Sunday Sidelights

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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby Lynlee » Sun May 19, 2019 10:08 pm

home from yoga. lift home.
had lunch. time for otd to mtg.
I like not having all my yoga gear to cart around the rest of the day..
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 19, 2019 10:10 pm

Dgs is asleep. Like Lynlee, I only knew her definition for sidelight. But the extra piece of information I had was that DgsM2 sometimes will accept 'pretend nursing' for comfort. His mom usually nurses him to sleep so tonight I snuggled him in the nursing position and read the bedtime books and he fell asleep during Goodnight Moon.

It is late but we didn't rush him off to bed until he was ready since he napped so late. And he was able to watch the fireworks as a result.

Dh is up and working on something for Europe, so they will have it for their morning.

Dee: the miracle you are looking for is free flight changes because of the storms. Keep watching the airline website.

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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby Harmony » Mon May 20, 2019 12:00 am

My sidelight is my faith. It flavors my whole life. I have an actual sidelight next to my front door, too!

Church, then out to lunch with friends while DH stayed for Youth Group Leaders meeting. He has to get a tablet or something for next fall. We donwanna. Anybody have an opinion on the most inexpensive, easiest-to-learn one?

Stopped to pick up my Rx and did a little shopping in that store. Rushed home because DH had wanted to go to the beach because the water has finally warmed up. We hurried around and went out the door.

Beach was lovely. Lots of people there but not overcrowded. After waiting all winter for the water to warm up again, it was just right. Water temp was about 81°. Nice refreshing swim. I had to keep my head up out of the water to keep it out of my eyes.

Leftovers and a bit of work on my puzzle tonight. Off to sleep.

Dee, sure hope you find a way to get the ticket you want.

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Re: Sunday Sidelights

Postby lucylee » Mon May 20, 2019 12:54 am

Oh, LadyM — WTG to ds and dgd re: the recital! Oh how I remember dreading piano recitals! I loved taking lessons and I loved my teacher, but ooohhh... panic before recitals!
Tomorrow is another day.

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