Normal Day Monday

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:18 pm

Dh has left. He'll eat at the airport.

I got the vacuuming done and the floors mopped. Also watered the plants. I still have dusting to do and then my weekly house blessing, Monday edition will be done. Kitchen and bathrooms are Tuesday.

It is sunny today and the days are noticeably longer so I'm not mentally thinking it is after 5 p.m. I will set a timer in order to make sure I don't eat too late. Tonight is lasagna and salad. But I just had a snack of dates and cup of tea (with caffeine.)

I'm researching air purifiers since an ad in a podcast set me off.

I picked up the mail after kissing dh goodbye and my church magazine contains an article on sending 40 cards/letters for Lent. I really like the idea but am not sure I can think of 40 people to write. I can think of 3 so will start with those and see where it leads. There are 40 people on our Christmas list so it isn't as if I don't know 40 people.

Speaking of writing letters, in Canada (and perhaps the rest of the Commonwealth) we have a saying when one is saving something for 'good'. "Are you saving it to use when the Queen drops by?"

DD had a delightful anecdote to tell me yesterday. Over the years and many moves, she let go of her good stationery. After all, was she saving it to write the Queen!?!

Well, she was reading an article on the preparations to evacuate the royal family if Brexit goes really badly and it reminded her of WW2 when it was suggested to the Queen Mother (then known as Queen Elizabeth) that Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret be evacuated to Canada. She said, "The children won't go without me. I won't leave without the King. And the King will never leave." So dd was figuring the Queen will refuse to leave if unrest follows Brexit.

Anyway, that got her thinking about how sad she'll be when the Queen dies, that she'd want to be able to say thank you to her for her service. Then she realized she could say thank you by simply writing a letter now, before the Queen dies. So she did!

She's always loved Raphael's Angels and kept her notepaper with that illustration, because it sparked joy. So that's what she used because she had disposed of all her other notepaper over the years! She could have saved it for writing to the Queen!!!!

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:31 pm

I reinstated the time restriction on Microsoft devices for DS10. He now has 60 minutes a day to use xbox or the laptop. I don't know of any of his friends who have restrictions. I am guessing their parents aren't aware of how easy it is to implement.

About 2 minutes after I turned the restriction on, DS10 asked to play outside. I'm not sure he will find any friends that will play outside today but I gave him permission to try. It feels like 20F degrees but it is bright sunshine with little wind. It is supposed to be 70F degrees by the end of the week. We are looking forward to warmer weather!

DH went to town to pick up my prescription. I appreciate his willingness to help out any way he can.
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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:21 pm

Having trouble with Net flicks loading.
Got the kit. Dining room, and hallway swept this morning and dumped the trash.
K in C Love that "saving" anadote. H is home now. I got the food put away.
Tried sewing the hem on the curtians and realized the way the patterns is and demensions on the window they are in needed some tweaking I do not have enough they will be too short. Drat. So I am rethinking how I can fix this add fabric to the top, or possibly putting these on a diff. Window and starting over sigh...

For a change of pace I shoveled trails in half of the back yard this afternoon, trails for the dog the frewash air was great.
Dinner is done, and cleaned up after word.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:58 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:35 pm

safe trip to your dh. d kathryn

I have a pile of donations on the dining room table which dh will take tomorrow.

tomorrow is wash the floor day. how exciting.
waving at you all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:40 pm

I love notepaper so I'm glad that dd got to use it, Kathryn.

Periodontist couldn't tell whether a tooth was involved in this pain. Now that I'm pain free, it's harder to pin down. He said I have a large filling in one and he suspects there could be a crack in it, but can't find/prove it. So I'm to call back when I have symptoms again. ;)

I texted doc (I have her cell phone #, she is a friend) and told her since I'm pain free and have been for several days I don't want to take her time in the morning, and to use her time for people who need it more than I do. They don't normally schedule 8:30 a.m. appts and she was seeing me then.

