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Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 3:49 pm
by Twins' Mom
Good for you Cathy! I'm enjoying the feeling of having a clean house and pride that I did it myself. There's a lot that isn't getting done, but it was that way when the dcleaning lady cleaned too, so I hope I'm working things back into better shape eventually.

I'm done for the day. Next week is kitchen zone, so I'll hit those cabinets then. I really need to do some filing, and i know it won't take long but I'm just done.

I got my card off to Norma earlier - caught the mail man as he came back up the other side of the street.

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 3:53 pm
by MysteryWoman
Had a serious case of the Idonwannas yesterday. Not much better today.

The school year is just about wound up here. DD20 retrieved her possessions from the dorm today. She was worried she wouldn’t be able to get all her stuff out in the 3-hour window she’d been given; she and DH were back home before the window was over. And I’m a happy camper because I’ve permanently deleted “Check on DC17’s homework” from my checklist app.

However, DC did not log their service hours, which are required for graduation, in time. So we are waiting to hear from TPTB. What’s really frustrating is that they were completed pre-COVID; they just haven’t been logged. :roll:

Something new and fun about DC17‘s graduation: they have rented out a drive-in theater and will show the edited graduation video there.

Trying to decide whether to do something useful or have a snack. (What I should do vs. what I want to do.)

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 4:49 pm
by Harmony
Mystery Woman, I love the drive-in idea! That's a great solution.

We are rainy today, but just spitter spatter off and on.

I have wasted whole day on this truck project. About 6 calls to county and finally a chat screen with someone. No more appointments. We'd have had to wait a ton of time to accomplish that. I downloaded forms, printed and filled out our parts. Called them...who certifies the odometer reading when they are closed? Call the sheriff dept at # ______. Ring Ring. No we don't come, you don't come, we're closed! Who is minding the store if the county offices and the sheriff's dept is all closed?

Go to car dealership. Ok, we can do that.... up the street is used car lot where we actually built the building and paved the parking lot. Old home week, and hi how-are-ya for an hour up there, and wife did the certification. BIG sign on their office door: Closed because of Virus...but about 6 other people inside her tiny little office. :o

Call to buyer, wait wait, up the street to him. Explained papers, counted money, retrieve license plate; off we go! All done for our end. Who knows what he'll do...he was saying he'd go to other county...but our papers were this county... HIS problem now. I have old license plate and form in envelope to drop off in drop box at when I cancel insurance I won't get in trouble. Phew.

We are saving $46 tag and $1,000+/yr insurance by not having this truck. Yay us!

Husband at car lot says they want to move, build little house and 2 other little ones for kids on property... DH: Oh, Yeah, I can do that! While certifying the truck, I talked with his wife about how difficult that would be for him to do it... we caught each other's eye when subject came up again. I feel like such a bad wife.

Our county has 356 cases, 38 deaths. Our little area is up to 11 cases probably a few square miles or less. Downtown where church is: 72. Good for Harriet's DH getting through his test.

RRose, hope you feel better soon and nothing really awful shows up. Elizabeth, you too. Not a good time for lots of people to get sick. Or break bones.

I need to tidy up around here. My desk and a counter is covered in papers.

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 5:29 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
We've ordered pizza for dinner from another place (we are trying all the places in this area during the shut down.) This is a chain across the city that is held in high regard. We'll have to drive there.

The weather here has been dark and raining all day. When I went to bed last night, the bedroom was 15% humidity and 75 degrees. The wind changed so the room is down to 72 now and was at 48% humidity last time I checked. I'm hoping for a better sleep tonight!

Since I wasn't getting anything done, dh finished up the vacuuming, we changed the vacuum bags and filters (and I made a note on the packaging as to when and what I did so that from now on I know when to change things), and then I mopped the kitchen floor. Twice. The first time I rinsed out the laundry detergent bottle to use as a soap and it was too soapy so I had to rinse with clear water.

Then dgs wanted us to sing for him and he danced. We practiced a couple of the songs for our next song set as well as children's pieces.

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 5:36 pm
by Sunny
Hello everyone! It is a warm day here, 85* at the moment, a little breezy here today. We may have thunderstorms later on. I am taking a break from not doing much of anything. :roll:

Our county and those south of us are starting their openings today. Restaurants may open for outside dining, with extra space between tables. Churches may resume services with a restricted number attending and spaced seating. Non essential businesses (hair salons, retail, etc.) may open with limit of 50 customers; beauty shops are limited to number of customers at one time. Statistics for our county as of Fri., May 15th: 442 confirmed cases - +28.4%. 4 deaths - +100%. Counties north of us are not opening yet...too close to D.C./Baltimore area, etc. I think we are still going to hold back on going out, because the more that opens, more people will be out and about and numbers are bound to go up again.

