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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:05 pm
by blessedw2
Hello hello!

wishing you a good evening!
Just got home.

dh's surgery date to take port out is Sept 17 - Yay its set up
Mom's surgery is Sept 6. The 17th will give me some time for d mom's healing.
feeling more relaxed. always good.
Mom said her heart was off - She tends to frighten herself over and over again - we shall if the surgery takes place bc I think she will get herself into a tizzy before hand. hoping she can breath in. She gets this way before flying when she is done with her summer/fall homes. Keeping fingers crossed she can relax and her heart behaves itself.

Hoping to be back here again. ta ta!!!

Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:16 pm
by Harriet
We had a "hopeful signs" dr's visit. Film at eleven. (smile. no, but maybe highlights in J and C)

HRH was in such an optimistic mood then, that he took me furniture shopping. We walked a lot and carried a lot. Maybe that was a little too optimistic, but we came home with (a box of) a new bedroom dresser.

My actual thoughts as I posted this morning were about something that happened last evening. Dd21 went with me to church. A small group but lots of encouragement and good feeling. Dd walked out saying to one of our elders that she wanted to have a talk with him. They went out and talked by the tailgate of her truck in the parking lot while the rest of us chatted about an upcoming funeral, family members, etc. He spent a long time with her, answering her questions, hearing her out on the issues the church is facing. I finally walked up and joined them when I felt they were finishing up.

At this moment, I'm on pins and needles because a tree service is here, taking down our ash grove. We've had these 6 ash trees, clustered together near the henhouse, since long before my late dh and I decided to build here. Part of the decision to situate the house at the particular place it is. So it's somewhat heart-tugging to have this done. But they were the victims of the ash borer, as all North American ash trees will eventually be, and went from full to scarecrow in this one season. HRH happened to catch "the man" while he was working a couple roads over, so he can do it today for less money, and that's a hopeful sign for the pocketbook. Dd has been frantically taking photos at this last minute.

My mother used to sing the sweet old song when she drove into our yard.

The ash grove, how graceful, how plainly 'tis speaking
The wind through it playing has language for me.

Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 7:42 pm
by lucylee
SUCH a HOPEFUL SIGN for us -- how things have changed since my last post!
Cardiologist office called, dh's echocardiogram showed that his heart function had improved from 20% to over 40%!!! AND the nurse said, "I see where they discussed a defibrillator, but that is usually not needed if the EF is above 30%. And his valves look good; it's just much improved since the last one."
What a HUGE relief for dh!!!
The only bad report -- blood work showed high creatinine levels. She said they would fax report to family doctor and he might want to have dh rechecked in a week or so.

Also -- we have our SUV back! They called and we rushed over there to pick it up. Then I went to get oil changed, came home, cooked supper, and we returned dmom's truck to ds.

So of course... the top three are still there, staring at me... and we're about to go to a movie.

Soooo glad things are also looking up for HRH! But... (((Harriet))) -- for the loss of the trees.

Maybe this is a good sign for your family health concerns, blessed -- we had a run of bad luck here in our village with car problems, maybe now we'll have a run of good medical reports!

(((Harmony))) -- for the storm reports. Talked to a dfriend on the eastern side of Florida today; they are concerned.

LadyM -- what is the occasion for the parade? I know ds and dgd will have a ball! Sounds like so fun for them both. IKWYM re: small town parades. :)

Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:48 pm
by LadyMaverick
WOW! What a wonderful week of good health reports from many SHE and family members! Joyful news is always good to hear!

Our little town parade is a yearly event held on Labor Day weekend. It goes along with the 3 day fair, stock shows, Heritage & Pioneer day, concerts, pie auction, etc.

DS45 called and we had a good conversation. I was in tears (good tears) by the end of the call.

Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:05 pm
by lucylee
Waiting on movie — Overcomer.
It’s supposed to be good; it’s by the people who did War Room, Fireproof, and others.

Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:37 pm
by Nancy
Good success on mixed fruit cobbler and crisp for h. Lunches. I was able to find containers for freezing up one, the other needs to cool a bit more,
I got it in the freezer.

I decided I wanted a crustless quiche this weekend got the stuff for it, washed up the dish. Got the mini cranberry quick bread loaf in the freezer also. Now I can focus on cleaning up the kitchen and other things. Yea me for more recipe successes!