I walked the dog a lap then walked myself another lap. That gets me to 7K steps so 8K is doable with some house walking. I rewarded myself by ordering pizza; dh will also appreciate having something to eat when he comes in. The sky was finally clearing as I was walking, temp was in thirties but little wind so it was more tolerable. Tomorrow is to be sunny but cold.

I put three things on my list this a.m. that I needed to do, and have done them all. I made a list of scripts and supplements for endodontist, got groceries, and picked up my prescription at CVS.

LadyM, glad you got to see doc today and get checked out.

Waving back to bw2.
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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:15 pm

Dinner is done.

I've started reading a trashy mystery novel so may find myself distracted this week. The chapters are long so I find that hard but once I'm hooked, I think productivity might drop.

I've had a productive day so far. On the housework end of things, I need to wash up the lunch and dinner dishes and wind the clocks.

On the paperwork end of things, I have some scanning to do and then I hope to watch a tv show while sorting through the final credit card to be scanned, prepping that (sorting out the bits that don't need to be scanned and breaking it down into piles by year.

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:20 pm

Kathryn, is it trashy because of the mystery, trashy because of publisher/editing or trashy because characters behaving trashily?

Norma will be coming home soon - yay! Thank you, Ramblin'.

((Elizabeth and Ramblin')) for migraine struggles.

((LadyM)), thankfully a diagnosis.

Twins', well I honestly thought being in a bout with this at the time of the visit wouldn't help. Sigh. But to hear there's a chance part of this has to do with a filling - what a break that would be. Was there a pun? I didn't intend a pun.

WMart with dd20 for a few items we can't find elsewhere, especially the large economy size of Tobias' canned foods in just-poultry.

Have done some work toward teaching the study this week.

helia is missed. I enjoy hearing about her teaching.

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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:29 pm

DS10 rode bicycles with a friend for almost 2 hours in the cold weather. A neighbor's dog has gone missing so the boys spent their time searching for it. They didn't find the dog but DS10 came home excited about their effort to help. He didn't mention the cold weather. It was as if the 20F degrees had no effect on him. The sun was shining so he considered it perfect weather. :lol:

I made a big green salad with multiple vegetables. DH made stir fry with chicken and multiple vegetables. I am stuffed. I fixed the kids a sandwich because they wouldn't eat what we cooked. I'm not in the mood to challenge this.

I may have geeked out. I'm not sure. I got a digital PH meter to check the water before I put it on my plants. Does that make me weird? No need to answer. I was just curious and wanted to know. So now I know that water from our faucet is 7.2. Cut/pasting from experts.....A pH of 6.5 is ideal; the range from pH 6.0 to 7.0 is good for vegetables. The growth of most vegetables will not be hindered if the soil pH is between 5.5 and 7.5.
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:35 pm

Lol, Harriet. I honestly doubt the tooth is the problem, but it’s worth exploring. If I’m in pain though, they would probably have to strap me down to get my mouth open. :lol:
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Re: Normal Day Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:48 pm

Harriet: it is trashy because it is predictable writing. I knew 2 pages before the words were read that there would be a body in the closet.

Now to be fair, I'm only one chapter into the book, so it might have something unexpected to offer but the writing is easy and accessible, not challenging at all. This is a light 'made-for-tv-like' writing instead of 'creative cinema.' Nothing wrong with that at all. I picked the book off the shelf downstairs because it looked like a bit of fun diversion, not because I was looking to have my mind challenged.

I finished the scanning and the scanner behaved perfectly. Not only that, but I found the 'missing' scans (I couldn't remember where they were on my computer) so I'm feeling better about that. And I've made sure the scans are double backed up - once onto our diskstation and once on a portable drive. Which I should return to the fire safe, now.

I don't think I have any other big scanning projects aside from the last credit card.

I'm off to start a tv show and sort those papers to prep them to scan. But I won't finish the show because I want to get to bed on time. That's an advantage to Netflix, I can stop it at any time.

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