 inches. So if they are right, that will be no-where near a record. I don't think it will help the plows though, because the wind is whipping everything around.

Today was really wonderful with dgsM2. And it gave dd and dsil 6 hours with only one child. Dsil really appreciated being able to get things done around the house. Plus when I returned dgs he went down for a nap so that adds another 1 - 2 hours to their quiet.

I warned them I taught him "I spy" and how he plays it ("What is blue?", instead of "I spy with my little eye something that is blue.") I try to remember things that happen and debrief dd so she has a clue what dgs is talking about!

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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:49 pm

Our schools are closed tomorrow. The last time I remember that happening was during the ice storm in 1998 but that was because there was no power, not the ice or snow. They cancel buses at least 4x a year but the schools are usually open. I'm glad they aren't making the teachers come in tomorrow.

Apparently schools were closed after our tornadoes this past fall. But before that, it was 1998.

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Re: Tuesday - 5 x 5's

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:07 pm

hi again. I spent the last 3 hours working on photos that I should have done years ago.
but I finished that part. :D why I was so afraid to face it - I think because I had made it so overwhelming.

hi d kathryn. wow it sounds like a good idea that school is closed if they are planning really bad weather.
Hunker down and stay safe!
I am so happy you had a lovely time with sweet grandson!!!

hello d lucy! lol!

hi d nancy! yay on your work too!

hi d harmony! great job getting an appointment!!!

hi d twins. chicken soup sounds wonderful; especially on a cold day

hi d lady is there a reason you are fasting. doesn't that slow down your metabolism
you are busy - it happens!

hello hello everyone!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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