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Re: Solo Sunday

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:42 pm
by blessedw2
welcome home d twins!

hello d cathy
hello d kathryn
hello d lynlee
hello d nancy
hello d harriet
hello d lady
hello d everyone!!!

dishes are washing themselves
went to dinner with dd older as I thought I had spaghetti sauce but didn't (I made meatballs but without sauce - well it will wait until next weekend)
I lost my headache when I took a nap. I took the day off and I needed it!

Re: Solo Sunday

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:20 pm
by Harmony
Kathryn, if I could learn W10 having only known XP, you're sure to find it a breeze! It's funny you like W7. I've heard nothing but bad things about that. Even the technicians where we went one time couldn't stand it.

Interesting day. Church seems less populated since our Pastor left. But then it is summer and the kids are out of school and the snowbirds are gone. Still, it seems a bit empty. Those who have preached for us (today it was one of our Elders) have been outstanding. I don't know if everybody is just trying harder to step up right now, or what. The music was beautiful too.

So... after church we went down the street to look at a truck a friend had been having problems with. DH laid on a piece of cardboard underneath - in his Sunday best (which is the better blue jeans!) but he did take his nice shirt off first. I walked a short walk down a sidewalk to a WaWa and had a coffee and a cheese stick because I was starved. Told our friend next time he breaks down pull in the wawa instead of next door, it would be more convenient!

Got some groceries on the way home; DH picked me up at the door. He has hurt his toes and I was trying to get him off his feet some. Yesterday he wore an old pair of tennis shoes, ones with his toes flapping open and got cement up in there, clogged his socks, and evidently rubbed 2 toes raw and in between 2 toes. I have been putting antibiotic cream and another creme that's supposed to dull the pain (though he says that doesn't work. ) I think he was on them too much.

Amazing what I am getting done with no TV to veg in front of. Before church I put a turkey breast with onions, celery and carrots in the crock pot. Finished tonight by making the gravy, mashed potatoes and a salad. Don't know how I did it but I used every dish in the kitchen. Got it all cleaned up, dried put away, swept the floor, gathered all the garbage; moved out both recliners in the Family Room and swept behind those. Normally in that time period I would have sat in front of the TV as I like to watch something Sundays between 5 and 7...but see what I got done instead?

LadyM, I'll tell you just what I told DH: stay off your feet!

Re: Solo Sunday

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:23 pm
by LadyMaverick
I am declaring my foot okay enough to return to normal activities tomorrow. I'll keep an eye on the swelling and make sure it stays reasonable while it finishes healing. My thigh has more pain than the foot now but the thigh is just muscles bruised.

Kathryn - I'm excited for you. I have similar RAM and SSD Thinkpad but a different model (x1 yoga). I absolutely love everything about it except the touch screen has a problem with this model. I've researched it and weighed my options. I opted to disable the touch screen and wait for them to fix the problem in future updates or find a solution that consistently works on the hardware side. . I just realized it has been a while since I've checked on the status of this problem.

We have been through a slump with homeschooling over the past week. I can provide a long list of reasons why this happened but I need to draw a line in the sand and GMAT.

Re: Solo Sunday

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:34 pm
by LadyMaverick
Harmony - you and my DH think alike! :)

If my foot starts swelling up bigger or hurting I will get off it. I have exceeded my patience for sitting here without definitive proof that it is 100% necessary. If I have to then I'll use crutches or something. Hum....I think one of the kids' scooters inside the house could be used to get around if I have too.

DMom has dealt with severe pain in her feet for years and has tried a great multitude of solutions. She says Magnilife DB Pain Relieving Foot Cream gives her the best relief from the pain. I've never used it but I have become an expert in buying it for her. LOL It is $2 less at WM than WG. A-river can't compete with either one of those places. I buy it online from WM and have it shipped to her house.

Re: Solo Sunday

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 11:34 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm still up. I've been up since 4:30. It is 11:30.

This is not a good start to my time to get things done.

Harmony: I had Win7Pro which was more stable than the Home version. I ordered Win10Pro as well. My older laptop could have upgraded for free but I was pretty sure it wouldn't do well with the upgrade and was stable so I let it stay a Win7 machine. As was my previous computer (which is now my treadmill computer.) I gave dh my Win10 upgrade license for his virtual box (he runs Windows on a Mac computer.)

LadyM: I decided against the Yogas because I couldn't see a use-case for them for me. I was considering the X1, the X390 and the X280. All three have very similar specs (especially since I was 'building my own' instead of ordering off the shelf.) So weight, size and fan noise became the deciding factors. But I sure wanted a silver laptop, which I could have had if I got the X1. I have bright red now and absolutely love it. Going back to black is not what I wanted so I'll look for a skin for it. Or at least stickers.

I'm off to bed now. I've been listening to an audio book, that's why I'm still up.

Re: Solo Sunday

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 11:40 pm
by Harmony
Thanks, LadyM. I wrote down the name of your DMom's creme. I've been using Lidocaine creme on him. Once before I used it on his foot and he said it worked. Not so much this time.

Speaking of feet, 1 gal at church just lost a toe to infection and thought her problem was cured. She was told it is in the bone now. Very sad.

So: take care of those feet!

Good luck with the new computer, Kathryn.

We still have to decide what to get, some sort of pad, this summer. It can't be expensive and can't be complicated. It will probably not get used a whole lot.

Re: Solo Sunday

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:00 am
by lucylee
Just CI to let everyone know, dh is fine. It’s like his urinary tract excitement never even happened. He feels fine and his output is clearer than mine. So... maybe this was a one-time thing.

I have been VERY productive today and I am VERY exhausted.
Church and the usual Sunday tasks, plus
— grocery store on my own, except for dgs’s help ;)
— 4 loads of laundry
— unloaded dishwasher, w/Dh
— baby shower, clean-up, etc — about 2.5 hours
— supper (take-out)

Yesterday, went straight from historical event w/dgs to baby shower set up w/ddil and dgd. About 2.5 hrs then also.
Then back home and about 3 hrs talking to/playing with/picking up toys/supervising shower with/for dgs before dgs went to sleep.

But I’ve had a wonderful time, enjoyed time with ddil and dgd, and of course with my aunts and cousins. Dgrands were sooo well-behaved today, and dgd was sooo precious, helping the big girls (ages 8 & 5) :) to bring gifts to the honoree, and then “helping” her load her car. Cousin said dgd would hand her a gift and say, “Here you go — I help you!”
Dmom was there also and looked beautiful and seemed like she felt good.
It’s been a very good weekend.

Re: Solo Sunday

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:53 am
by Lynlee
my Monday
bus to yoga
home, lunch
bus to mtg
walked the lot home.
cheese and crackers