A new day - isn't that a blessing Saturday May 4, 2019

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Re: A new day - isn't that a blessing Saturday May 4, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat May 04, 2019 6:12 pm

Kathryn - Thanks for the list. I have a hard time thinking in categories instead of rooms/areas.

When I was trying to decide what vehicle to buy my #1 criteria was height. I struggled to find that information to compare the various models. I finally found the information on a spreadsheet that a person had created. It wasn't perfect but it helped me in the comparison. I wish they would make all vehicle information easily found.

I trimmed the tree that is in the pool area. It was a PITA to get the tree limbs out of that area. I ended up carrying the tree limbs through the house. It was easier than going through 2 gates while keeping the dogs where they belong. I'm glad to have that yearly task accomplished.

DH repaired a table for me. It is one of the few pieces of furniture in the house that has sentimental value. It most definitely brings me joy each time I look at it.
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Re: A new day - isn't that a blessing Saturday May 4, 2019

Postby Nancy » Sat May 04, 2019 9:17 pm

Back from the bbq. It went ok I actually enjoyed it for the most part. It was good to see the grans. Goid turn out lots of food left over.

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Re: A new day - isn't that a blessing Saturday May 4, 2019

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 04, 2019 10:02 pm

Thinking in categories and moving everything from a category to one place is very different from most systems.

But, quite often, the traditional home for things no longer makes sense. For instance there was a drawer with paperwork in it in the kitchen. In the house, that was between the kitchen and where the kitchen table was in 1990. I'd sort the mail at the table and put the "to be filed" stuff in that drawer. Then after the renovation in 1993, the drawers stayed there, even though the table was gone and after 2005, there was a filing cabinet in the kitchen so I'd file directly into that.

In 2014 we move and the drawer unit goes in the kitchen as it has always been in the kitchen.

When we emptied everything from the drawers during the Konmari of the kitchen, half the paperwork went to the papers section and half the papers went to sentimental. The papers in the drawer were mostly there since 2005.

That's also where the cheque book refills were kept. So they got moved to the filing cabinet with the bank files when I dealt with paper.

The same is true for a number of things in my house. I kept a mending kit in the bedroom because in the house, the sewing area was 3 floors away. It sat on top of dh's built-in drawers in a decorative box. When I moved all the sewing stuff into one space in order to sort through things, I realized I didn't need my mending kit in the bedroom. In fact, I'm more likely to mend in the living room (which is where my sewing centre is, tucked into an antique wardrobe.) So I moved it. And consolidated things like thread, buttons and needles.

Sometimes, it doesn't makes sense. For instance, I'm hesitant to bring all the bathroom cabinet supplies into one room only to put them back in each bathroom. On the other hand, it might show me that I'm not doing a good job keeping backups in the linen closet and refilling from there to the bathrooms as we run out of things. We'll see how I decide to do that.

I'm ready for bed now. I discovered I didn't move my travel moisturizers back into my travel toiletry kit after flying to Winnipeg. So I don't have my night cream of my day cream with me. The latter is more important since it will be sunny tomorrow, I had wanted to hike, and it has SPF in it.

The banquet was lovely. I had a good time and so did dh. MF will have lunch with us tomorrow and then dd has suggested they take us out for dinner. So it will be a busy day.

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Re: A new day - isn't that a blessing Saturday May 4, 2019

Postby Harriet » Sat May 04, 2019 10:54 pm

Found the first tick of the year here. Attached to the back of my calf. Sigh. Oh well. Not exactly the same as the first robin or the first crocus, is it? lol. HRH handled it for me. I gave a good yelp at the alcohol, so we've done the best we can do. Now it's up to the itch creme, lol. Probably way past my hundredth bite.

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Re: A new day - isn't that a blessing Saturday May 4, 2019

Postby lucylee » Sat May 04, 2019 11:17 pm

Y’all, I am just an embarrassment.
I had those good days at the beginning of the week, and since Thursday, I have been pretty much worthless!
I have slept all day and I still feel tired.
It’s partly — no surprise here — slacking on morning routine/s2s. Maybe tomorrow, since there will be no choice, maybe I can get back in the swing of things.

I also have a QUESTION:
Dmom is so thrilled that she can keep her car in her garage now; it keeps the car cooler and of course protects her from rain when she’s unloading groceries, etc, in bad weather.
However, she wants to keep the garage doors closed, and this makes her neighbors worry because they don’t think she’s home!
Last Sunday, one called me to check, worried she was in the hospital or something. Tonight, other one called me, same thing.
So — the question is, what to do about this — some signal to let them know she’s alive?
I’m really glad they are concerned, and I wish she would keep the garage doors open, but she had no storm door on the door there and it has a glass window in it, so she feels a little more vulnerable to strangers, I guess, if that’s open.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: A new day - isn't that a blessing Saturday May 4, 2019

Postby Harmony » Sun May 05, 2019 12:14 am

Lucylee, how about a little flag, the kind on a little stick she could put out when she's home? She'd have to remember to do that, of course.

I went out shopping again today. Thinking about a few gift cards I have to a particular store I know isn't doing well. I went up there to find a huge sale going on. Found a nice coverlet for my bed in the pink room and with all the discounts and special sales going on it ended up being $15.00. So now I have other gift cards to use. Would hate to lose them if the store closed.

I hate how stiff and sore I get these days if I'm out walking a bit. Seems to be getting worse.

Helped DH clean out his truck. All the usual daily chores done. I got another puzzle out and ready to put together. We need a nice spring/summer one for the family room, the one there now is wintery. I taped plastic to the top of the dining room table because when we use the glue to fix the pieces together it seeps through the cracks. We'll glue it to cardboard and DH will make another frame for me. Yeah, I have time for this. :roll:

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Re: A new day - isn't that a blessing Saturday May 4, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Sun May 05, 2019 6:59 am

d harmony I hope your muscles loosen and it becomes comfortable to walk again.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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