Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby Harmony » Mon May 20, 2019 3:16 pm

Dee, good job getting the ticket. Your DD sounds very competent. I'm happy your health sounds so good right now.

Cathy, I wouldn't say that was the only war we didn't win. I don't think anybody feels they won in Vietnam, more like we were chased out. But the history is interesting.

I'm also thinking of booksaver, she's in a plains state too. LadyM, I hope DD and DGD will be safe in the city. I guess they have shelters there?

I've spent almost 4 hours working in the kitchen. One nice sized 3-shelf cabinet and the little over the microwave cabinet all done. Interesting how things get messed up when our lifestyle changes. I used to have more company here at the house; one DD only drank decaf back then; we used to have small group here and I put out a big container of herbal teas. Well all that is organized. I also worked on a big glass canister full of seashells.

Watered the 2 outside planters and the 4 pots where DH is trying to grow orange seeds. :roll: Not having much success with them, but I'm doing my part.

Just had an egg for lunch. I am hungry and thirsty but I'm watching everything closely because I have Dr. apt. tomorrow and she'll order lab tests for afterward. My lab was cancelled last week, she wanted to see me first.

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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 20, 2019 3:19 pm

Kathryn - Will do.

But please don't stress over my weather posts. I find it somewhat fascinating. It is like having a front-row seat watching history being made. They have now issued a PDS (particularly dangerous situation). I heard this is only the 2nd time they have issued this type of tornado warning. The 1st time was April 27, 2011 in Alabama which had over 300 tornados hit and over 300 people killed.

We will be safe in our cellar even if we take a direct hit by EF5 tornado. I told DS10 to not stress about it. The worst thing that will happen to us is that we lose our house & stuff. If that happens then we will simply buy all new stuff. It is just stuff. DS10 response was "So if a tornado hits us then I can get the newest xbox console?" :roll:

They kept DMIL in the hospital so she is safe. DMom can't get into a cellar (because of steps) but she will go to next door neighbor and walk into their ground level safe room.

The one good thing about the weather people being so over-the-top is absolutely everyone is aware of the danger. How they choose to prepare is their choice.
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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 20, 2019 3:38 pm

LadyM, I hope DD and DGD will be safe in the city. I guess they have shelters there?

Nope. DD said that she plans to shelter-in-place. I told DD that she was more than welcome to come here but she felt that they would be safe in an interior room of their house. I reminded DD that they suggest putting a helmet on and stuff pillows around your body.

Still have sunshine outside with almost no wind. If the weather people weren't going bonkers I would think it was going to be a beautiful spring day.
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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 20, 2019 3:50 pm

That was my question too, LadyM, but I didn't dare ask. I know you guys are safe, even safer than your last home, which also weathered you through a number of storms. I remember us yelling at you to get inside after you took a photo of a giant twister, years and years ago, and you had to tell us that it was leaving your area when you took the photo!

I've stripped and remade the bed, gathered up the fine washables and started that load of laundry, and put away dgs' bed but will wash his sheets and pillow case due to his cold.

I miss him now. (I needed some quiet and some time to pass after that meltdown before I could miss him!)

No idea what we'll have for supper. We don't bbq here and the stores are closed so it will be a limited menu. We have no potatoes, chicken or salad items (I really need to grocery shop!.) I'm guessing burgers, although we had steak last night. With popcorn as the salty starch.

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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby Nancy » Mon May 20, 2019 4:12 pm

We have a bsement. Have not needed to use it except a reare wide storm but nice to know we have it.
Had a nice walk with the dog. Found some iris some folk tossed o er their fence I have them in the shade 99% sure they are the
darkest purple almost black called midnight. Small bulbs on them they are in water I will plant them soon as they perk up at bit I have a spot for them.
My white one is tall flags did not bloom. I may have moved em last year.

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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 20, 2019 4:52 pm

Well, the weather people won't be embarrassed. The tornado outbreak has begun. I've seen videos showing 3 different tornadoes in the last 15 minutes or so. One of the tornadoes has 4 vortexes on the ground so it's not a little one. None of those are near me.

I've given up on getting things done. DS10 and DGS11 are playing games online together.
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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby Elizabeth » Mon May 20, 2019 5:18 pm

Do y'all think I should contact the insurance company about the car?

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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby DeeClutter » Mon May 20, 2019 5:28 pm

Doesn't hurt, Elizabeth. My plan of attack is usually: "I'm calling because something was up with my phone & I was afraid I may have missed a call from you."

Did mean to tell you something the Dr told me today as to this 'mini stroke'. Dr was a bit befuddled that I didn't have any symptoms of the E-coli UTI. But Dr did say that often what happens with that kind of strong infection is that the brain is affected & neurologically things can really mess up/ confusion, etc. I'm going with that's what happened. Wednesday night I went to bed at 7pm and I was thoroughly completely exhausted. All of which may have been part of the same process. Since they've found no residual effects of a stroke per se, then I'm going with this theory. Should also feel a whole lot better once it's cleared up.

Been watching the weather coverage out of OK & TX. Hope LadyM is able to keep us up to date with what's happening where she is. I remember her saying the name of her town, but have forgotten.
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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon May 20, 2019 5:46 pm

Yeah, LadyM, I don't think I could focus on much else but to watch the weather stuff. The April 27 2011 outbreak caused several in this area as well. I was at work in the morning and realized everyone was watching the weather just as I was. (Right after tax season ended, no motivation yet, and something happening outside the office walls!)

VENT: Dh and I had words yesterday over his eating habits. He's being very compliant as far as not eating sugar products, but came home from Costco with Glucerna shakes (yuck!) and a huge bag of Skinny Pop organic popcorn. He's not eating enough calories and needs to be eating quality food, real food instead of empty calories. And IMHO, he would do better to avoid the artificially sweetened stuff. And then he keeps asking me if this or that is allowed, and he needs to take ownership of his diabetes and learn these things for himself. So today (thank goodness!) he made an appointment to meet with a dietician. (Popcorn is not what I consider quality food and it has a high glycemic load too.) Vent over, and I will shut up with trying to guide him. This is his journey. I am out!

I got a haircut and dd and I got pedicures. We both needed a grocery trip so we met at the store and visited a little more while shopping.

I need to start with dinner soon.

Elizabeth, I think I'd take it by a body shop first and ask their opinion on whether it's dangerous and what you're talking about to fix it. It might be better to self pay if it's a minimal amount?
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Re: Happy Victoria Day Monday!!

Postby Nancy » Mon May 20, 2019 6:09 pm

(Twins) It took a while for h to learn with type 2 it is so different the doc. Had him checking blood sugar after he ate so hw would know what effected him, I was so surprosed when he learned fruit did not make his spike like it does mine. They did not have h. Take the diab. Ed. Classes.

I found pi.,e irons abd got two so h can use them on the grill. It is his Father's day gift he has been wanting them, last time I looked could not find them.
He is pleased.

Bugs have eaten the swiss chard.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon May 20, 2019 8:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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