Harmony, I'm so glad you were able to sell the truck and take care of all the paperwork so quickly.

Twins, now you can relax this evening!

Dee, I used to cut dson's hair when they were young, and still cut dh's hair. Just a basic guy's haircut, till they wanted more styling! Dh's was easier as he got older. There wasn't a lot left on the top, so he got a buzz-cut.

((Harriet and HRH)). on to the next memorable moment. HRH is a Gem!

(((Rose))), thinking good thoughts and sending best wishes your way.

I miss having my basic routines to do to keep my house clean and tidy. I do have certain routines, but it is mostly just personal care of myself and my clothes, monthly bills etc. There's not much I can take over here, with two/three other capable people here (and I don't want to "take over"). I still like the idea of following our Cleaning Focus, so after thinking it over, I might try to follow along just to keep myself active. I will work in the room/area listed and just do what I can, even if it is just sweeping the floor and dusting furniture. (I don't want to be the only one working...)

Dgd-H just stopped by...I'm going to see what's new with her.

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 6:08 pm
by LadyMaverick
Another day. Another storm. The repeating story of spring season in my state. In the past hour, we have got over 4" of heavy rain along with some dime size hail. I'm watching the storm chaser map showing the location of the vehicles around us as they are watching tornadoes come down out of the clouds and THANKFULLY not stay on the ground for long. I'm hopeful the heavy rain & hail didn't beat up the vegetable plants too bad. When it quits raining I'll go view the damage.

I think I'm done for today. I ate some processed carbs for the first time in 22 days and now my energy level is hovering around zero.

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 7:16 pm
by CathyS
Numerous hot pepper plants, sweet peppers plants, tomatoes, parsley, lemon grass (to help with mosquitoes hopefully) head lettuce, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, yellow beans, green beans and peas. Then we paid for our stuff at the exit from the veggie section and put everything in the truck. Then we went for other stuff. A sour cherry bush, (Name on tag was Romeo) so therefore I had to get the sweet cherry bush... (Juliet on the tag!) a purple butterfly bush. 2 red peonys, 2 dark red zinnias (?) pink phlox and a light purple phlox. A houseplant, and I forgot it's name. Wide dark green spikes with yellow along the edge of each spike.

They didn't have any raspberries, strawberries or seed potatoes.

Dh has a busy day ahead of him tomorrow!!

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 7:59 pm
by Lynlee
Lucylee - AFL = Aussie Rules - the fast, sleeveless shirt, high leaping one for taking marks(catching the ball on the full in the middle of a squish of people), and 2 sets of posts at the goal end for top 4 or token 1 points on scoring. US commentators didn't know what to make of it when it was one of the few things still happening before shut down. Oval oval for play.
NRL = rugby - No neck players, scrums, big on contact and brute force. 2 goal posts at either end. Bonus point for running with, touching down the ball over try line.
The World Cup every 4 years has more nations competing than one. This year's international play has hit a snag. That is called Union in its short form, slightly different rules. played in many counties - UK, Fr, SAfrica, NZ, Pacific Islands . Some of those may be mixed with Rugby in my mind. Super Sevens is a more modern variety / competition as well.
Pointy ball shape varies for all the above.
I haven't heard of the Soccer/round ball football quarter insisting to have games like the prev mentioned.
A League is played in different season?
No I don't especially watch or listen to games.

LadyM - re chia seed - yes to keeping movement happening - ;) . Also the high omega 3s is a proven / tested help for RA, not the oestio rhumatism kind, though I have that in many joints too since my 20s. Officially I don't have RA. Unofficially I've been one point off in test results, its in the family, and I've felt the help of omega 3s for decades - started on fish oils for MH, then went more ecologically sound. I prefer for my feet not to hurt when I stand. My family has multiple others dx'd with RA.

I need some Saturday Focus.
gusty blustery winds with blue sky and expected showers here.

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 8:29 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
How much chia seed per day? Dh has it daily, plus Omega 3 capsules. I just have the omega 3, due to brain injury.

Dinner is done, I'm still on the couch.

Re: Friday Focus

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 8:30 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Lynlee, you were up late and are here earlier than usual. Are you ok?